path: root/src/core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 4899 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a82e2bb..00000000
--- a/src/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Core class, splitted into smaller chunks
-from . core import Core
-from . structs import Command, Status, possible_show, DEPRECATED_ERRORS, \
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a636c1..00000000
--- a/src/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,999 +0,0 @@
-Global commands which are to be linked to the Core class
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-import os
-from datetime import datetime
-from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
-from slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase
-from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
-from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
-import common
-import fixes
-import pep
-import tabs
-from bookmarks import Bookmark
-from common import safeJID
-from config import config, DEFAULT_CONFIG, options as config_opts
-import multiuserchat as muc
-from plugin import PluginConfig
-from roster import roster
-from theming import dump_tuple, get_theme
-from decorators import command_args_parser
-from . structs import Command, possible_show
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 1)
-def command_help(self, args):
- """
- /help [command_name]
- """
- if not args:
- color = dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_HELP_COMMANDS)
- acc = []
- buff = ['Global commands:']
- for command in self.commands:
- if isinstance(self.commands[command], Command):
- acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o - %s' % (
- color,
- command,
- self.commands[command].short))
- else:
- acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, command))
- acc = sorted(acc)
- buff.extend(acc)
- acc = []
- buff.append('Tab-specific commands:')
- commands = self.current_tab().commands
- for command in commands:
- if isinstance(commands[command], Command):
- acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o - %s' % (
- color,
- command,
- commands[command].short))
- else:
- acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, command))
- acc = sorted(acc)
- buff.extend(acc)
- msg = '\n'.join(buff)
- msg += "\nType /help <command_name> to know what each command does"
- else:
- command = args[0].lstrip('/').strip()
- if command in self.current_tab().commands:
- tup = self.current_tab().commands[command]
- elif command in self.commands:
- tup = self.commands[command]
- else:
- self.information('Unknown command: %s' % command, 'Error')
- return
- if isinstance(tup, Command):
- msg = 'Usage: /%s %s\n' % (command, tup.usage)
- msg += tup.desc
- else:
- msg = tup[1]
- self.information(msg, 'Help')
-def command_runkey(self, args):
- """
- /runkey <key>
- """
- def replace_line_breaks(key):
- "replace ^J with \n"
- if key == '^J':
- return '\n'
- return key
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('runkey')
- char = args[0]
- func = self.key_func.get(char, None)
- if func:
- func()
- else:
- res = self.do_command(replace_line_breaks(char), False)
- if res:
- self.refresh_window()
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1, [None])
-def command_status(self, args):
- """
- /status <status> [msg]
- """
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('status')
- if not args[0] in possible_show.keys():
- return self.command_help('status')
- show = possible_show[args[0]]
- msg = args[1]
- pres = self.xmpp.make_presence()
- if msg:
- pres['status'] = msg
- pres['type'] = show
-'send_normal_presence', pres)
- pres.send()
- current = self.current_tab()
- is_muctab = isinstance(current, tabs.MucTab)
- if is_muctab and current.joined and show in ('away', 'xa'):
- current.send_chat_state('inactive')
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) and tab.joined:
- muc.change_show(self.xmpp,, tab.own_nick, show, msg)
- if hasattr(tab, 'directed_presence'):
- del tab.directed_presence
- self.set_status(show, msg)
- if is_muctab and current.joined and show not in ('away', 'xa'):
- current.send_chat_state('active')
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 2, [None, None])
-def command_presence(self, args):
- """
- /presence <JID> [type] [status]
- """
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('presence')
- jid, type, status = args[0], args[1], args[2]
- if jid == '.' and isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.ChatTab):
- jid = self.current_tab().name
- if type == 'available':
- type = None
- try:
- pres = self.xmpp.make_presence(pto=jid, ptype=type, pstatus=status)
-'send_normal_presence', pres)
- pres.send()
- except:
- self.information('Could not send directed presence', 'Error')
- log.debug('Could not send directed presence to %s', jid, exc_info=True)
- return
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid)
- if tab:
- if type in ('xa', 'away'):
- tab.directed_presence = False
- chatstate = 'inactive'
- else:
- tab.directed_presence = True
- chatstate = 'active'
- if tab == self.current_tab():
- tab.send_chat_state(chatstate, True)
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
- for private in tab.privates:
- private.directed_presence = tab.directed_presence
- if self.current_tab() in tab.privates:
- self.current_tab().send_chat_state(chatstate, True)
-def command_theme(self, args=None):
- """/theme <theme name>"""
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('theme')
- self.command_set('theme %s' % (args[0],))
-def command_win(self, args):
- """
- /win <number>
- """
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('win')
- nb = args[0]
- try:
- nb = int(nb)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- if self.current_tab_nb == nb:
- return
- self.previous_tab_nb = self.current_tab_nb
- old_tab = self.current_tab()
- if isinstance(nb, int):
- if 0 <= nb < len(self.tabs):
- if not self.tabs[nb]:
- return
- self.current_tab_nb = nb
- else:
- matchs = []
- for tab in self.tabs:
- for name in tab.matching_names():
- if nb.lower() in name[1].lower():
- matchs.append((name[0], tab))
- self.current_tab_nb = tab.nb
- if not matchs:
- return
- tab = min(matchs, key=lambda m: m[0])[1]
- self.current_tab_nb = tab.nb
- old_tab.on_lose_focus()
- self.current_tab().on_gain_focus()
- self.refresh_window()
-def command_move_tab(self, args):
- """
- /move_tab old_pos new_pos
- """
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('move_tab')
- current_tab = self.current_tab()
- if args[0] == '.':
- args[0] = current_tab.nb
- if args[1] == '.':
- args[1] = current_tab.nb
- def get_nb_from_value(value):
- "parse the cmdline to guess the tab the users wants"
- ref = None
- try:
- ref = int(value)
- except ValueError:
- old_tab = None
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if not old_tab and value ==
- old_tab = tab
- if not old_tab:
- self.information("Tab %s does not exist" % args[0], "Error")
- return None
- ref = old_tab.nb
- return ref
- old = get_nb_from_value(args[0])
- new = get_nb_from_value(args[1])
- if new is None or old is None:
- return self.information('Unable to move the tab.', 'Info')
- result = self.insert_tab(old, new)
- if not result:
- self.information('Unable to move the tab.', 'Info')
- else:
- self.current_tab_nb = self.tabs.index(current_tab)
- self.refresh_window()
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 1)
-def command_list(self, args):
- """
- /list [server]
- Opens a MucListTab containing the list of the room in the specified server
- """
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('list')
- elif args:
- jid = safeJID(args[0])
- else:
- if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
- return self.information('Please provide a server', 'Error')
- jid = safeJID(self.current_tab().name).server
- list_tab = tabs.MucListTab(jid)
- self.add_tab(list_tab, True)
- cb = list_tab.on_muc_list_item_received
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_items(jid=jid,
- callback=cb)
-def command_version(self, args):
- """
- /version <jid>
- """
- def callback(res):
- "Callback for /version"
- if not res:
- return self.information('Could not get the software'
- ' version from %s' % jid,
- 'Warning')
- version = '%s is running %s version %s on %s' % (
- jid,
- res.get('name') or 'an unknown software',
- res.get('version') or 'unknown',
- res.get('os') or 'an unknown platform')
- self.information(version, 'Info')
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('version')
- jid = safeJID(args[0])
- if jid.resource or jid not in roster:
- fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, jid, callback=callback)
- elif jid in roster:
- for resource in roster[jid].resources:
- fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, resource.jid, callback=callback)
- else:
- fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, jid, callback=callback)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 2)
-def command_join(self, args):
- """
- /join [room][/nick] [password]
- """
- password = None
- if len(args) == 0:
- tab = self.current_tab()
- if not isinstance(tab, (tabs.MucTab, tabs.PrivateTab)):
- return
- room = safeJID(
- nick = tab.own_nick
- else:
- if args[0].startswith('@'): # we try to join a server directly
- server_root = True
- info = safeJID(args[0][1:])
- else:
- info = safeJID(args[0])
- server_root = False
- if info == '' and len(args[0]) > 1 and args[0][0] == '/':
- nick = args[0][1:]
- elif info.resource == '':
- nick = self.own_nick
- else:
- nick = info.resource
- if info.bare == '': # happens with /join /nickname, which is OK
- tab = self.current_tab()
- if not isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
- return
- room =
- if nick == '':
- nick = tab.own_nick
- else:
- room = info.bare
- # no server is provided, like "/join hello":
- # use the server of the current room if available
- # check if the current room's name has a server
- if room.find('@') == -1 and not server_root:
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab) and\
- self.current_tab().name.find('@') != -1:
- domain = safeJID(self.current_tab().name).domain
- room += '@%s' % domain
- else:
- room = args[0]
- room = room.lower()
- if room in self.pending_invites:
- del self.pending_invites[room]
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room, tabs.MucTab)
- if tab is not None:
- self.focus_tab_named(
- if tab.own_nick == nick and tab.joined:
- self.information('/join: Nothing to do.', 'Info')
- else:
- tab.command_part('')
- tab.own_nick = nick
- tab.join()
- return
- if room.startswith('@'):
- room = room[1:]
- if len(args) == 2: # a password is provided
- password = args[1]
- if password is None: # try to use a saved password
- password = config.get_by_tabname('password', room, fallback=False)
- if tab is not None:
- if password:
- tab.password = password
- tab.join()
- else:
- tab = self.open_new_room(room, nick, password=password)
- tab.join()
- if tab.joined:
- self.enable_private_tabs(room)
- tab.state = "normal"
- if tab == self.current_tab():
- tab.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 2)
-def command_bookmark_local(self, args):
- """
- /bookmark_local [room][/nick] [password]
- """
- if not args and not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
- return
- password = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
- jid = args[0] if args else None
- _add_bookmark(self, jid, True, password, 'local')
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 3)
-def command_bookmark(self, args):
- """
- /bookmark [room][/nick] [autojoin] [password]
- """
- if not args and not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
- return
- jid = args[0] if args else ''
- password = args[2] if len(args) > 2 else None
- if not config.get('use_remote_bookmarks'):
- return _add_bookmark(self, jid, True, password, 'local')
- if len(args) > 1:
- autojoin = False if args[1].lower() != 'true' else True
- else:
- autojoin = True
- _add_bookmark(self, jid, autojoin, password, 'remote')
-def _add_bookmark(self, jid, autojoin, password, method):
- nick = None
- if not jid:
- tab = self.current_tab()
- roomname =
- if tab.joined and tab.own_nick != self.own_nick:
- nick = tab.own_nick
- if password is None and tab.password is not None:
- password = tab.password
- elif jid == '*':
- return _add_wildcard_bookmarks(self, method)
- else:
- info = safeJID(jid)
- roomname, nick = info.bare, info.resource
- if roomname == '':
- if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
- return
- roomname = self.current_tab().name
- bookmark = self.bookmarks[roomname]
- if bookmark is None:
- bookmark = Bookmark(roomname)
- self.bookmarks.append(bookmark)
- bookmark.method = method
- bookmark.autojoin = autojoin
- if nick:
- bookmark.nick = nick
- if password:
- bookmark.password = password
- def callback(iq):
- if iq["type"] != "error":
- self.information('Bookmark added.', 'Info')
- else:
- self.information("Could not add the bookmarks.", "Info")
- self.bookmarks.save_local()
- self.bookmarks.save_remote(self.xmpp, callback)
-def _add_wildcard_bookmarks(self, method):
- new_bookmarks = []
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- bookmark = self.bookmarks[]
- if not bookmark:
- bookmark = Bookmark(, autojoin=True,
- method=method)
- new_bookmarks.append(bookmark)
- else:
- bookmark.method = method
- new_bookmarks.append(bookmark)
- self.bookmarks.remove(bookmark)
- new_bookmarks.extend(self.bookmarks.bookmarks)
- self.bookmarks.set(new_bookmarks)
- def _cb(iq):
- if iq["type"] != "error":
- self.information("Bookmarks saved.", "Info")
- else:
- self.information("Could not save the remote bookmarks.", "Info")
- self.bookmarks.save_local()
- self.bookmarks.save_remote(self.xmpp, _cb)
-def command_bookmarks(self):
- """/bookmarks"""
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name('Bookmarks', tabs.BookmarksTab)
- old_tab = self.current_tab()
- if tab:
- self.current_tab_nb = tab.nb
- else:
- tab = tabs.BookmarksTab(self.bookmarks)
- self.tabs.append(tab)
- self.current_tab_nb = tab.nb
- old_tab.on_lose_focus()
- tab.on_gain_focus()
- self.refresh_window()
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 1)
-def command_remove_bookmark(self, args):
- """/remove_bookmark [jid]"""
- def cb(success):
- if success:
- self.information('Bookmark deleted', 'Info')
- else:
- self.information('Error while deleting the bookmark', 'Error')
- if not args:
- tab = self.current_tab()
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) and self.bookmarks[]:
- self.bookmarks.remove(
-, callback=cb)
- else:
- self.information('No bookmark to remove', 'Info')
- else:
- if self.bookmarks[args[0]]:
- self.bookmarks.remove(args[0])
-, callback=cb)
- else:
- self.information('No bookmark to remove', 'Info')
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 3)
-def command_set(self, args):
- """
- /set [module|][section] <option> [value]
- """
- if args is None or len(args) == 0:
- config_dict = config.to_dict()
- lines = []
- theme = get_theme()
- for section_name, section in config_dict.items():
- lines.append('\x19%(section_col)s}[%(section)s]\x19o' %
- {
- 'section': section_name,
- 'section_col': dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT),
- })
- for option_name, option_value in section.items():
- lines.append('%s\x19%s}=\x19o%s' % (option_name,
- dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_REVISIONS_MESSAGE),
- option_value))
- info = ('Current options:\n%s' % '\n'.join(lines), 'Info')
- elif len(args) == 1:
- option = args[0]
- value = config.get(option)
- if value is None and '=' in option:
- args = option.split('=', 1)
- info = ('%s=%s' % (option, value), 'Info')
- if len(args) == 2:
- if '|' in args[0]:
- plugin_name, section = args[0].split('|')[:2]
- if not section:
- section = plugin_name
- option = args[1]
- if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
- file_name = self.plugin_manager.plugins_conf_dir
- file_name = os.path.join(file_name, plugin_name + '.cfg')
- plugin_config = PluginConfig(file_name, plugin_name)
- else:
- plugin_config = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name].config
- value = plugin_config.get(option, default='', section=section)
- info = ('%s=%s' % (option, value), 'Info')
- else:
- possible_section = args[0]
- if config.has_section(possible_section):
- section = possible_section
- option = args[1]
- value = config.get(option, section=section)
- info = ('%s=%s' % (option, value), 'Info')
- else:
- option = args[0]
- value = args[1]
- info = config.set_and_save(option, value)
- self.trigger_configuration_change(option, value)
- elif len(args) == 3:
- if '|' in args[0]:
- plugin_name, section = args[0].split('|')[:2]
- if not section:
- section = plugin_name
- option = args[1]
- value = args[2]
- if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
- file_name = self.plugin_manager.plugins_conf_dir
- file_name = os.path.join(file_name, plugin_name + '.cfg')
- plugin_config = PluginConfig(file_name, plugin_name)
- else:
- plugin_config = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name].config
- info = plugin_config.set_and_save(option, value, section)
- else:
- if args[0] == '.':
- name = safeJID(self.current_tab().name).bare
- if not name:
- self.information('Invalid tab to use the "." argument.',
- 'Error')
- return
- section = name
- else:
- section = args[0]
- option = args[1]
- value = args[2]
- info = config.set_and_save(option, value, section)
- self.trigger_configuration_change(option, value)
- elif len(args) > 3:
- return self.command_help('set')
- self.information(*info)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 2)
-def command_set_default(self, args):
- """
- /set_default [section] <option>
- """
- if len(args) == 1:
- option = args[0]
- section = 'Poezio'
- elif len(args) == 2:
- section = args[0]
- option = args[1]
- else:
- return self.command_help('set_default')
- default_config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.get(section, tuple())
- if option not in default_config:
- info = ("Option %s has no default value" % (option), "Error")
- return self.information(*info)
- self.command_set('%s %s %s' % (section, option, default_config[option]))
-def command_toggle(self, args):
- """
- /toggle <option>
- shortcut for /set <option> toggle
- """
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('toggle')
- if args[0]:
- self.command_set('%s toggle' % args[0])
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1)
-def command_server_cycle(self, args):
- """
- Do a /cycle on each room of the given server.
- If none, do it on the current tab
- """
- tab = self.current_tab()
- message = ""
- if args:
- domain = args[0]
- if len(args) == 2:
- message = args[1]
- else:
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
- domain = safeJID(
- else:
- return self.information("No server specified", "Error")
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- if
- if tab.joined:
- muc.leave_groupchat(tab.core.xmpp,
- tab.own_nick,
- message)
- tab.joined = False
- if == domain:
- self.command_join('"@%s/%s"' %(, tab.own_nick))
- else:
- self.command_join('"%s/%s"' %(, tab.own_nick))
-def command_last_activity(self, args):
- """
- /last_activity <jid>
- """
- def callback(iq):
- "Callback for the last activity"
- if iq['type'] != 'result':
- if iq['error']['type'] == 'auth':
- self.information('You are not allowed to see the '
- 'activity of this contact.',
- 'Error')
- else:
- self.information('Error retrieving the activity', 'Error')
- return
- seconds = iq['last_activity']['seconds']
- status = iq['last_activity']['status']
- from_ = iq['from']
- if not safeJID(from_).user:
- msg = 'The uptime of %s is %s.' % (
- from_,
- common.parse_secs_to_str(seconds))
- else:
- msg = 'The last activity of %s was %s ago%s' % (
- from_,
- common.parse_secs_to_str(seconds),
- (' and his/her last status was %s' % status) if status else '')
- self.information(msg, 'Info')
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('last_activity')
- jid = safeJID(args[0])
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0012'].get_last_activity(jid,
- callback=callback)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 2)
-def command_mood(self, args):
- """
- /mood [<mood> [text]]
- """
- if not args:
- return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].stop()
- mood = args[0]
- if mood not in pep.MOODS:
- return self.information('%s is not a correct value for a mood.'
- % mood,
- 'Error')
- if len(args) == 2:
- text = args[1]
- else:
- text = None
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].publish_mood(mood, text,
- callback=dumb_callback)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 3)
-def command_activity(self, args):
- """
- /activity [<general> [specific] [text]]
- """
- length = len(args)
- if not length:
- return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].stop()
- general = args[0]
- if general not in pep.ACTIVITIES:
- return self.information('%s is not a correct value for an activity'
- % general,
- 'Error')
- specific = None
- text = None
- if length == 2:
- if args[1] in pep.ACTIVITIES[general]:
- specific = args[1]
- else:
- text = args[1]
- elif length == 3:
- specific = args[1]
- text = args[2]
- if specific and specific not in pep.ACTIVITIES[general]:
- return self.information('%s is not a correct value '
- 'for an activity' % specific,
- 'Error')
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].publish_activity(general, specific, text,
- callback=dumb_callback)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 2)
-def command_gaming(self, args):
- """
- /gaming [<game name> [server address]]
- """
- if not args:
- return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].stop()
- name = args[0]
- if len(args) > 1:
- address = args[1]
- else:
- address = None
- return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].publish_gaming(name=name,
- server_address=address,
- callback=dumb_callback)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(2, 1, [None])
-def command_invite(self, args):
- """/invite <to> <room> [reason]"""
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('invite')
- reason = args[2]
- to = safeJID(args[0])
- room = safeJID(args[1]).bare
- self.invite(to.full, room, reason=reason)
- self.information('Invited %s to %s' % (to.bare, room), 'Info')
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1, [''])
-def command_decline(self, args):
- """/decline <room@server.tld> [reason]"""
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('decline')
- jid = safeJID(args[0])
- if jid.bare not in self.pending_invites:
- return
- reason = args[1]
- del self.pending_invites[jid.bare]
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].decline_invite(jid.bare,
- self.pending_invites[jid.bare],
- reason)
-### Commands without a completion in this class ###
-def command_invitations(self):
- """/invitations"""
- build = ""
- for invite in self.pending_invites:
- build += "%s by %s" % (invite,
- safeJID(self.pending_invites[invite]).bare)
- if self.pending_invites:
- build = "You are invited to the following rooms:\n" + build
- else:
- build = "You do not have any pending invitations."
- self.information(build, 'Info')
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 1, [None])
-def command_quit(self, args):
- """
- /quit [message]
- """
- if not self.xmpp.is_connected():
- self.exit()
- return
- msg = args[0]
- if config.get('enable_user_mood'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].stop()
- if config.get('enable_user_activity'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].stop()
- if config.get('enable_user_gaming'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].stop()
- self.save_config()
- self.plugin_manager.disable_plugins()
- self.disconnect(msg)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("disconnected", self.exit, disposable=True)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(0, 1, [''])
-def command_destroy_room(self, args):
- """
- /destroy_room [JID]
- """
- room = safeJID(args[0]).bare
- if room:
- muc.destroy_room(self.xmpp, room)
- elif isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab) and not args[0]:
- muc.destroy_room(self.xmpp, self.current_tab().general_jid)
- else:
- self.information('Invalid JID: "%s"' % args[0], 'Error')
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1, [''])
-def command_bind(self, args):
- """
- Bind a key.
- """
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('bind')
- if not config.silent_set(args[0], args[1], section='bindings'):
- self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error')
- if args[1]:
- self.information('%s is now bound to %s' % (args[0], args[1]), 'Info')
- else:
- self.information('%s is now unbound' % args[0], 'Info')
-def command_rawxml(self, args):
- """
- /rawxml <xml stanza>
- """
- if not args:
- return
- stanza = args
- try:
- stanza = StanzaBase(self.xmpp, xml=ET.fromstring(stanza))
- if stanza.xml.tag == 'iq' and stanza.xml.attrib.get('type') in ('get', 'set'):
- iq_id = stanza.xml.attrib.get('id')
- if not iq_id:
- iq_id = self.xmpp.new_id()
- stanza['id'] = iq_id
- def iqfunc(iq):
- "handler for an iq reply"
- self.information('%s' % iq, 'Iq')
- self.xmpp.remove_handler('Iq %s' % iq_id)
- self.xmpp.register_handler(
- Callback('Iq %s' % iq_id,
- StanzaPath('iq@id=%s' % iq_id),
- iqfunc
- )
- )
- log.debug('handler')
- log.debug('%s %s', stanza.xml.tag, stanza.xml.attrib)
- stanza.send()
- except:
- self.information('Could not send custom stanza', 'Error')
- log.debug('/rawxml: Could not send custom stanza (%s)',
- repr(stanza),
- exc_info=True)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 256)
-def command_load(self, args):
- """
- /load <plugin> [<otherplugin> …]
- # TODO: being able to load more than 256 plugins at once, hihi.
- """
- for plugin in args:
- self.plugin_manager.load(plugin)
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 256)
-def command_unload(self, args):
- """
- /unload <plugin> [<otherplugin> …]
- """
- for plugin in args:
- self.plugin_manager.unload(plugin)
-def command_plugins(self):
- """
- /plugins
- """
- self.information("Plugins currently in use: %s" %
- repr(list(self.plugin_manager.plugins.keys())),
- 'Info')
-@command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1)
-def command_message(self, args):
- """
- /message <jid> [message]
- """
- if args is None:
- return self.command_help('message')
- jid = safeJID(args[0])
- if not jid.user and not jid.domain and not jid.resource:
- return self.information('Invalid JID.', 'Error')
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid.full, False, fallback_barejid=False)
- muc = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, typ=tabs.MucTab)
- if not tab and not muc:
- tab = self.open_conversation_window(jid.full, focus=True)
- elif muc:
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, typ=tabs.PrivateTab)
- if tab:
- self.focus_tab_named(
- else:
- tab = self.open_private_window(jid.bare, jid.resource)
- else:
- self.focus_tab_named(
- if len(args) == 2:
- tab.command_say(args[1])
-def command_xml_tab(self):
- """/xml_tab"""
- xml_tab = self.focus_tab_named('XMLTab', tabs.XMLTab)
- if not xml_tab:
- tab = tabs.XMLTab()
- self.add_tab(tab, True)
- self.xml_tab = tab
-def command_adhoc(self, args):
- if not args:
- return self.command_help('ad-hoc')
- jid = safeJID(args[0])
- list_tab = tabs.AdhocCommandsListTab(jid)
- self.add_tab(list_tab, True)
- cb = list_tab.on_list_received
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].get_commands(jid=jid, local=False,
- callback=cb)
-def command_self(self):
- """
- /self
- """
- status = self.get_status()
- show, message =, status.message
- nick = self.own_nick
- jid = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- info = ('Your JID is %s\nYour current status is "%s" (%s)'
- '\nYour default nickname is %s\nYou are running poezio %s' % (
- jid,
- message if message else '',
- show if show else 'available',
- nick,
- config_opts.version))
- self.information(info, 'Info')
-def command_reload(self):
- """
- /reload
- """
- self.reload_config()
-def dumb_callback(*args, **kwargs):
- "mock callback"
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-Completions for the global commands
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-import os
-from functools import reduce
-import common
-import pep
-import tabs
-from common import safeJID
-from config import config
-from roster import roster
-from . structs import possible_show
-def completion_help(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /help."""
- commands = sorted(self.commands.keys()) + sorted(self.current_tab().commands.keys())
- return the_input.new_completion(commands, 1, quotify=False)
-def completion_status(self, the_input):
- """
- Completion of /status
- """
- if the_input.get_argument_position() == 1:
- return the_input.new_completion([status for status in possible_show], 1, ' ', quotify=False)
-def completion_presence(self, the_input):
- """
- Completion of /presence
- """
- arg = the_input.get_argument_position()
- if arg == 1:
- return the_input.auto_completion([jid for jid in roster.jids()], '', quotify=True)
- elif arg == 2:
- return the_input.auto_completion([status for status in possible_show], '', quotify=True)
-def completion_theme(self, the_input):
- """ Completion for /theme"""
- themes_dir = config.get('themes_dir')
- themes_dir = themes_dir or\
- os.path.join(os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME') or\
- os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.local', 'share'),
- 'poezio', 'themes')
- themes_dir = os.path.expanduser(themes_dir)
- try:
- names = os.listdir(themes_dir)
- except OSError as e:
- log.error('Completion for /theme failed', exc_info=True)
- return
- theme_files = [name[:-3] for name in names if name.endswith('.py') and name != '']
- if not 'default' in theme_files:
- theme_files.append('default')
- return the_input.new_completion(theme_files, 1, '', quotify=False)
-def completion_win(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /win"""
- l = []
- for tab in self.tabs:
- l.extend(tab.matching_names())
- l = [i[1] for i in l]
- return the_input.new_completion(l, 1, '', quotify=False)
-def completion_join(self, the_input):
- """
- Completion for /join
- Try to complete the MUC JID:
- if only a resource is provided, complete with the default nick
- if only a server is provided, complete with the rooms from the
- disco#items of that server
- if only a nodepart is provided, complete with the servers of the
- current joined rooms
- """
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
- if n != 1:
- # we are not on the 1st argument of the command line
- return False
- if len(args) == 1:
- args.append('')
- jid = safeJID(args[1])
- if args[1].endswith('@') and not jid.user and not jid.server:
- jid.user = args[1][:-1]
- relevant_rooms = []
- relevant_rooms.extend(sorted(self.pending_invites.keys()))
- bookmarks = {str(elem.jid): False for elem in self.bookmarks}
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- name =
- if name in bookmarks and not tab.joined:
- bookmarks[name] = True
- relevant_rooms.extend(sorted(room[0] for room in bookmarks.items() if room[1]))
- if the_input.last_completion:
- return the_input.new_completion([], 1, quotify=True)
- if jid.user:
- # we are writing the server: complete the server
- serv_list = []
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- if tab.joined:
- serv_list.append('%s@%s'% (jid.user, safeJID(
- serv_list.extend(relevant_rooms)
- return the_input.new_completion(serv_list, 1, quotify=True)
- elif args[1].startswith('/'):
- # we completing only a resource
- return the_input.new_completion(['/%s' % self.own_nick], 1, quotify=True)
- else:
- return the_input.new_completion(relevant_rooms, 1, quotify=True)
-def completion_version(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /version"""
- comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), [])
- return the_input.new_completion(sorted(comp), 1, quotify=False)
-def completion_list(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /list"""
- muc_serv_list = []
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): # TODO, also from an history
- if not in muc_serv_list:
- muc_serv_list.append(safeJID(
- if muc_serv_list:
- return the_input.new_completion(muc_serv_list, 1, quotify=False)
-def completion_move_tab(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /move_tab"""
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- if n == 1:
- nodes = [ for tab in self.tabs if tab]
- nodes.remove('Roster')
- return the_input.new_completion(nodes, 1, ' ', quotify=True)
-def completion_runkey(self, the_input):
- """
- Completion for /runkey
- """
- list_ = []
- list_.extend(self.key_func.keys())
- list_.extend(self.current_tab().key_func.keys())
- return the_input.new_completion(list_, 1, quotify=False)
-def completion_bookmark(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /bookmark"""
- args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- if n == 2:
- return the_input.new_completion(['true', 'false'], 2, quotify=True)
- if n >= 3:
- return
- if len(args) == 1:
- args.append('')
- jid = safeJID(args[1])
- if jid.server and (jid.resource or jid.full.endswith('/')):
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.MucTab)
- nicks = [tab.own_nick] if tab else []
- default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio'
- nick = config.get('default_nick')
- if not nick:
- if not default in nicks:
- nicks.append(default)
- else:
- if not nick in nicks:
- nicks.append(nick)
- jids_list = ['%s/%s' % (jid.bare, nick) for nick in nicks]
- return the_input.new_completion(jids_list, 1, quotify=True)
- muc_list = [ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab)]
- muc_list.sort()
- muc_list.append('*')
- return the_input.new_completion(muc_list, 1, quotify=True)
-def completion_remove_bookmark(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /remove_bookmark"""
- return the_input.new_completion([bm.jid for bm in self.bookmarks], 1, quotify=False)
-def completion_decline(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /decline"""
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- if n == 1:
- return the_input.auto_completion(sorted(self.pending_invites.keys()), 1, '', quotify=True)
-def completion_bind(self, the_input):
- n = the_input.get_argument_position()
- if n == 1:
- args = [key for key in self.key_func if not key.startswith('_')]
- elif n == 2:
- args = [key for key in self.key_func]
- else:
- return
- return the_input.new_completion(args, n, '', quotify=False)
-def completion_message(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /message"""
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- if n >= 2:
- return
- l = []
- for jid in roster.jids():
- if len(roster[jid]):
- l.append(jid)
- for resource in roster[jid].resources:
- l.append(resource.jid)
- return the_input.new_completion(l, 1, '', quotify=True)
-def completion_invite(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /invite"""
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- if n == 1:
- comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), [])
- comp = sorted(comp)
- bares = sorted(roster[contact].bare_jid for contact in roster.jids() if len(roster[contact]))
- off = sorted(jid for jid in roster.jids() if jid not in bares)
- comp = comp + bares + off
- return the_input.new_completion(comp, n, quotify=True)
- elif n == 2:
- rooms = []
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- if tab.joined:
- rooms.append(
- rooms.sort()
- return the_input.new_completion(rooms, n, '', quotify=True)
-def completion_activity(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /activity"""
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
- if n == 1:
- return the_input.new_completion(sorted(pep.ACTIVITIES.keys()), n, quotify=True)
- elif n == 2:
- if args[1] in pep.ACTIVITIES:
- l = list(pep.ACTIVITIES[args[1]])
- l.remove('category')
- l.sort()
- return the_input.new_completion(l, n, quotify=True)
-def completion_mood(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /mood"""
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- if n == 1:
- return the_input.new_completion(sorted(pep.MOODS.keys()), 1, quotify=True)
-def completion_last_activity(self, the_input):
- """
- Completion for /last_activity <jid>
- """
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=False)
- if n >= 2:
- return
- comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), [])
- return the_input.new_completion(sorted(comp), 1, '', quotify=False)
-def completion_server_cycle(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /server_cycle"""
- serv_list = set()
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- serv = safeJID(
- serv_list.add(serv)
- return the_input.new_completion(sorted(serv_list), 1, ' ')
-def completion_set(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /set"""
- args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- if n >= len(args):
- args.append('')
- if n == 1:
- if '|' in args[1]:
- plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2]
- if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
- return the_input.new_completion([], n, quotify=True)
- plugin = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name]
- end_list = ['%s|%s' % (plugin_name, section) for section in plugin.config.sections()]
- else:
- end_list = set(config.options('Poezio'))
- end_list.update(config.default.get('Poezio', {}))
- end_list = list(end_list)
- end_list.sort()
- elif n == 2:
- if '|' in args[1]:
- plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2]
- if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
- return the_input.new_completion([''], n, quotify=True)
- plugin = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name]
- end_list = set(plugin.config.options(section or plugin_name))
- if plugin.config.default:
- end_list.update(plugin.config.default.get(section or plugin_name, {}))
- end_list = list(end_list)
- end_list.sort()
- elif not config.has_option('Poezio', args[1]):
- if config.has_section(args[1]):
- end_list = config.options(args[1])
- end_list.append('')
- else:
- end_list = []
- else:
- end_list = [str(config.get(args[1], '')), '']
- elif n == 3:
- if '|' in args[1]:
- plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2]
- if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
- return the_input.new_completion([''], n, quotify=True)
- plugin = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name]
- end_list = [str(plugin.config.get(args[2], '', section or plugin_name)), '']
- else:
- if not config.has_section(args[1]):
- end_list = ['']
- else:
- end_list = [str(config.get(args[2], '', args[1])), '']
- else:
- return
- return the_input.new_completion(end_list, n, quotify=True)
-def completion_set_default(self, the_input):
- """ Completion for /set_default
- """
- args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- if n >= len(args):
- args.append('')
- if n == 1 or (n == 2 and config.has_section(args[1])):
- return self.completion_set(the_input)
- return []
-def completion_toggle(self, the_input):
- "Completion for /toggle"
- return the_input.new_completion(config.options('Poezio'), 1, quotify=False)
-def completion_bookmark_local(self, the_input):
- """Completion for /bookmark_local"""
- n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
- args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
- if n >= 2:
- return
- if len(args) == 1:
- args.append('')
- jid = safeJID(args[1])
- if jid.server and (jid.resource or jid.full.endswith('/')):
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.MucTab)
- nicks = [tab.own_nick] if tab else []
- default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio'
- nick = config.get('default_nick')
- if not nick:
- if not default in nicks:
- nicks.append(default)
- else:
- if not nick in nicks:
- nicks.append(nick)
- jids_list = ['%s/%s' % (jid.bare, nick) for nick in nicks]
- return the_input.new_completion(jids_list, 1, quotify=True)
- muc_list = [ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab)]
- muc_list.append('*')
- return the_input.new_completion(muc_list, 1, quotify=True)
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deleted file mode 100644
index f32099f1..00000000
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-Module defining the Core class, which is the central orchestrator
-of poezio and contains the main loop, the list of tabs, sets the state
-of everything; it also contains global commands, completions and event
-handlers but those are defined in submodules in order to avoir cluttering
-this file.
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-import asyncio
-import shutil
-import curses
-import os
-import pipes
-import sys
-import time
-from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
-import connection
-import decorators
-import events
-import singleton
-import tabs
-import theming
-import timed_events
-import windows
-from bookmarks import BookmarkList
-from common import safeJID
-from config import config, firstrun
-from contact import Contact, Resource
-from daemon import Executor
-from fifo import Fifo
-from logger import logger
-from plugin_manager import PluginManager
-from roster import roster
-from size_manager import SizeManager
-from text_buffer import TextBuffer
-from theming import get_theme
-import keyboard
-from . import completions
-from . import commands
-from . import handlers
-from . structs import possible_show, DEPRECATED_ERRORS, \
-class Core(object):
- """
- “Main” class of poezion
- """
- def __init__(self):
- # All uncaught exception are given to this callback, instead
- # of being displayed on the screen and exiting the program.
- sys.excepthook = self.on_exception
- self.connection_time = time.time()
- self.stdscr = None
- status = config.get('status')
- status = possible_show.get(status, None)
- self.status = Status(show=status,
- message=config.get('status_message'))
- self.running = True
- self.xmpp = singleton.Singleton(connection.Connection)
- self.xmpp.core = self
- self.keyboard = keyboard.Keyboard()
- roster.set_node(self.xmpp.client_roster)
- decorators.refresh_wrapper.core = self
- self.bookmarks = BookmarkList()
- self.debug = False
- self.remote_fifo = None
- # a unique buffer used to store global informations
- # that are displayed in almost all tabs, in an
- # information window.
- self.information_buffer = TextBuffer()
- self.information_win_size = config.get('info_win_height', section='var')
- self.information_win = windows.TextWin(300)
- self.information_buffer.add_window(self.information_win)
- self.left_tab_win = None
- self.tab_win = windows.GlobalInfoBar()
- # Whether the XML tab is opened
- self.xml_tab = None
- self.xml_buffer = TextBuffer()
- self.tabs = []
- self._current_tab_nb = 0
- self.previous_tab_nb = 0
- own_nick = config.get('default_nick')
- own_nick = own_nick or self.xmpp.boundjid.user
- own_nick = own_nick or os.environ.get('USER')
- own_nick = own_nick or 'poezio'
- self.own_nick = own_nick
- self.plugins_autoloaded = False
- self.plugin_manager = PluginManager(self)
- = events.EventHandler()
- self.size = SizeManager(self, windows.Win)
- # Set to True whenever we consider that we have been disconnected
- # from the server because of a legitimate reason (bad credentials,
- # or explicit disconnect from the user for example), in that case we
- # should not try to auto-reconnect, even if auto_reconnect is true
- # in the user config.
- self.legitimate_disconnect = False
- # global commands, available from all tabs
- # a command is tuple of the form:
- # (the function executing the command. Takes a string as argument,
- # a string representing the help message,
- # a completion function, taking a Input as argument. Can be None)
- # The completion function should return True if a completion was
- # made ; False otherwise
- self.commands = {}
- self.register_initial_commands()
- # We are invisible
- if not config.get('send_initial_presence'):
- del self.commands['status']
- del self.commands['show']
- # A list of integers. For example if the user presses Alt+j, 2, 1,
- # we will insert 2, then 1 in that list, and we will finally build
- # the number 21 and use it with command_win, before clearing the
- # list.
- self.room_number_jump = []
- self.key_func = KeyDict()
- # Key bindings associated with handlers
- # and pseudo-keys used to map actions below.
- key_func = {
- "KEY_PPAGE": self.scroll_page_up,
- "KEY_NPAGE": self.scroll_page_down,
- "^B": self.scroll_line_up,
- "^F": self.scroll_line_down,
- "^X": self.scroll_half_down,
- "^S": self.scroll_half_up,
- "KEY_F(5)": self.rotate_rooms_left,
- "^P": self.rotate_rooms_left,
- "M-[-D": self.rotate_rooms_left,
- 'kLFT3': self.rotate_rooms_left,
- "KEY_F(6)": self.rotate_rooms_right,
- "^N": self.rotate_rooms_right,
- "M-[-C": self.rotate_rooms_right,
- 'kRIT3': self.rotate_rooms_right,
- "KEY_F(4)": self.toggle_left_pane,
- "KEY_F(7)": self.shrink_information_win,
- "KEY_F(8)": self.grow_information_win,
- "KEY_RESIZE": self.call_for_resize,
- 'M-e': self.go_to_important_room,
- 'M-r': self.go_to_roster,
- 'M-z': self.go_to_previous_tab,
- '^L': self.full_screen_redraw,
- 'M-j': self.go_to_room_number,
- 'M-D': self.scroll_info_up,
- 'M-C': self.scroll_info_down,
- 'M-k': self.escape_next_key,
- ######## actions mappings ##########
- '_bookmark': self.command_bookmark,
- '_bookmark_local': self.command_bookmark_local,
- '_close_tab': self.close_tab,
- '_disconnect': self.disconnect,
- '_quit': self.command_quit,
- '_redraw_screen': self.full_screen_redraw,
- '_reload_theme': self.command_theme,
- '_remove_bookmark': self.command_remove_bookmark,
- '_room_left': self.rotate_rooms_left,
- '_room_right': self.rotate_rooms_right,
- '_show_roster': self.go_to_roster,
- '_scroll_down': self.scroll_page_down,
- '_scroll_up': self.scroll_page_up,
- '_scroll_info_up': self.scroll_info_up,
- '_scroll_info_down': self.scroll_info_down,
- '_server_cycle': self.command_server_cycle,
- '_show_bookmarks': self.command_bookmarks,
- '_show_important_room': self.go_to_important_room,
- '_show_invitations': self.command_invitations,
- '_show_plugins': self.command_plugins,
- '_show_xmltab': self.command_xml_tab,
- '_toggle_pane': self.toggle_left_pane,
- ###### status actions ######
- '_available': lambda: self.command_status('available'),
- '_away': lambda: self.command_status('away'),
- '_chat': lambda: self.command_status('chat'),
- '_dnd': lambda: self.command_status('dnd'),
- '_xa': lambda: self.command_status('xa'),
- ##### Custom actions ########
- '_exc_': self.try_execute,
- }
- self.key_func.update(key_func)
- # Add handlers
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('connecting', self.on_connecting)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('connected', self.on_connected)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('connection_failed', self.on_failed_connection)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('disconnected', self.on_disconnected)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('stream_error', self.on_stream_error)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('failed_all_auth', self.on_failed_all_auth)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('no_auth', self.on_no_auth)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("session_start", self.on_session_start)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("session_start",
- self.on_session_start_features)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_presence",
- self.on_groupchat_presence)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_message",
- self.on_groupchat_message)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_invite",
- self.on_groupchat_invitation)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_direct_invite",
- self.on_groupchat_direct_invitation)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_decline",
- self.on_groupchat_decline)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_config_status",
- self.on_status_codes)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_subject",
- self.on_groupchat_subject)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("message", self.on_message)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("message_error", self.on_error_message)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("receipt_received", self.on_receipt)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("got_online", self.on_got_online)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("got_offline", self.on_got_offline)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_update", self.on_roster_update)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("changed_status", self.on_presence)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("presence_error", self.on_presence_error)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_subscription_request",
- self.on_subscription_request)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_subscription_authorized",
- self.on_subscription_authorized)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_subscription_remove",
- self.on_subscription_remove)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_subscription_removed",
- self.on_subscription_removed)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("message_xform", self.on_data_form)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_active",
- self.on_chatstate_active)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_composing",
- self.on_chatstate_composing)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_paused",
- self.on_chatstate_paused)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_gone",
- self.on_chatstate_gone)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_inactive",
- self.on_chatstate_inactive)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("attention", self.on_attention)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("ssl_cert", self.validate_ssl)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("ssl_invalid_chain", self.ssl_invalid_chain)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('carbon_received', self.on_carbon_received)
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('carbon_sent', self.on_carbon_sent)
- self.all_stanzas = Callback('custom matcher',
- connection.MatchAll(None),
- self.incoming_stanza)
- self.xmpp.register_handler(self.all_stanzas)
- if config.get('enable_user_tune'):
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_tune_publish",
- self.on_tune_event)
- if config.get('enable_user_nick'):
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_nick_publish",
- self.on_nick_received)
- if config.get('enable_user_mood'):
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_mood_publish",
- self.on_mood_event)
- if config.get('enable_user_activity'):
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_activity_publish",
- self.on_activity_event)
- if config.get('enable_user_gaming'):
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_gaming_publish",
- self.on_gaming_event)
- self.initial_joins = []
- self.connected_events = {}
- self.pending_invites = {}
- # a dict of the form {'config_option': [list, of, callbacks]}
- # Whenever a configuration option is changed (using /set or by
- # reloading a new config using a signal), all the associated
- # callbacks are triggered.
- # Use Core.add_configuration_handler("option", callback) to add a
- # handler
- # Note that the callback will be called when it’s changed in the
- # global section, OR in a special section.
- # As a special case, handlers can be associated with the empty
- # string option (""), they will be called for every option change
- # The callback takes two argument: the config option, and the new
- # value
- self.configuration_change_handlers = {"": []}
- self.add_configuration_handler("create_gaps",
- self.on_gaps_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("request_message_receipts",
- self.on_request_receipts_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("ack_message_receipts",
- self.on_ack_receipts_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("plugins_dir",
- self.on_plugins_dir_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("plugins_conf_dir",
- self.on_plugins_conf_dir_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("connection_timeout_delay",
- self.xmpp.set_keepalive_values)
- self.add_configuration_handler("connection_check_interval",
- self.xmpp.set_keepalive_values)
- self.add_configuration_handler("themes_dir",
- theming.update_themes_dir)
- self.add_configuration_handler("theme",
- self.on_theme_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("use_bookmarks_method",
- self.on_bookmarks_method_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("password",
- self.on_password_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("enable_vertical_tab_list",
- self.on_vertical_tab_list_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("vertical_tab_list_size",
- self.on_vertical_tab_list_config_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("deterministic_nick_colors",
- self.on_nick_determinism_changed)
- self.add_configuration_handler("enable_carbons",
- self.on_carbons_switch)
- self.add_configuration_handler("hide_user_list",
- self.on_hide_user_list_change)
- self.add_configuration_handler("", self.on_any_config_change)
- def on_any_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Update the roster, in case a roster option changed.
- """
- roster.modified()
- def add_configuration_handler(self, option, callback):
- """
- Add a callback, associated with the given option. It will be called
- each time the configuration option is changed using /set or by
- reloading the configuration with a signal
- """
- if option not in self.configuration_change_handlers:
- self.configuration_change_handlers[option] = []
- self.configuration_change_handlers[option].append(callback)
- def trigger_configuration_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Triggers all the handlers associated with the given configuration
- option
- """
- # First call the callbacks associated with any configuration change
- for callback in self.configuration_change_handlers[""]:
- callback(option, value)
- # and then the callbacks associated with this specific option, if
- # any
- if option not in self.configuration_change_handlers:
- return
- for callback in self.configuration_change_handlers[option]:
- callback(option, value)
- def on_hide_user_list_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the hide_user_list option changes
- """
- self.call_for_resize()
- def on_bookmarks_method_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the use_bookmarks_method option changes
- """
- if value not in ('pep', 'privatexml'):
- return
- self.bookmarks.preferred = value
-, core=self)
- def on_gaps_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the option create_gaps is changed.
- Remove all gaptabs if switching from gaps to nogaps.
- """
- if value.lower() == "false":
- self.tabs = list(tab for tab in self.tabs if tab)
- def on_request_receipts_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the request_message_receipts option changes
- """
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0184'].auto_request = config.get(option,
- default=True)
- def on_ack_receipts_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the ack_message_receipts option changes
- """
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0184'].auto_ack = config.get(option, default=True)
- def on_plugins_dir_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the plugins_dir option is changed
- """
- path = os.path.expanduser(value)
- self.plugin_manager.on_plugins_dir_change(path)
- def on_vertical_tab_list_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the enable_vertical_tab_list option is changed
- """
- self.call_for_resize()
- def on_plugins_conf_dir_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the plugins_conf_dir option is changed
- """
- path = os.path.expanduser(value)
- self.plugin_manager.on_plugins_conf_dir_change(path)
- def on_theme_config_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Called when the theme option is changed
- """
- error_msg = theming.reload_theme()
- if error_msg:
- self.information(error_msg, 'Warning')
- self.refresh_window()
- def on_password_change(self, option, value):
- """
- Set the new password in the slixmpp.ClientXMPP object
- """
- self.xmpp.password = value
- def on_nick_determinism_changed(self, option, value):
- """If we change the value to true, we call /recolor on all the MucTabs, to
- make the current nick colors reflect their deterministic value.
- """
- if value.lower() == "true":
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- tab.command_recolor('')
- def on_carbons_switch(self, option, value):
- """Whenever the user enables or disables carbons using /set, we should
- inform the server immediately, this way we do not require a restart
- for the change to take effect
- """
- if value:
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0280'].enable()
- else:
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0280'].disable()
- def reload_config(self):
- # reload all log files
- log.debug("Reloading the log files…")
- logger.reload_all()
- log.debug("Log files reloaded.")
- # reload the theme
- log.debug("Reloading the theme…")
- theming.reload_theme()
- log.debug("Theme reloaded.")
- # reload the config from the disk
- log.debug("Reloading the config…")
- # Copy the old config in a dict
- old_config = config.to_dict()
- config.read_file()
- # Compare old and current config, to trigger the callbacks of all
- # modified options
- for section in config.sections():
- old_section = old_config.get(section, {})
- for option in config.options(section):
- old_value = old_section.get(option)
- new_value = config.get(option, default="", section=section)
- if new_value != old_value:
- self.trigger_configuration_change(option, new_value)
- log.debug("Config reloaded.")
- # in case some roster options have changed
- roster.modified()
- def sigusr_handler(self, num, stack):
- """
- Handle SIGUSR1 (10)
- When caught, reload all the possible files.
- """
- log.debug("SIGUSR1 caught, reloading the files…")
- self.reload_config()
- def exit_from_signal(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Quit when receiving SIGHUP or SIGTERM or SIGPIPE
- do not save the config because it is not a normal exit
- (and only roster UI things are not yet saved)
- """
- sig = args[0]
- signals = {
- 1: 'SIGHUP',
- 13: 'SIGPIPE',
- 15: 'SIGTERM',
- }
- log.error("%s received. Exiting…", signals[sig])
- if config.get('enable_user_mood'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].stop()
- if config.get('enable_user_activity'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].stop()
- if config.get('enable_user_gaming'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].stop()
- self.plugin_manager.disable_plugins()
- self.disconnect('%s received' % signals.get(sig))
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler("disconnected", self.exit, disposable=True)
- def autoload_plugins(self):
- """
- Load the plugins on startup.
- """
- plugins = config.get('plugins_autoload')
- if ':' in plugins:
- for plugin in plugins.split(':'):
- self.plugin_manager.load(plugin)
- else:
- for plugin in plugins.split():
- self.plugin_manager.load(plugin)
- self.plugins_autoloaded = True
- def start(self):
- """
- Init curses, create the first tab, etc
- """
- self.stdscr = curses.initscr()
- self.init_curses(self.stdscr)
- self.call_for_resize()
- default_tab = tabs.RosterInfoTab()
- default_tab.on_gain_focus()
- self.tabs.append(default_tab)
- self.information('Welcome to poezio!', 'Info')
- if firstrun:
- self.information(
- 'It seems that it is the first time you start poezio.\n'
- 'The online help is here\n'
- 'No room is joined by default, but you can join poezio’s'
- ' chatroom (with /join, where you can'
- ' ask for help or tell us how great it is.',
- 'Help')
- self.refresh_window()
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0012'].begin_idle(jid=self.xmpp.boundjid)
- def exit(self, event=None):
- log.debug("exit(%s)" % (event,))
- asyncio.get_event_loop().stop()
- def on_exception(self, typ, value, trace):
- """
- When an exception is raised, just reset curses and call
- the original exception handler (will nicely print the traceback)
- """
- try:
- self.reset_curses()
- except:
- pass
- sys.__excepthook__(typ, value, trace)
- def sigwinch_handler(self):
- """A work-around for ncurses resize stuff, which sucks. Normally, ncurses
- catches SIGWINCH itself. In its signal handler, it updates the
- windows structures (for example the size, etc) and it
- ungetch(KEY_RESIZE). That way, the next time we call getch() we know
- that a resize occured and we can act on it. BUT poezio doesn’t call
- getch() until it knows it will return something. The problem is we
- can’t know that, because stdin is not affected by this KEY_RESIZE
- value (it is only inserted in a ncurses internal fifo that we can’t
- access).
- The (ugly) solution is to handle SIGWINCH ourself, trigger the
- change of the internal windows sizes stored in ncurses module, using
- sizes that we get using shutil, ungetch the KEY_RESIZE value and
- then call getch to handle the resize on poezio’s side properly.
- """
- size = shutil.get_terminal_size()
- curses.resizeterm(size.lines, size.columns)
- curses.ungetch(curses.KEY_RESIZE)
- self.on_input_readable()
- def on_input_readable(self):
- """
- main loop waiting for the user to press a key
- """
- def replace_line_breaks(key):
- "replace ^J with \n"
- if key == '^J':
- return '\n'
- return key
- def separate_chars_from_bindings(char_list):
- """
- returns a list of lists. For example if you give
- ['a', 'b', 'KEY_BACKSPACE', 'n', 'u'], this function returns
- [['a', 'b'], ['KEY_BACKSPACE'], ['n', 'u']]
- This way, in case of lag (for example), we handle the typed text
- by “batch” as much as possible (instead of one char at a time,
- which implies a refresh after each char, which is very slow),
- but we still handle the special chars (backspaces, arrows,
- ctrl+x ou alt+x, etc) one by one, which avoids the issue of
- printing them OR ignoring them in that case. This should
- resolve the “my ^W are ignored when I lag ;(”.
- """
- res = []
- current = []
- for char in char_list:
- assert char
- # Transform that stupid char into what we actually meant
- if char == '\x1f':
- char = '^/'
- if len(char) == 1:
- current.append(char)
- else:
- # special case for the ^I key, it’s considered as \t
- # only when pasting some text, otherwise that’s the ^I
- # (or M-i) key, which stands for completion by default.
- if char == '^I' and len(char_list) != 1:
- current.append('\t')
- continue
- if current:
- res.append(current)
- current = []
- res.append([char])
- if current:
- res.append(current)
- return res
- log.debug("Input is readable.")
- big_char_list = [replace_key_with_bound(key)\
- for key in self.read_keyboard()]
- log.debug("Got from keyboard: %s", (big_char_list,))
- # whether to refresh after ALL keys have been handled
- for char_list in separate_chars_from_bindings(big_char_list):
- # Special case for M-x where x is a number
- if len(char_list) == 1:
- char = char_list[0]
- if char.startswith('M-') and len(char) == 3:
- try:
- nb = int(char[2])
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- if self.current_tab().nb == nb and config.get('go_to_previous_tab_on_alt_number'):
- self.go_to_previous_tab()
- else:
- self.command_win('%d' % nb)
- # search for keyboard shortcut
- func = self.key_func.get(char, None)
- if func:
- func()
- else:
- self.do_command(replace_line_breaks(char), False)
- else:
- self.do_command(''.join(char_list), True)
- if not in ('xa', 'away'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0319'].idle()
- self.doupdate()
- def save_config(self):
- """
- Save config in the file just before exit
- """
- ok = roster.save_to_config_file()
- ok = ok and config.silent_set('info_win_height',
- self.information_win_size,
- 'var')
- if not ok:
- self.information('Unable to save runtime preferences'
- ' in the config file',
- 'Error')
- def on_roster_enter_key(self, roster_row):
- """
- when enter is pressed on the roster window
- """
- if isinstance(roster_row, Contact):
- if not self.get_conversation_by_jid(roster_row.bare_jid, False):
- self.open_conversation_window(roster_row.bare_jid)
- else:
- self.focus_tab_named(roster_row.bare_jid)
- if isinstance(roster_row, Resource):
- if not self.get_conversation_by_jid(roster_row.jid,
- False,
- fallback_barejid=False):
- self.open_conversation_window(roster_row.jid)
- else:
- self.focus_tab_named(roster_row.jid)
- self.refresh_window()
- def get_conversation_messages(self):
- """
- Returns a list of all the messages in the current chat.
- If the current tab is not a ChatTab, returns None.
- Messages are namedtuples of the form
- ('txt nick_color time str_time nickname user')
- """
- if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.ChatTab):
- return None
- return self.current_tab().get_conversation_messages()
- def insert_input_text(self, text):
- """
- Insert the given text into the current input
- """
- self.do_command(text, True)
-##################### Anything related to command execution ###################
- def execute(self, line):
- """
- Execute the /command or just send the line on the current room
- """
- if line == "":
- return
- if line.startswith('/'):
- command = line.strip()[:].split()[0][1:]
- arg = line[2+len(command):] # jump the '/' and the ' '
- # example. on "/link 0 open", command = "link" and arg = "0 open"
- if command in self.commands:
- func = self.commands[command][0]
- func(arg)
- return
- else:
- self.information("Unknown command (%s)" % (command),
- 'Error')
- def exec_command(self, command):
- """
- Execute an external command on the local or a remote machine,
- depending on the conf. For example, to open a link in a browser, do
- exec_command(["firefox", ""]), and this will call
- the command on the correct computer.
- The command argument is a list of strings, not quoted or escaped in
- any way. The escaping is done here if needed.
- The remote execution is done
- by writing the command on a fifo. That fifo has to be on the
- machine where poezio is running, and accessible (through sshfs for
- example) from the local machine (where poezio is not running). A
- very simple daemon ( reads on that fifo, and executes any
- command that is read in it. Since we can only write strings to that
- fifo, each argument has to be pipes.quote()d. That way the
- shlex.split on the reading-side of the daemon will be safe.
- You cannot use a real command line with pipes, redirections etc, but
- this function supports a simple case redirection to file: if the
- before-last argument of the command is ">" or ">>", then the last
- argument is considered to be a filename where the command stdout
- will be written. For example you can do exec_command(["echo",
- "coucou les amis coucou coucou", ">", "output.txt"]) and this will
- work. If you try to do anything else, your |, [, <<, etc will be
- interpreted as normal command arguments, not shell special tokens.
- """
- if config.get('exec_remote'):
- # We just write the command in the fifo
- fifo_path = config.get('remote_fifo_path')
- if not self.remote_fifo:
- try:
- self.remote_fifo = Fifo(os.path.join(fifo_path,
- 'poezio.fifo'),
- 'w')
- except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
- log.error('Could not open the fifo for writing (%s)',
- os.path.join(fifo_path, './', 'poezio.fifo'),
- exc_info=True)
- self.information('Could not open the fifo '
- 'file for writing: %s' % exc,
- 'Error')
- return
- args = (pipes.quote(arg.replace('\n', ' ')) for arg in command)
- command_str = ' '.join(args) + '\n'
- try:
- self.remote_fifo.write(command_str)
- except (IOError) as exc:
- log.error('Could not write in the fifo (%s): %s',
- os.path.join(fifo_path, './', 'poezio.fifo'),
- repr(command),
- exc_info=True)
- self.information('Could not execute %s: %s' % (command, exc),
- 'Error')
- self.remote_fifo = None
- else:
- executor = Executor(command)
- try:
- executor.start()
- except ValueError as exc:
- log.error('Could not execute command (%s)',
- repr(command),
- exc_info=True)
- self.information('%s' % exc, 'Error')
- def do_command(self, key, raw):
- """
- Execute the action associated with a key
- Or if keyboard.continuation_keys_callback is set, call it instead. See
- the comment of this variable.
- """
- if not key:
- return
- if keyboard.continuation_keys_callback is not None:
- # Reset the callback to None BEFORE calling it, because this
- # callback MAY set a new callback itself, and we don’t want to
- # erase it in that case
- cb = keyboard.continuation_keys_callback
- keyboard.continuation_keys_callback = None
- cb(key)
- else:
- self.current_tab().on_input(key, raw)
- def try_execute(self, line):
- """
- Try to execute a command in the current tab
- """
- line = '/' + line
- try:
- self.current_tab().execute_command(line)
- except:
- log.error('Execute failed (%s)', line, exc_info=True)
-########################## TImed Events #######################################
- def remove_timed_event(self, event):
- """Remove an existing timed event"""
- event.handler.cancel()
- def add_timed_event(self, event):
- """Add a new timed event"""
- event.handler = asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(event.delay,
- event.callback,
- *event.args)
-####################### XMPP-related actions ##################################
- def get_status(self):
- """
- Get the last status that was previously set
- """
- return self.status
- def set_status(self, pres, msg):
- """
- Set our current status so we can remember
- it and use it back when needed (for example to display it
- or to use it when joining a new muc)
- """
- self.status = Status(show=pres, message=msg)
- if config.get('save_status'):
- ok = config.silent_set('status', pres if pres else '')
- msg = msg.replace('\n', '|') if msg else ''
- ok = ok and config.silent_set('status_message', msg)
- if not ok:
- self.information('Unable to save the status in '
- 'the config file', 'Error')
- def get_bookmark_nickname(self, room_name):
- """
- Returns the nickname associated with a bookmark
- or the default nickname
- """
- bm = self.bookmarks[room_name]
- if bm:
- return bm.nick
- return self.own_nick
- def disconnect(self, msg='', reconnect=False):
- """
- Disconnect from remote server and correctly set the states of all
- parts of the client (for example, set the MucTabs as not joined, etc)
- """
- self.legitimate_disconnect = True
- msg = msg or ''
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- tab.command_part(msg)
- self.xmpp.disconnect()
- if reconnect:
- # Add a one-time event to reconnect as soon as we are
- # effectively disconnected
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('disconnected', lambda event: self.xmpp.connect(), disposable=True)
- def send_message(self, msg):
- """
- Function to use in plugins to send a message in the current
- conversation.
- Returns False if the current tab is not a conversation tab
- """
- if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.ChatTab):
- return False
- self.current_tab().command_say(msg)
- return True
- def invite(self, jid, room, reason=None):
- """
- Checks if the sender supports XEP-0249, then send an invitation,
- or a mediated one if it does not.
- TODO: allow passwords
- """
- def callback(iq):
- if not iq:
- return
- if 'jabber:x:conference' in iq['disco_info'].get_features():
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0249'].send_invitation(
- jid,
- room,
- reason=reason)
- else: # fallback
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].invite(room, jid,
- reason=reason or '')
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=jid, timeout=5,
- callback=callback)
- def get_error_message(self, stanza, deprecated=False):
- """
- Takes a stanza of the form <message type='error'><error/></message>
- and return a well formed string containing the error informations
- """
- sender = stanza.attrib['from']
- msg = stanza['error']['type']
- condition = stanza['error']['condition']
- code = stanza['error']['code']
- body = stanza['error']['text']
- if not body:
- if deprecated:
- body = DEPRECATED_ERRORS[code]
- else:
- body = condition or 'Unknown error'
- else:
- else:
- body = condition or 'Unknown error'
- if code:
- message = '%(from)s: %(code)s - %(msg)s: %(body)s' % {
- 'from': sender, 'msg': msg, 'body': body, 'code': code}
- else:
- message = '%(from)s: %(msg)s: %(body)s' % {
- 'from': sender, 'msg': msg, 'body': body}
- return message
-####################### Tab logic-related things ##############################
- ### Tab getters ###
- def get_tabs(self, cls=tabs.Tab):
- "Get all the tabs of a type"
- return filter(lambda tab: isinstance(tab, cls), self.tabs)
- def current_tab(self):
- """
- returns the current room, the one we are viewing
- """
- self.current_tab_nb = self.current_tab_nb
- return self.tabs[self.current_tab_nb]
- def get_conversation_by_jid(self, jid, create=True, fallback_barejid=True):
- """
- From a JID, get the tab containing the conversation with it.
- If none already exist, and create is "True", we create it
- and return it. Otherwise, we return None.
- If fallback_barejid is True, then this method will seek other
- tabs with the same barejid, instead of searching only by fulljid.
- """
- jid = safeJID(jid)
- # We first check if we have a static conversation opened
- # with this precise resource
- conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full,
- tabs.StaticConversationTab)
- if jid.bare == jid.full and not conversation:
- conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full,
- tabs.DynamicConversationTab)
- if not conversation and fallback_barejid:
- # If not, we search for a conversation with the bare jid
- conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare,
- tabs.DynamicConversationTab)
- if not conversation:
- if create:
- # We create a dynamic conversation with the bare Jid if
- # nothing was found (and we lock it to the resource
- # later)
- conversation = self.open_conversation_window(jid.bare,
- False)
- else:
- conversation = None
- return conversation
- def get_tab_by_name(self, name, typ=None):
- """
- Get the tab with the given name.
- If typ is provided, return a tab of this type only
- """
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if == name:
- if (typ and isinstance(tab, typ)) or\
- not typ:
- return tab
- return None
- def get_tab_by_number(self, number):
- if 0 <= number < len(self.tabs):
- return self.tabs[number]
- return None
- def add_tab(self, new_tab, focus=False):
- """
- Appends the new_tab in the tab list and
- focus it if focus==True
- """
- self.tabs.append(new_tab)
- if focus:
- self.command_win("%s" % new_tab.nb)
- def insert_tab_nogaps(self, old_pos, new_pos):
- """
- Move tabs without creating gaps
- old_pos: old position of the tab
- new_pos: desired position of the tab
- """
- tab = self.tabs[old_pos]
- if new_pos < old_pos:
- self.tabs.pop(old_pos)
- self.tabs.insert(new_pos, tab)
- elif new_pos > old_pos:
- self.tabs.insert(new_pos, tab)
- self.tabs.remove(tab)
- else:
- return False
- return True
- def insert_tab_gaps(self, old_pos, new_pos):
- """
- Move tabs and create gaps in the eventual remaining space
- old_pos: old position of the tab
- new_pos: desired position of the tab
- """
- tab = self.tabs[old_pos]
- target = None if new_pos >= len(self.tabs) else self.tabs[new_pos]
- if not target:
- if new_pos < len(self.tabs):
- old_tab = self.tabs[old_pos]
- self.tabs[new_pos], self.tabs[old_pos] = old_tab, tabs.GapTab()
- else:
- self.tabs.append(self.tabs[old_pos])
- self.tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab()
- else:
- if new_pos > old_pos:
- self.tabs.insert(new_pos, tab)
- self.tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab()
- elif new_pos < old_pos:
- self.tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab()
- self.tabs.insert(new_pos, tab)
- else:
- return False
- i = self.tabs.index(tab)
- done = False
- # Remove the first Gap on the right in the list
- # in order to prevent global shifts when there is empty space
- while not done:
- i += 1
- if i >= len(self.tabs):
- done = True
- elif not self.tabs[i]:
- self.tabs.pop(i)
- done = True
- # Remove the trailing gaps
- i = len(self.tabs) - 1
- while isinstance(self.tabs[i], tabs.GapTab):
- self.tabs.pop()
- i -= 1
- return True
- def insert_tab(self, old_pos, new_pos=99999):
- """
- Insert a tab at a position, changing the number of the following tabs
- returns False if it could not move the tab, True otherwise
- """
- if old_pos <= 0 or old_pos >= len(self.tabs):
- return False
- elif new_pos <= 0:
- return False
- elif new_pos == old_pos:
- return False
- elif not self.tabs[old_pos]:
- return False
- if config.get('create_gaps'):
- return self.insert_tab_gaps(old_pos, new_pos)
- return self.insert_tab_nogaps(old_pos, new_pos)
- ### Move actions (e.g. go to next room) ###
- def rotate_rooms_right(self, args=None):
- """
- rotate the rooms list to the right
- """
- self.current_tab().on_lose_focus()
- self.current_tab_nb += 1
- while not self.tabs[self.current_tab_nb]:
- self.current_tab_nb += 1
- self.current_tab().on_gain_focus()
- self.refresh_window()
- def rotate_rooms_left(self, args=None):
- """
- rotate the rooms list to the right
- """
- self.current_tab().on_lose_focus()
- self.current_tab_nb -= 1
- while not self.tabs[self.current_tab_nb]:
- self.current_tab_nb -= 1
- self.current_tab().on_gain_focus()
- self.refresh_window()
- def go_to_room_number(self):
- """
- Read 2 more chars and go to the tab
- with the given number
- """
- def read_next_digit(digit):
- try:
- nb = int(digit)
- except ValueError:
- # If it is not a number, we do nothing. If it was the first
- # one, we do not wait for a second one by re-setting the
- # callback
- self.room_number_jump.clear()
- else:
- self.room_number_jump.append(digit)
- if len(self.room_number_jump) == 2:
- arg = "".join(self.room_number_jump)
- self.room_number_jump.clear()
- self.command_win(arg)
- else:
- # We need to read more digits
- keyboard.continuation_keys_callback = read_next_digit
- keyboard.continuation_keys_callback = read_next_digit
- def go_to_roster(self):
- "Select the roster as the current tab"
- self.command_win('0')
- def go_to_previous_tab(self):
- "Go to the previous tab"
- self.command_win('%s' % (self.previous_tab_nb,))
- def go_to_important_room(self):
- """
- Go to the next room with activity, in the order defined in the
- dict tabs.STATE_PRIORITY
- """
- # shortcut
- priority = tabs.STATE_PRIORITY
- tab_refs = {}
- # put all the active tabs in a dict of lists by state
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if not tab:
- continue
- if tab.state not in tab_refs:
- tab_refs[tab.state] = [tab]
- else:
- tab_refs[tab.state].append(tab)
- # sort the state by priority and remove those with negative priority
- states = sorted(tab_refs.keys(),
- key=(lambda x: priority.get(x, 0)),
- reverse=True)
- states = [state for state in states if priority.get(state, -1) >= 0]
- for state in states:
- for tab in tab_refs[state]:
- if (tab.nb < self.current_tab_nb and
- tab_refs[state][-1].nb > self.current_tab_nb):
- continue
- self.command_win('%s' % tab.nb)
- return
- return
- def focus_tab_named(self, tab_name, type_=None):
- """Returns True if it found a tab to focus on"""
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if == tab_name:
- if (type_ and (isinstance(tab, type_))) or not type_:
- self.command_win('%s' % (tab.nb,))
- return True
- return False
- @property
- def current_tab_nb(self):
- """Wrapper for the current tab number"""
- return self._current_tab_nb
- @current_tab_nb.setter
- def current_tab_nb(self, value):
- """
- Prevents the tab number from going over the total number of opened
- tabs, or under 0
- """
- old = self._current_tab_nb
- if value >= len(self.tabs):
- self._current_tab_nb = 0
- elif value < 0:
- self._current_tab_nb = len(self.tabs) - 1
- else:
- self._current_tab_nb = value
- if old != self._current_tab_nb and self.tabs[self._current_tab_nb]:
-'tab_change', old, self._current_tab_nb)
- ### Opening actions ###
- def open_conversation_window(self, jid, focus=True):
- """
- Open a new conversation tab and focus it if needed. If a resource is
- provided, we open a StaticConversationTab, else a
- DynamicConversationTab
- """
- if safeJID(jid).resource:
- new_tab = tabs.StaticConversationTab(jid)
- else:
- new_tab = tabs.DynamicConversationTab(jid)
- if not focus:
- new_tab.state = "private"
- self.add_tab(new_tab, focus)
- self.refresh_window()
- return new_tab
- def open_private_window(self, room_name, user_nick, focus=True):
- """
- Open a Private conversation in a MUC and focus if needed.
- """
- complete_jid = room_name+'/'+user_nick
- # if the room exists, focus it and return
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab):
- if == complete_jid:
- self.command_win('%s' % tab.nb)
- return tab
- # create the new tab
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_name, tabs.MucTab)
- if not tab:
- return None
- new_tab = tabs.PrivateTab(complete_jid, tab.own_nick)
- if hasattr(tab, 'directed_presence'):
- new_tab.directed_presence = tab.directed_presence
- if not focus:
- new_tab.state = "private"
- # insert it in the tabs
- self.add_tab(new_tab, focus)
- self.refresh_window()
- tab.privates.append(new_tab)
- return new_tab
- def open_new_room(self, room, nick, *, password=None, focus=True):
- """
- Open a new tab.MucTab containing a muc Room, using the specified nick
- """
- new_tab = tabs.MucTab(room, nick, password=password)
- self.add_tab(new_tab, focus)
- self.refresh_window()
- return new_tab
- def open_new_form(self, form, on_cancel, on_send, **kwargs):
- """
- Open a new tab containing the form
- The callback are called with the completed form as parameter in
- addition with kwargs
- """
- form_tab = tabs.DataFormsTab(form, on_cancel, on_send, kwargs)
- self.add_tab(form_tab, True)
- ### Modifying actions ###
- def rename_private_tabs(self, room_name, old_nick, new_nick):
- """
- Call this method when someone changes his/her nick in a MUC,
- this updates the name of all the opened private conversations
- with him/her
- """
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name('%s/%s' % (room_name, old_nick),
- tabs.PrivateTab)
- if tab:
- tab.rename_user(old_nick, new_nick)
- def on_user_left_private_conversation(self, room_name, nick, status_message):
- """
- The user left the MUC: add a message in the associated
- private conversation
- """
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name('%s/%s' % (room_name, nick), tabs.PrivateTab)
- if tab:
- tab.user_left(status_message, nick)
- def on_user_rejoined_private_conversation(self, room_name, nick):
- """
- The user joined a MUC: add a message in the associated
- private conversation
- """
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name('%s/%s' % (room_name, nick), tabs.PrivateTab)
- if tab:
- tab.user_rejoined(nick)
- def disable_private_tabs(self, room_name, reason=None):
- """
- Disable private tabs when leaving a room
- """
- if reason is None:
- reason = '\x195}You left the chatroom\x193}'
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab):
- if
- tab.deactivate(reason=reason)
- def enable_private_tabs(self, room_name, reason=None):
- """
- Enable private tabs when joining a room
- """
- if reason is None:
- reason = '\x195}You joined the chatroom\x193}'
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab):
- if
- tab.activate(reason=reason)
- def on_user_changed_status_in_private(self, jid, msg):
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid, tabs.ChatTab)
- if tab: # display the message in private
- tab.add_message(msg, typ=2)
- def close_tab(self, tab=None):
- """
- Close the given tab. If None, close the current one
- """
- was_current = tab is None
- tab = tab or self.current_tab()
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- return # The tab 0 should NEVER be closed
- del tab.key_func # Remove self references
- del tab.commands # and make the object collectable
- tab.on_close()
- nb = tab.nb
- if was_current:
- if self.previous_tab_nb != nb:
- self.current_tab_nb = self.previous_tab_nb
- self.previous_tab_nb = 0
- if config.get('create_gaps'):
- if nb >= len(self.tabs) - 1:
- self.tabs.remove(tab)
- nb -= 1
- while not self.tabs[nb]: # remove the trailing gaps
- self.tabs.pop()
- nb -= 1
- else:
- self.tabs[nb] = tabs.GapTab()
- else:
- self.tabs.remove(tab)
- if tab and in logger.fds:
- logger.fds[].close()
- log.debug("Log file for %s closed.",
- del logger.fds[]
- if self.current_tab_nb >= len(self.tabs):
- self.current_tab_nb = len(self.tabs) - 1
- while not self.tabs[self.current_tab_nb]:
- self.current_tab_nb -= 1
- if was_current:
- self.current_tab().on_gain_focus()
- self.refresh_window()
- import gc
- gc.collect()
- log.debug('___ Referrers of closing tab:\n%s\n______',
- gc.get_referrers(tab))
- del tab
- def add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(self, jid, msg):
- """
- Search for a ConversationTab with the given jid (full or bare),
- if yes, add the given message to it
- """
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid, tabs.ConversationTab)
- if tab:
- tab.add_message(msg, typ=2)
- if self.current_tab() is tab:
- self.refresh_window()
-####################### Curses and ui-related stuff ###########################
- def doupdate(self):
- "Do a curses update"
- if not self.running:
- return
- curses.doupdate()
- def information(self, msg, typ=''):
- """
- Displays an informational message in the "Info" buffer
- """
- filter_messages = config.get('filter_info_messages').split(':')
- for words in filter_messages:
- if words and words in msg:
- log.debug('Did not show the message:\n\t%s> %s', typ, msg)
- return False
- colors = get_theme().INFO_COLORS
- color = colors.get(typ.lower(), colors.get('default', None))
- nb_lines = self.information_buffer.add_message(msg,
- nickname=typ,
- nick_color=color)
- popup_on = config.get('information_buffer_popup_on').split()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
- elif typ != '' and typ.lower() in popup_on:
- popup_time = config.get('popup_time') + (nb_lines - 1) * 2
- self.pop_information_win_up(nb_lines, popup_time)
- else:
- if self.information_win_size != 0:
- self.information_win.refresh()
- self.current_tab().input.refresh()
- return True
- def init_curses(self, stdscr):
- """
- ncurses initialization
- """
- curses.curs_set(1)
- curses.noecho()
- curses.nonl()
- curses.raw()
- stdscr.idlok(1)
- stdscr.keypad(1)
- curses.start_color()
- curses.use_default_colors()
- theming.reload_theme()
- curses.ungetch(" ") # H4X: without this, the screen is
- stdscr.getkey() # erased on the first "getkey()"
- def reset_curses(self):
- """
- Reset terminal capabilities to what they were before ncurses
- init
- """
- curses.echo()
- curses.nocbreak()
- curses.curs_set(1)
- curses.endwin()
- @property
- def informations(self):
- return self.information_buffer
- def refresh_window(self):
- """
- Refresh everything
- """
- nocursor = curses.curs_set(0)
- self.current_tab().state = 'current'
- self.current_tab().refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- curses.curs_set(nocursor)
- def refresh_tab_win(self):
- """
- Refresh the window containing the tab list
- """
- self.current_tab().refresh_tab_win()
- self.refresh_input()
- self.doupdate()
- def refresh_input(self):
- """
- Refresh the input if it exists
- """
- if self.current_tab().input:
- self.current_tab().input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- def scroll_page_down(self, args=None):
- """
- Scroll a page down, if possible.
- Returns True on success, None on failure.
- """
- if self.current_tab().on_scroll_down():
- self.refresh_window()
- return True
- def scroll_page_up(self, args=None):
- """
- Scroll a page up, if possible.
- Returns True on success, None on failure.
- """
- if self.current_tab().on_scroll_up():
- self.refresh_window()
- return True
- def scroll_line_up(self, args=None):
- """
- Scroll a line up, if possible.
- Returns True on success, None on failure.
- """
- if self.current_tab().on_line_up():
- self.refresh_window()
- return True
- def scroll_line_down(self, args=None):
- """
- Scroll a line down, if possible.
- Returns True on success, None on failure.
- """
- if self.current_tab().on_line_down():
- self.refresh_window()
- return True
- def scroll_half_up(self, args=None):
- """
- Scroll half a screen down, if possible.
- Returns True on success, None on failure.
- """
- if self.current_tab().on_half_scroll_up():
- self.refresh_window()
- return True
- def scroll_half_down(self, args=None):
- """
- Scroll half a screen down, if possible.
- Returns True on success, None on failure.
- """
- if self.current_tab().on_half_scroll_down():
- self.refresh_window()
- return True
- def grow_information_win(self, nb=1):
- """
- Expand the information win a number of lines
- """
- if self.information_win_size >= self.current_tab().height -5 or \
- self.information_win_size+nb >= self.current_tab().height-4 or\
- self.size.core_degrade_y:
- return 0
- self.information_win_size += nb
- self.resize_global_information_win()
- for tab in self.tabs:
- tab.on_info_win_size_changed()
- self.refresh_window()
- return nb
- def shrink_information_win(self, nb=1):
- """
- Reduce the size of the information win
- """
- if self.information_win_size == 0 or self.size.core_degrade_y:
- return
- self.information_win_size -= nb
- if self.information_win_size < 0:
- self.information_win_size = 0
- self.resize_global_information_win()
- for tab in self.tabs:
- tab.on_info_win_size_changed()
- self.refresh_window()
- def scroll_info_up(self):
- """
- Scroll the information buffer up
- """
- self.information_win.scroll_up(self.information_win.height)
- if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.information_win.refresh()
- else:
- info = self.current_tab().information_win
- info.scroll_up(info.height)
- self.refresh_window()
- def scroll_info_down(self):
- """
- Scroll the information buffer down
- """
- self.information_win.scroll_down(self.information_win.height)
- if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.information_win.refresh()
- else:
- info = self.current_tab().information_win
- info.scroll_down(info.height)
- self.refresh_window()
- def pop_information_win_up(self, size, time):
- """
- Temporarly increase the size of the information win of size lines
- during time seconds.
- After that delay, the size will decrease from size lines.
- """
- if time <= 0 or size <= 0:
- return
- result = self.grow_information_win(size)
- timed_event = timed_events.DelayedEvent(time,
- self.shrink_information_win,
- result)
- self.add_timed_event(timed_event)
- self.refresh_window()
- def toggle_left_pane(self):
- """
- Enable/disable the left panel.
- """
- enabled = config.get('enable_vertical_tab_list')
- if not config.silent_set('enable_vertical_tab_list', str(not enabled)):
- self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error')
- self.call_for_resize()
- def resize_global_information_win(self):
- """
- Resize the global_information_win only once at each resize.
- """
- if self.information_win_size > tabs.Tab.height - 6:
- self.information_win_size = tabs.Tab.height - 6
- if tabs.Tab.height < 6:
- self.information_win_size = 0
- height = (tabs.Tab.height - 1 - self.information_win_size
- - tabs.Tab.tab_win_height())
- self.information_win.resize(self.information_win_size,
- tabs.Tab.width,
- height,
- 0)
- def resize_global_info_bar(self):
- """
- Resize the GlobalInfoBar only once at each resize
- """
- height, width = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()
- if config.get('enable_vertical_tab_list'):
- if self.size.core_degrade_x:
- return
- try:
- height, _ = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()
- truncated_win = self.stdscr.subwin(height,
- config.get('vertical_tab_list_size'),
- 0, 0)
- except:
- log.error('Curses error on infobar resize', exc_info=True)
- return
- self.left_tab_win = windows.VerticalGlobalInfoBar(truncated_win)
- elif not self.size.core_degrade_y:
- self.tab_win.resize(1, tabs.Tab.width,
- tabs.Tab.height - 2, 0)
- self.left_tab_win = None
- def add_message_to_text_buffer(self, buff, txt,
- time=None, nickname=None, history=None):
- """
- Add the message to the room if possible, else, add it to the Info window
- (in the Info tab of the info window in the RosterTab)
- """
- if not buff:
- self.information('Trying to add a message in no room: %s' % txt, 'Error')
- else:
- buff.add_message(txt, time, nickname, history=history)
- def full_screen_redraw(self):
- """
- Completely erase and redraw the screen
- """
- self.stdscr.clear()
- self.refresh_window()
- def call_for_resize(self):
- """
- Called when we want to resize the screen
- """
- # If we have the tabs list on the left, we just give a truncated
- # window to each Tab class, so they draw themself in the portion of
- # the screen that they can occupy, and we draw the tab list on the
- # remaining space, on the left
- height, width = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()
- if (config.get('enable_vertical_tab_list') and
- not self.size.core_degrade_x):
- try:
- scr = self.stdscr.subwin(0,
- config.get('vertical_tab_list_size'))
- except:
- log.error('Curses error on resize', exc_info=True)
- return
- else:
- scr = self.stdscr
- tabs.Tab.resize(scr)
- self.resize_global_info_bar()
- self.resize_global_information_win()
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if config.get('lazy_resize'):
- tab.need_resize = True
- else:
- tab.resize()
- if self.tabs:
- self.full_screen_redraw()
- def read_keyboard(self):
- """
- Get the next keyboard key pressed and returns it. It blocks until
- something can be read on stdin, this function must be called only if
- there is something to read. No timeout ever occurs.
- """
- return self.keyboard.get_user_input(self.stdscr)
- def escape_next_key(self):
- """
- Tell the Keyboard object that the next key pressed by the user
- should be escaped. See Keyboard.get_user_input
- """
- self.keyboard.escape_next_key()
-####################### Commands and completions ##############################
- def register_command(self, name, func, **kwargs):
- """
- Add a command
- """
- desc = kwargs.get('desc', '')
- shortdesc = kwargs.get('shortdesc', '')
- completion = kwargs.get('completion')
- usage = kwargs.get('usage', '')
- if name in self.commands:
- return
- if not desc and shortdesc:
- desc = shortdesc
- self.commands[name] = Command(func, desc, completion, shortdesc, usage)
- def register_initial_commands(self):
- """
- Register the commands when poezio starts
- """
- self.register_command('help', self.command_help,
- usage='[command]',
- shortdesc='\\_o< KOIN KOIN KOIN',
- completion=self.completion_help)
- self.register_command('join', self.command_join,
- usage="[room_name][@server][/nick] [password]",
- desc="Join the specified room. You can specify a nickname "
- "after a slash (/). If no nickname is specified, you will"
- " use the default_nick in the configuration file. You can"
- " omit the room name: you will then join the room you\'re"
- " looking at (useful if you were kicked). You can also "
- "provide a room_name without specifying a server, the "
- "server of the room you're currently in will be used. You"
- " can also provide a password to join the room.\nExamples"
- ":\n/join room@server.tld\n/join room@server.tld/John\n"
- "/join room2\n/join /me_again\n/join\n/join room@server"
- ".tld/my_nick password\n/join / password",
- shortdesc='Join a room',
- completion=self.completion_join)
- self.register_command('exit', self.command_quit,
- desc='Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio.',
- shortdesc='Exit poezio.')
- self.register_command('quit', self.command_quit,
- desc='Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio.',
- shortdesc='Exit poezio.')
- self.register_command('next', self.rotate_rooms_right,
- shortdesc='Go to the next room.')
- self.register_command('prev', self.rotate_rooms_left,
- shortdesc='Go to the previous room.')
- self.register_command('win', self.command_win,
- usage='<number or name>',
- shortdesc='Go to the specified room',
- completion=self.completion_win)
- self.commands['w'] = self.commands['win']
- self.register_command('move_tab', self.command_move_tab,
- usage='<source> <destination>',
- desc="Insert the <source> tab at the position of "
- "<destination>. This will make the following tabs shift in"
- " some cases (refer to the documentation). A tab can be "
- "designated by its number or by the beginning of its "
- "address. You can use \".\" as a shortcut for the current "
- "tab.",
- shortdesc='Move a tab.',
- completion=self.completion_move_tab)
- self.register_command('destroy_room', self.command_destroy_room,
- usage='[room JID]',
- desc='Try to destroy the room [room JID], or the current'
- ' tab if it is a multi-user chat and [room JID] is '
- 'not given.',
- shortdesc='Destroy a room.',
- completion=None)
- self.register_command('show', self.command_status,
- usage='<availability> [status message]',
- desc="Sets your availability and (optionally) your status "
- "message. The <availability> argument is one of \"available"
- ", chat, away, afk, dnd, busy, xa\" and the optional "
- "[status message] argument will be your status message.",
- shortdesc='Change your availability.',
- completion=self.completion_status)
- self.commands['status'] = self.commands['show']
- self.register_command('bookmark_local', self.command_bookmark_local,
- usage="[roomname][/nick] [password]",
- desc="Bookmark Local: Bookmark locally the specified room "
- "(you will then auto-join it on each poezio start). This"
- " commands uses almost the same syntaxe as /join. Type "
- "/help join for syntax examples. Note that when typing "
- "\"/bookmark\" on its own, the room will be bookmarked "
- "with the nickname you\'re currently using in this room "
- "(instead of default_nick)",
- shortdesc='Bookmark a room locally.',
- completion=self.completion_bookmark_local)
- self.register_command('bookmark', self.command_bookmark,
- usage="[roomname][/nick] [autojoin] [password]",
- desc="Bookmark: Bookmark online the specified room (you "
- "will then auto-join it on each poezio start if autojoin"
- " is specified and is 'true'). This commands uses almost"
- " the same syntax as /join. Type /help join for syntax "
- "examples. Note that when typing \"/bookmark\" alone, the"
- " room will be bookmarked with the nickname you\'re "
- "currently using in this room (instead of default_nick).",
- shortdesc="Bookmark a room online.",
- completion=self.completion_bookmark)
- self.register_command('set', self.command_set,
- usage="[plugin|][section] <option> [value]",
- desc="Set the value of an option in your configuration file."
- " You can, for example, change your default nickname by "
- "doing `/set default_nick toto` or your resource with `/set"
- " resource blabla`. You can also set options in specific "
- "sections with `/set bindings M-i ^i` or in specific plugin"
- " with `/set mpd_client| host`. `toggle` can be "
- "used as a special value to toggle a boolean option.",
- shortdesc="Set the value of an option",
- completion=self.completion_set)
- self.register_command('set_default', self.command_set_default,
- usage="[section] <option>",
- desc="Set the default value of an option. For example, "
- "`/set_default resource` will reset the resource "
- "option. You can also reset options in specific "
- "sections by doing `/set_default section option`.",
- shortdesc="Set the default value of an option",
- completion=self.completion_set_default)
- self.register_command('toggle', self.command_toggle,
- usage='<option>',
- desc='Shortcut for /set <option> toggle',
- shortdesc='Toggle an option',
- completion=self.completion_toggle)
- self.register_command('theme', self.command_theme,
- usage='[theme name]',
- desc="Reload the theme defined in the config file. If theme"
- "_name is provided, set that theme before reloading it.",
- shortdesc='Load a theme',
- completion=self.completion_theme)
- self.register_command('list', self.command_list,
- usage='[server]',
- desc="Get the list of public chatrooms"
- " on the specified server.",
- shortdesc='List the rooms.',
- completion=self.completion_list)
- self.register_command('message', self.command_message,
- usage='<jid> [optional message]',
- desc="Open a conversation with the specified JID (even if it"
- " is not in our roster), and send a message to it, if the "
- "message is specified.",
- shortdesc='Send a message',
- completion=self.completion_message)
- self.register_command('version', self.command_version,
- usage='<jid>',
- desc="Get the software version of the given JID (usually its"
- " XMPP client and Operating System).",
- shortdesc='Get the software version of a JID.',
- completion=self.completion_version)
- self.register_command('server_cycle', self.command_server_cycle,
- usage='[domain] [message]',
- desc='Disconnect and reconnect in all the rooms in domain.',
- shortdesc='Cycle a range of rooms',
- completion=self.completion_server_cycle)
- self.register_command('bind', self.command_bind,
- usage='<key> <equ>',
- desc="Bind a key to another key or to a “command”. For "
- "example \"/bind ^H KEY_UP\" makes Control + h do the"
- " same same as the Up key.",
- completion=self.completion_bind,
- shortdesc='Bind a key to another key.')
- self.register_command('load', self.command_load,
- usage='<plugin> [<otherplugin> …]',
- shortdesc='Load the specified plugin(s)',
- completion=self.plugin_manager.completion_load)
- self.register_command('unload', self.command_unload,
- usage='<plugin> [<otherplugin> …]',
- shortdesc='Unload the specified plugin(s)',
- completion=self.plugin_manager.completion_unload)
- self.register_command('plugins', self.command_plugins,
- shortdesc='Show the plugins in use.')
- self.register_command('presence', self.command_presence,
- usage='<JID> [type] [status]',
- desc="Send a directed presence to <JID> and using"
- " [type] and [status] if provided.",
- shortdesc='Send a directed presence.',
- completion=self.completion_presence)
- self.register_command('rawxml', self.command_rawxml,
- usage='<xml>',
- shortdesc='Send a custom xml stanza.')
- self.register_command('invite', self.command_invite,
- usage='<jid> <room> [reason]',
- desc='Invite jid in room with reason.',
- shortdesc='Invite someone in a room.',
- completion=self.completion_invite)
- self.register_command('invitations', self.command_invitations,
- shortdesc='Show the pending invitations.')
- self.register_command('bookmarks', self.command_bookmarks,
- shortdesc='Show the current bookmarks.')
- self.register_command('remove_bookmark', self.command_remove_bookmark,
- usage='[jid]',
- desc="Remove the specified bookmark, or the "
- "bookmark on the current tab, if any.",
- shortdesc='Remove a bookmark',
- completion=self.completion_remove_bookmark)
- self.register_command('xml_tab', self.command_xml_tab,
- shortdesc='Open an XML tab.')
- self.register_command('runkey', self.command_runkey,
- usage='<key>',
- shortdesc='Execute the action defined for <key>.',
- completion=self.completion_runkey)
- self.register_command('self', self.command_self,
- shortdesc='Remind you of who you are.')
- self.register_command('last_activity', self.command_last_activity,
- usage='<jid>',
- desc='Informs you of the last activity of a JID.',
- shortdesc='Get the activity of someone.',
- completion=self.completion_last_activity)
- self.register_command('ad-hoc', self.command_adhoc,
- usage='<jid>',
- shortdesc='List available ad-hoc commands on the given jid')
- self.register_command('reload', self.command_reload,
- shortdesc='Reload the config. You can achieve the same by '
- 'sending SIGUSR1 to poezio.')
- if config.get('enable_user_activity'):
- self.register_command('activity', self.command_activity,
- usage='[<general> [specific] [text]]',
- desc='Send your current activity to your contacts '
- '(use the completion). Nothing means '
- '"stop broadcasting an activity".',
- shortdesc='Send your activity.',
- completion=self.completion_activity)
- if config.get('enable_user_mood'):
- self.register_command('mood', self.command_mood,
- usage='[<mood> [text]]',
- desc='Send your current mood to your contacts '
- '(use the completion). Nothing means '
- '"stop broadcasting a mood".',
- shortdesc='Send your mood.',
- completion=self.completion_mood)
- if config.get('enable_user_gaming'):
- self.register_command('gaming', self.command_gaming,
- usage='[<game name> [server address]]',
- desc='Send your current gaming activity to '
- 'your contacts. Nothing means "stop '
- 'broadcasting a gaming activity".',
- shortdesc='Send your gaming activity.',
- completion=None)
-####################### XMPP Event Handlers ##################################
- on_session_start_features = handlers.on_session_start_features
- on_carbon_received = handlers.on_carbon_received
- on_carbon_sent = handlers.on_carbon_sent
- on_groupchat_invitation = handlers.on_groupchat_invitation
- on_groupchat_direct_invitation = handlers.on_groupchat_direct_invitation
- on_groupchat_decline = handlers.on_groupchat_decline
- on_message = handlers.on_message
- on_error_message = handlers.on_error_message
- on_normal_message = handlers.on_normal_message
- on_nick_received = handlers.on_nick_received
- on_gaming_event = handlers.on_gaming_event
- on_mood_event = handlers.on_mood_event
- on_activity_event = handlers.on_activity_event
- on_tune_event = handlers.on_tune_event
- on_groupchat_message = handlers.on_groupchat_message
- on_muc_own_nickchange = handlers.on_muc_own_nickchange
- on_groupchat_private_message = handlers.on_groupchat_private_message
- on_chatstate_active = handlers.on_chatstate_active
- on_chatstate_inactive = handlers.on_chatstate_inactive
- on_chatstate_composing = handlers.on_chatstate_composing
- on_chatstate_paused = handlers.on_chatstate_paused
- on_chatstate_gone = handlers.on_chatstate_gone
- on_chatstate = handlers.on_chatstate
- on_chatstate_normal_conversation = handlers.on_chatstate_normal_conversation
- on_chatstate_private_conversation = \
- handlers.on_chatstate_private_conversation
- on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation = \
- handlers.on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation
- on_roster_update = handlers.on_roster_update
- on_subscription_request = handlers.on_subscription_request
- on_subscription_authorized = handlers.on_subscription_authorized
- on_subscription_remove = handlers.on_subscription_remove
- on_subscription_removed = handlers.on_subscription_removed
- on_presence = handlers.on_presence
- on_presence_error = handlers.on_presence_error
- on_got_offline = handlers.on_got_offline
- on_got_online = handlers.on_got_online
- on_groupchat_presence = handlers.on_groupchat_presence
- on_failed_connection = handlers.on_failed_connection
- on_disconnected = handlers.on_disconnected
- on_stream_error = handlers.on_stream_error
- on_failed_all_auth = handlers.on_failed_all_auth
- on_no_auth = handlers.on_no_auth
- on_connected = handlers.on_connected
- on_connecting = handlers.on_connecting
- on_session_start = handlers.on_session_start
- on_status_codes = handlers.on_status_codes
- on_groupchat_subject = handlers.on_groupchat_subject
- on_data_form = handlers.on_data_form
- on_receipt = handlers.on_receipt
- on_attention = handlers.on_attention
- room_error = handlers.room_error
- check_bookmark_storage = handlers.check_bookmark_storage
- outgoing_stanza = handlers.outgoing_stanza
- incoming_stanza = handlers.incoming_stanza
- validate_ssl = handlers.validate_ssl
- ssl_invalid_chain = handlers.ssl_invalid_chain
- on_next_adhoc_step = handlers.on_next_adhoc_step
- on_adhoc_error = handlers.on_adhoc_error
- cancel_adhoc_command = handlers.cancel_adhoc_command
- validate_adhoc_step = handlers.validate_adhoc_step
- terminate_adhoc_command = handlers.terminate_adhoc_command
- command_help = commands.command_help
- command_runkey = commands.command_runkey
- command_status = commands.command_status
- command_presence = commands.command_presence
- command_theme = commands.command_theme
- command_win = commands.command_win
- command_move_tab = commands.command_move_tab
- command_list = commands.command_list
- command_version = commands.command_version
- command_join = commands.command_join
- command_bookmark_local = commands.command_bookmark_local
- command_bookmark = commands.command_bookmark
- command_bookmarks = commands.command_bookmarks
- command_destroy_room = commands.command_destroy_room
- command_remove_bookmark = commands.command_remove_bookmark
- command_set = commands.command_set
- command_set_default = commands.command_set_default
- command_toggle = commands.command_toggle
- command_server_cycle = commands.command_server_cycle
- command_last_activity = commands.command_last_activity
- command_mood = commands.command_mood
- command_activity = commands.command_activity
- command_gaming = commands.command_gaming
- command_invite = commands.command_invite
- command_decline = commands.command_decline
- command_invitations = commands.command_invitations
- command_quit = commands.command_quit
- command_bind = commands.command_bind
- command_rawxml = commands.command_rawxml
- command_load = commands.command_load
- command_unload = commands.command_unload
- command_plugins = commands.command_plugins
- command_message = commands.command_message
- command_xml_tab = commands.command_xml_tab
- command_adhoc = commands.command_adhoc
- command_self = commands.command_self
- command_reload = commands.command_reload
- completion_help = completions.completion_help
- completion_status = completions.completion_status
- completion_presence = completions.completion_presence
- completion_theme = completions.completion_theme
- completion_win = completions.completion_win
- completion_join = completions.completion_join
- completion_version = completions.completion_version
- completion_list = completions.completion_list
- completion_move_tab = completions.completion_move_tab
- completion_runkey = completions.completion_runkey
- completion_bookmark = completions.completion_bookmark
- completion_remove_bookmark = completions.completion_remove_bookmark
- completion_decline = completions.completion_decline
- completion_bind = completions.completion_bind
- completion_message = completions.completion_message
- completion_invite = completions.completion_invite
- completion_activity = completions.completion_activity
- completion_mood = completions.completion_mood
- completion_last_activity = completions.completion_last_activity
- completion_server_cycle = completions.completion_server_cycle
- completion_set = completions.completion_set
- completion_set_default = completions.completion_set_default
- completion_toggle = completions.completion_toggle
- completion_bookmark_local = completions.completion_bookmark_local
-class KeyDict(dict):
- """
- A dict, with a wrapper for get() that will return a custom value
- if the key starts with _exc_
- """
- def get(self, k, d=None):
- if isinstance(k, str) and k.startswith('_exc_') and len(k) > 5:
- return lambda: dict.get(self, '_exc_')(k[5:])
- return dict.get(self, k, d)
-def replace_key_with_bound(key):
- """
- Replace an inputted key with the one defined as its replacement
- in the config
- """
- bind = config.get(key, default=key, section='bindings')
- if not bind:
- bind = key
- return bind
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cc08179..00000000
--- a/src/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1354 +0,0 @@
-XMPP-related handlers for the Core class
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-import asyncio
-import curses
-import functools
-import ssl
-import sys
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-from hashlib import sha1, sha512
-from os import path
-from slixmpp import InvalidJID
-from slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase, ElementBase
-from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
-import common
-import fixes
-import pep
-import tabs
-import windows
-import xhtml
-import multiuserchat as muc
-from common import safeJID
-from config import config, CACHE_DIR
-from contact import Resource
-from logger import logger
-from roster import roster
-from text_buffer import CorrectionError, AckError
-from theming import dump_tuple, get_theme
-from . commands import dumb_callback
- from pygments import highlight
- from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
- from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
- LEXER = get_lexer_by_name('xml')
- FORMATTER = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)
-except ImportError:
- PYGMENTS = False
-def _join_initial_rooms(self, bookmarks):
- """Join all rooms given in the iterator `bookmarks`"""
- for bm in bookmarks:
- if not (bm.autojoin or config.get('open_all_bookmarks')):
- continue
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(bm.jid, tabs.MucTab)
- nick = bm.nick if bm.nick else self.own_nick
- if not tab:
- self.open_new_room(bm.jid, nick, focus=False,
- password=bm.password)
- self.initial_joins.append(bm.jid)
- # do not join rooms that do not have autojoin
- # but display them anyway
- if bm.autojoin:
- muc.join_groupchat(self, bm.jid, nick,
- passwd=bm.password,
- status=self.status.message,
-def check_bookmark_storage(self, features):
- private = 'jabber:iq:private' in features
- pep_ = '' in features
- self.bookmarks.available_storage['private'] = private
- self.bookmarks.available_storage['pep'] = pep_
- def _join_remote_only(iq):
- if iq['type'] == 'error':
- type_ = iq['error']['type']
- condition = iq['error']['condition']
- if not (type_ == 'cancel' and condition == 'item-not-found'):
- self.information('Unable to fetch the remote'
- ' bookmarks; %s: %s' % (type_, condition),
- 'Error')
- return
- remote_bookmarks = self.bookmarks.remote()
- _join_initial_rooms(self, remote_bookmarks)
- if not self.xmpp.anon and config.get('use_remote_bookmarks'):
- self.bookmarks.get_remote(self.xmpp, self.information, _join_remote_only)
-def on_session_start_features(self, _):
- """
- Enable carbons & blocking on session start if wanted and possible
- """
- def callback(iq):
- if not iq:
- return
- features = iq['disco_info']['features']
- rostertab = self.get_tab_by_name('Roster', tabs.RosterInfoTab)
- rostertab.check_blocking(features)
- rostertab.check_saslexternal(features)
- if (config.get('enable_carbons') and
- 'urn:xmpp:carbons:2' in features):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0280'].enable()
- self.check_bookmark_storage(features)
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=self.xmpp.boundjid.domain,
- callback=callback)
-def on_carbon_received(self, message):
- """
- Carbon <received/> received
- """
- def ignore_message(recv):
- log.debug('%s has category conference, ignoring carbon',
- recv['from'].server)
- def receive_message(recv):
- recv['to'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- if recv['receipt']:
- return self.on_receipt(recv)
- self.on_normal_message(recv)
- recv = message['carbon_received']
- if (recv['from'].bare not in roster or
- roster[recv['from'].bare].subscription == 'none'):
- fixes.has_identity(self.xmpp, recv['from'].server,
- identity='conference',
- on_true=functools.partial(ignore_message, recv),
- on_false=functools.partial(receive_message, recv))
- return
- else:
- receive_message(recv)
-def on_carbon_sent(self, message):
- """
- Carbon <sent/> received
- """
- def ignore_message(sent):
- log.debug('%s has category conference, ignoring carbon',
- sent['to'].server)
- def send_message(sent):
- sent['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- self.on_normal_message(sent)
- sent = message['carbon_sent']
- if (sent['to'].bare not in roster or
- roster[sent['to'].bare].subscription == 'none'):
- fixes.has_identity(self.xmpp, sent['to'].server,
- identity='conference',
- on_true=functools.partial(ignore_message, sent),
- on_false=functools.partial(send_message, sent))
- else:
- send_message(sent)
-### Invites ###
-def on_groupchat_invitation(self, message):
- """
- Mediated invitation received
- """
- jid = message['from']
- if jid.bare in self.pending_invites:
- return
- # there are 2 'x' tags in the messages, making message['x'] useless
- invite = StanzaBase(self.xmpp, xml=message.find('{}x/{}invite'))
- inviter = invite['from']
- reason = invite['reason']
- password = invite['password']
- msg = "You are invited to the room %s by %s" % (jid.full, inviter.full)
- if reason:
- msg += "because: %s" % reason
- if password:
- msg += ". The password is \"%s\"." % password
- self.information(msg, 'Info')
- if 'invite' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- curses.beep()
- logger.log_roster_change(inviter.full, 'invited you to %s' % jid.full)
- self.pending_invites[jid.bare] = inviter.full
-def on_groupchat_decline(self, decline):
- "Mediated invitation declined; skip for now"
- pass
-def on_groupchat_direct_invitation(self, message):
- """
- Direct invitation received
- """
- room = safeJID(message['groupchat_invite']['jid'])
- if room.bare in self.pending_invites:
- return
- inviter = message['from']
- reason = message['groupchat_invite']['reason']
- password = message['groupchat_invite']['password']
- continue_ = message['groupchat_invite']['continue']
- msg = "You are invited to the room %s by %s" % (room, inviter.full)
- if password:
- msg += ' (password: "%s")' % password
- if continue_:
- msg += '\nto continue the discussion'
- if reason:
- msg += "\nreason: %s" % reason
- self.information(msg, 'Info')
- if 'invite' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- curses.beep()
- self.pending_invites[room.bare] = inviter.full
- logger.log_roster_change(inviter.full, 'invited you to %s' % room.bare)
-### "classic" messages ###
-def on_message(self, message):
- """
- When receiving private message from a muc OR a normal message
- (from one of our contacts)
- """
- if message.find('{}x/{}invite') != None:
- return
- if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
- return
- # Differentiate both type of messages, and call the appropriate handler.
- jid_from = message['from']
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- if == jid_from.bare:
- if message['type'] == 'chat':
- return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message)
- return self.on_normal_message(message)
-def on_error_message(self, message):
- """
- When receiving any message with type="error"
- """
- jid_from = message['from']
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- if == jid_from.bare:
- if message['type'] == 'error':
- return self.room_error(message, jid_from.bare)
- else:
- return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message)
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(message['from'], create=False)
- error_msg = self.get_error_message(message, deprecated=True)
- if not tab:
- return self.information(error_msg, 'Error')
- error = '\x19%s}%s\x19o' % (dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_CHAR_NACK),
- error_msg)
- if not tab.nack_message('\n' + error, message['id'], message['to']):
- tab.add_message(error, typ=0)
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_normal_message(self, message):
- """
- When receiving "normal" messages (not a private message from a
- muc participant)
- """
- if message['type'] == 'error':
- return
- elif message['type'] == 'headline' and message['body']:
- return self.information('%s says: %s' % (message['from'], message['body']), 'Headline')
- use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
- tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
- extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- if not body:
- return
- remote_nick = ''
- # normal message, we are the recipient
- if message['to'].bare == self.xmpp.boundjid.bare:
- conv_jid = message['from']
- jid = conv_jid
- color = get_theme().COLOR_REMOTE_USER
- # check for a name
- if conv_jid.bare in roster:
- remote_nick = roster[conv_jid.bare].name
- # check for a received nick
- if not remote_nick and config.get('enable_user_nick'):
- if message.xml.find('{}nick') is not None:
- remote_nick = message['nick']['nick']
- if not remote_nick:
- remote_nick = conv_jid.user
- if not remote_nick:
- remote_nick = conv_jid.full
- own = False
- # we wrote the message (happens with carbons)
- elif message['from'].bare == self.xmpp.boundjid.bare:
- conv_jid = message['to']
- jid = self.xmpp.boundjid
- color = get_theme().COLOR_OWN_NICK
- remote_nick = self.own_nick
- own = True
- # we are not part of that message, drop it
- else:
- return
- conversation = self.get_conversation_by_jid(conv_jid, create=True)
- if isinstance(conversation, tabs.DynamicConversationTab) and conv_jid.resource:
- conversation.lock(conv_jid.resource)
- if not own and not conversation.nick:
- conversation.nick = remote_nick
- elif not own: # keep a fixed nick during the whole conversation
- remote_nick = conversation.nick
-'conversation_msg', message, conversation)
- if not message['body']:
- return
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- delayed, date = common.find_delayed_tag(message)
- def try_modify():
- replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
- if replaced_id and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
- conv_jid.bare):
- try:
- conversation.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], jid=jid,
- nickname=remote_nick)
- return True
- except CorrectionError:
- log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
- return False
- if not try_modify():
- conversation.add_message(body, date,
- nickname=remote_nick,
- nick_color=color,
- history=delayed,
- identifier=message['id'],
- jid=jid,
- typ=1)
- if conversation.remote_wants_chatstates is None and not delayed:
- if message['chat_state']:
- conversation.remote_wants_chatstates = True
- else:
- conversation.remote_wants_chatstates = False
- if not own and 'private' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', conv_jid.bare):
- curses.beep()
- if self.current_tab() is not conversation:
- if not own:
- conversation.state = 'private'
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- else:
- conversation.set_state('normal')
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- else:
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_nick_received(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for an user nickname
- is received
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- if item.xml.find('{}nick'):
- = item['nick']['nick']
- else:
- = ''
-def on_gaming_event(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for user gaming
- is received
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- old_gaming = contact.gaming
- if item.xml.find('{urn:xmpp:gaming:0}gaming'):
- item = item['gaming']
- # only name and server_address are used for now
- contact.gaming = {
- 'character_name': item['character_name'],
- 'character_profile': item['character_profile'],
- 'name': item['name'],
- 'level': item['level'],
- 'uri': item['uri'],
- 'server_name': item['server_name'],
- 'server_address': item['server_address'],
- }
- else:
- contact.gaming = {}
- if contact.gaming:
- logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'is playing %s' % (common.format_gaming_string(contact.gaming)))
- if old_gaming != contact.gaming and config.get_by_tabname('display_gaming_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
- if contact.gaming:
- self.information('%s is playing %s' % (contact.bare_jid, common.format_gaming_string(contact.gaming)), 'Gaming')
- else:
- self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped playing.', 'Gaming')
-def on_mood_event(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for an user mood
- is received.
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- old_mood = contact.mood
- if item.xml.find('{}mood'):
- mood = item['mood']['value']
- if mood:
- mood = pep.MOODS.get(mood, mood)
- text = item['mood']['text']
- if text:
- mood = '%s (%s)' % (mood, text)
- contact.mood = mood
- else:
- contact.mood = ''
- else:
- contact.mood = ''
- if contact.mood:
- logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'has now the mood: %s' % contact.mood)
- if old_mood != contact.mood and config.get_by_tabname('display_mood_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
- if contact.mood:
- self.information('Mood from '+ contact.bare_jid + ': ' + contact.mood, 'Mood')
- else:
- self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped having his/her mood.', 'Mood')
-def on_activity_event(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for an user activity
- is received.
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- old_activity = contact.activity
- if item.xml.find('{}activity'):
- try:
- activity = item['activity']['value']
- except ValueError:
- return
- if activity[0]:
- general = pep.ACTIVITIES.get(activity[0])
- s = general['category']
- if activity[1]:
- s = s + '/' + general.get(activity[1], 'other')
- text = item['activity']['text']
- if text:
- s = '%s (%s)' % (s, text)
- contact.activity = s
- else:
- contact.activity = ''
- else:
- contact.activity = ''
- if contact.activity:
- logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'has now the activity %s' % contact.activity)
- if old_activity != contact.activity and config.get_by_tabname('display_activity_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
- if contact.activity:
- self.information('Activity from '+ contact.bare_jid + ': ' + contact.activity, 'Activity')
- else:
- self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped doing his/her activity.', 'Activity')
-def on_tune_event(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for an user tune
- is received
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- old_tune = contact.tune
- if item.xml.find('{}tune'):
- item = item['tune']
- contact.tune = {
- 'artist': item['artist'],
- 'length': item['length'],
- 'rating': item['rating'],
- 'source': item['source'],
- 'title': item['title'],
- 'track': item['track'],
- 'uri': item['uri']
- }
- else:
- contact.tune = {}
- if contact.tune:
- logger.log_roster_change(message['from'].bare, 'is now listening to %s' % common.format_tune_string(contact.tune))
- if old_tune != contact.tune and config.get_by_tabname('display_tune_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
- if contact.tune:
- self.information(
- 'Tune from '+ message['from'].bare + ': ' + common.format_tune_string(contact.tune),
- 'Tune')
- else:
- self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped listening to music.', 'Tune')
-def on_groupchat_message(self, message):
- """
- Triggered whenever a message is received from a multi-user chat room.
- """
- if message['subject']:
- return
- room_from = message['from'].bare
- if message['type'] == 'error': # Check if it's an error
- return self.room_error(message, room_from)
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
- if not tab:
- self.information("message received for a non-existing room: %s" % (room_from))
- muc.leave_groupchat(self.xmpp, room_from, self.own_nick, msg='')
- return
- nick_from = message['mucnick']
- user = tab.get_user_by_name(nick_from)
- if user and user in tab.ignores:
- return
-'muc_msg', message, tab)
- use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
- tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
- extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- if not body:
- return
- old_state = tab.state
- delayed, date = common.find_delayed_tag(message)
- replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
- replaced = False
- if replaced_id is not '' and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
- message['from'].bare):
- try:
- delayed_date = date or
- if tab.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'],
- time=delayed_date,
- nickname=nick_from, user=user):
-'highlight', message, tab)
- replaced = True
- except CorrectionError:
- log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
- if not replaced and tab.add_message(body, date, nick_from, history=delayed, identifier=message['id'], jid=message['from'], typ=1):
-'highlight', message, tab)
- if message['from'].resource == tab.own_nick:
- tab.last_sent_message = message
- if tab is self.current_tab():
- tab.text_win.refresh()
- tab.info_header.refresh(tab, tab.text_win)
- tab.input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- elif tab.state != old_state:
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- current = self.current_tab()
- if hasattr(current, 'input') and current.input:
- current.input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- if 'message' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- if (not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', room_from)
- and self.own_nick != message['from'].resource):
- curses.beep()
-def on_muc_own_nickchange(self, muc):
- "We changed our nick in a MUC"
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab):
- if tab.parent_muc == muc:
- tab.own_nick = muc.own_nick
-def on_groupchat_private_message(self, message):
- """
- We received a Private Message (from someone in a Muc)
- """
- jid = message['from']
- nick_from = jid.resource
- if not nick_from:
- return self.on_groupchat_message(message)
- room_from = jid.bare
- use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
- tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
- extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.PrivateTab) # get the tab with the private conversation
- ignore = config.get_by_tabname('ignore_private', room_from)
- if not tab: # It's the first message we receive: create the tab
- if body and not ignore:
- tab = self.open_private_window(room_from, nick_from, False)
- if ignore:
-'ignored_private', message, tab)
- msg = config.get_by_tabname('private_auto_response', room_from)
- if msg and body:
- self.xmpp.send_message(mto=jid.full, mbody=msg, mtype='chat')
- return
-'private_msg', message, tab)
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- if not body or not tab:
- return
- replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
- replaced = False
- user = tab.parent_muc.get_user_by_name(nick_from)
- if replaced_id is not '' and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
- room_from):
- try:
- tab.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], user=user, jid=message['from'],
- nickname=nick_from)
- replaced = True
- except CorrectionError:
- log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
- if not replaced:
- tab.add_message(body, time=None, nickname=nick_from,
- forced_user=user,
- identifier=message['id'],
- jid=message['from'],
- typ=1)
- if tab.remote_wants_chatstates is None:
- if message['chat_state']:
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
- else:
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = False
- if 'private' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', jid.full):
- curses.beep()
- if tab is self.current_tab():
- self.refresh_window()
- else:
- tab.state = 'private'
- self.refresh_tab_win()
-### Chatstates ###
-def on_chatstate_active(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "active")
-def on_chatstate_inactive(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "inactive")
-def on_chatstate_composing(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "composing")
-def on_chatstate_paused(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "paused")
-def on_chatstate_gone(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "gone")
-def on_chatstate(self, message, state):
- if message['type'] == 'chat':
- if not self.on_chatstate_normal_conversation(message, state):
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(message['from'].full, tabs.PrivateTab)
- if not tab:
- return
- self.on_chatstate_private_conversation(message, state)
- elif message['type'] == 'groupchat':
- self.on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation(message, state)
-def on_chatstate_normal_conversation(self, message, state):
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(message['from'], False)
- if not tab:
- return False
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
-'normal_chatstate', message, tab)
- tab.chatstate = state
- if state == 'gone' and isinstance(tab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab):
- tab.unlock()
- if tab == self.current_tab():
- tab.refresh_info_header()
- self.doupdate()
- else:
- _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- return True
-def on_chatstate_private_conversation(self, message, state):
- """
- Chatstate received in a private conversation from a MUC
- """
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(message['from'].full, tabs.PrivateTab)
- if not tab:
- return
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
-'private_chatstate', message, tab)
- tab.chatstate = state
- if tab == self.current_tab():
- tab.refresh_info_header()
- self.doupdate()
- else:
- _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- return True
-def on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation(self, message, state):
- """
- Chatstate received in a MUC
- """
- nick = message['mucnick']
- room_from = message.get_mucroom()
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
- if tab and tab.get_user_by_name(nick):
-'muc_chatstate', message, tab)
- tab.get_user_by_name(nick).chatstate = state
- if tab == self.current_tab():
- if not self.size.tab_degrade_x:
- tab.user_win.refresh(tab.users)
- tab.input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- else:
- _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
- self.refresh_tab_win()
-### subscription-related handlers ###
-def on_roster_update(self, iq):
- """
- The roster was received.
- """
- for item in iq['roster']:
- try:
- jid = item['jid']
- except InvalidJID:
- jid = item._get_attr('jid', '')
- log.error('Invalid JID: "%s"', jid, exc_info=True)
- else:
- if item['subscription'] == 'remove':
- del roster[jid]
- else:
- roster.update_contact_groups(jid)
- roster.update_size()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_subscription_request(self, presence):
- """subscribe received"""
- jid = presence['from'].bare
- contact = roster[jid]
- if contact and contact.subscription in ('from', 'both'):
- return
- elif contact and contact.subscription == 'to':
- self.xmpp.sendPresence(pto=jid, ptype='subscribed')
- self.xmpp.sendPresence(pto=jid)
- else:
- if not contact:
- contact = roster.get_and_set(jid)
- roster.update_contact_groups(contact)
- contact.pending_in = True
- self.information('%s wants to subscribe to your presence, use '
- '/accept <jid> or /deny <jid> in the roster '
- 'tab to accept or reject the query.' % jid,
- 'Roster')
- self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
- roster.modified()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_subscription_authorized(self, presence):
- """subscribed received"""
- jid = presence['from'].bare
- contact = roster[jid]
- if contact.subscription not in ('both', 'from'):
- self.information('%s accepted your contact proposal' % jid, 'Roster')
- if contact.pending_out:
- contact.pending_out = False
- roster.modified()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_subscription_remove(self, presence):
- """unsubscribe received"""
- jid = presence['from'].bare
- contact = roster[jid]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- self.information('%s does not want to receive your status anymore.' % jid, 'Roster')
- self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_subscription_removed(self, presence):
- """unsubscribed received"""
- jid = presence['from'].bare
- contact = roster[jid]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- if contact.pending_out:
- self.information('%s rejected your contact proposal' % jid, 'Roster')
- contact.pending_out = False
- else:
- self.information('%s does not want you to receive his/her/its status anymore.'%jid, 'Roster')
- self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-### Presence-related handlers ###
-def on_presence(self, presence):
- if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{}x'):
- return
- jid = presence['from']
- contact = roster[jid.bare]
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid, create=False)
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab):
- if tab.get_dest_jid() != jid.full:
- tab.unlock(from_=jid.full)
- elif presence['type'] == 'unavailable':
- tab.unlock()
- if contact is None:
- return
- roster.modified()
- contact.error = None
-'normal_presence', presence, contact[jid.full])
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid, create=False)
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
- elif self.current_tab() == tab:
- tab.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
-def on_presence_error(self, presence):
- jid = presence['from']
- contact = roster[jid.bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- contact.error = presence['error']['type'] + ': ' + presence['error']['condition']
- # reset chat states status on presence error
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.ConversationTab)
- if tab:
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = None
-def on_got_offline(self, presence):
- """
- A JID got offline
- """
- if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{}x'):
- return
- jid = presence['from']
- if not logger.log_roster_change(jid.bare, 'got offline'):
- self.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error')
- # If a resource got offline, display the message in the conversation with this
- # precise resource.
- contact = roster[jid.bare]
- name = jid.bare
- if contact:
- roster.connected -= 1
- if
- name =
- if jid.resource:
- self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.full, '\x195}%s is \x191}offline' % name)
- self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.bare, '\x195}%s is \x191}offline' % name)
- self.information('\x193}%s \x195}is \x191}offline' % name, 'Roster')
- roster.modified()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_got_online(self, presence):
- """
- A JID got online
- """
- if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{}x'):
- return
- jid = presence['from']
- contact = roster[jid.bare]
- if contact is None:
- # Todo, handle presence coming from contacts not in roster
- return
- roster.connected += 1
- roster.modified()
- if not logger.log_roster_change(jid.bare, 'got online'):
- self.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error')
- resource = Resource(jid.full, {
- 'priority': presence.get_priority() or 0,
- 'status': presence['status'],
- 'show': presence['show'],
- })
-'normal_presence', presence, resource)
- name = if else jid.bare
- self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.full, '\x195}%s is \x194}online' % name)
- if time.time() - self.connection_time > 10:
- # We do not display messages if we recently logged in
- if presence['status']:
- self.information("\x193}%s \x195}is \x194}online\x195} (\x19o%s\x195})" % (name, presence['status']), "Roster")
- else:
- self.information("\x193}%s \x195}is \x194}online\x195}" % name, "Roster")
- self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.bare, '\x195}%s is \x194}online' % name)
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_groupchat_presence(self, presence):
- """
- Triggered whenever a presence stanza is received from a user in a multi-user chat room.
- Display the presence on the room window and update the
- presence information of the concerned user
- """
- from_room = presence['from'].bare
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(from_room, tabs.MucTab)
- if tab:
-'muc_presence', presence, tab)
- tab.handle_presence(presence)
-### Connection-related handlers ###
-def on_failed_connection(self, error):
- """
- We cannot contact the remote server
- """
- self.information("Connection to remote server failed: %s" % (error,), 'Error')
-def on_disconnected(self, event):
- """
- When we are disconnected from remote server
- """
- roster.connected = 0
- # Stop the ping plugin. It would try to send stanza on regular basis
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0199'].disable_keepalive()
- roster.modified()
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- tab.disconnect()
- msg_typ = 'Error' if not self.legitimate_disconnect else 'Info'
- self.information("Disconnected from server.", msg_typ)
- if not self.legitimate_disconnect and config.get('auto_reconnect', True):
- self.information("Auto-reconnecting.", 'Info')
- self.xmpp.start()
-def on_stream_error(self, event):
- """
- When we receive a stream error
- """
- if event and event['text']:
- self.information('Stream error: %s' % event['text'], 'Error')
-def on_failed_all_auth(self, event):
- """
- Authentication failed
- """
- self.information("Authentication failed (bad credentials?).",
- 'Error')
- self.legitimate_disconnect = True
-def on_no_auth(self, event):
- """
- Authentication failed (no mech)
- """
- self.information("Authentication failed, no login method available.",
- 'Error')
- self.legitimate_disconnect = True
-def on_connected(self, event):
- """
- Remote host responded, but we are not yet authenticated
- """
- self.information("Connected to server.", 'Info')
-def on_connecting(self, event):
- """
- Just before we try to connect to the server
- """
- self.legitimate_disconnect = False
-def on_session_start(self, event):
- """
- Called when we are connected and authenticated
- """
- self.connection_time = time.time()
- if not self.plugins_autoloaded: # Do not reload plugins on reconnection
- self.autoload_plugins()
- self.information("Authentication success.", 'Info')
- self.information("Your JID is %s" % self.xmpp.boundjid.full, 'Info')
- if not self.xmpp.anon:
- # request the roster
- self.xmpp.get_roster()
- roster.update_contact_groups(self.xmpp.boundjid.bare)
- # send initial presence
- if config.get('send_initial_presence'):
- pres = self.xmpp.make_presence()
- pres['show'] =
- pres['status'] = self.status.message
-'send_normal_presence', pres)
- pres.send()
- self.bookmarks.get_local()
- # join all the available bookmarks. As of yet, this is just the local ones
- _join_initial_rooms(self, self.bookmarks)
- if config.get('enable_user_nick'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0172'].publish_nick(nick=self.own_nick, callback=dumb_callback)
- asyncio.async(self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0115'].update_caps())
- # Start the ping's plugin regular event
- self.xmpp.set_keepalive_values()
-### Other handlers ###
-def on_status_codes(self, message):
- """
- Handle groupchat messages with status codes.
- Those are received when a room configuration change occurs.
- """
- room_from = message['from']
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
- status_codes = set([s.attrib['code'] for s in message.findall('{%s}x/{%s}status' % (tabs.NS_MUC_USER, tabs.NS_MUC_USER))])
- if '101' in status_codes:
- self.information('Your affiliation in the room %s changed' % room_from, 'Info')
- elif tab and status_codes:
- show_unavailable = '102' in status_codes
- hide_unavailable = '103' in status_codes
- non_priv = '104' in status_codes
- logging_on = '170' in status_codes
- logging_off = '171' in status_codes
- non_anon = '172' in status_codes
- semi_anon = '173' in status_codes
- full_anon = '174' in status_codes
- modif = False
- if show_unavailable or hide_unavailable or non_priv or logging_off\
- or non_anon or semi_anon or full_anon:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: A configuration change not privacy-related occured.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- modif = True
- if show_unavailable:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The unavailable members are now shown.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- elif hide_unavailable:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The unavailable members are now hidden.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- if non_anon:
- tab.add_message('\x191}Warning:\x19%(info_col)s} The room is now not anonymous. (public JID)' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- elif semi_anon:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The room is now semi-anonymous. (moderators-only JID)' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- elif full_anon:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The room is now fully anonymous.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- if logging_on:
- tab.add_message('\x191}Warning: \x19%(info_col)s}This room is publicly logged' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- elif logging_off:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: This room is not logged anymore.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- if modif:
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_groupchat_subject(self, message):
- """
- Triggered when the topic is changed.
- """
- nick_from = message['mucnick']
- room_from = message.get_mucroom()
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
- subject = message['subject']
- if subject is None or not tab:
- return
- if subject != tab.topic:
- # Do not display the message if the subject did not change or if we
- # receive an empty topic when joining the room.
- if nick_from:
- tab.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}%(nick)s set the subject to: %(subject)s" %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT), 'nick':nick_from, 'subject':subject},
- time=None,
- typ=2)
- else:
- tab.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}The subject is: %(subject)s" %
- {'subject':subject, 'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- time=None,
- typ=2)
- tab.topic = subject
- tab.topic_from = nick_from
- if self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab) is self.current_tab():
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_receipt(self, message):
- """
- When a delivery receipt is received (XEP-0184)
- """
- jid = message['from']
- msg_id = message['receipt']
- if not msg_id:
- return
- conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid, tabs.ChatTab)
- conversation = conversation or self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.ChatTab)
- if not conversation:
- return
- try:
- conversation.ack_message(msg_id, self.xmpp.boundjid)
- except AckError:
- log.debug('Error while receiving an ack', exc_info=True)
-def on_data_form(self, message):
- """
- When a data form is received
- """
- self.information('%s' % message)
-def on_attention(self, message):
- """
- Attention probe received.
- """
- jid_from = message['from']
- self.information('%s requests your attention!' % jid_from, 'Info')
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if == jid_from:
- tab.state = 'attention'
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- return
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if == jid_from.bare:
- tab.state = 'attention'
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- return
- self.information('%s tab not found.' % jid_from, 'Error')
-def room_error(self, error, room_name):
- """
- Display the error in the tab
- """
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_name, tabs.MucTab)
- if not tab:
- return
- error_message = self.get_error_message(error)
- tab.add_message(error_message, highlight=True, nickname='Error',
- nick_color=get_theme().COLOR_ERROR_MSG, typ=2)
- code = error['error']['code']
- if code == '401':
- msg = 'To provide a password in order to join the room, type "/join / password" (replace "password" by the real password)'
- tab.add_message(msg, typ=2)
- if code == '409':
- if config.get('alternative_nickname') != '':
- self.command_join('%s/%s'% (, tab.own_nick+config.get('alternative_nickname')))
- else:
- if not tab.joined:
- tab.add_message('You can join the room with an other nick, by typing "/join /other_nick"', typ=2)
- self.refresh_window()
-def outgoing_stanza(self, stanza):
- """
- We are sending a new stanza, write it in the xml buffer if needed.
- """
- if self.xml_tab:
- xhtml_text = highlight('%s' % stanza, LEXER, FORMATTER)
- poezio_colored = xhtml.xhtml_to_poezio_colors(xhtml_text, force=True).rstrip('\x19o').strip()
- else:
- poezio_colored = '%s' % stanza
- self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_buffer, poezio_colored,
- nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_OUT)
- try:
- if self.xml_tab.match_stanza(ElementBase(ET.fromstring(stanza))):
- self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_tab.filtered_buffer, poezio_colored,
- nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_OUT)
- except:
- log.debug('', exc_info=True)
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.XMLTab):
- self.current_tab().refresh()
- self.doupdate()
-def incoming_stanza(self, stanza):
- """
- We are receiving a new stanza, write it in the xml buffer if needed.
- """
- if self.xml_tab:
- xhtml_text = highlight('%s' % stanza, LEXER, FORMATTER)
- poezio_colored = xhtml.xhtml_to_poezio_colors(xhtml_text, force=True).rstrip('\x19o').strip()
- else:
- poezio_colored = '%s' % stanza
- self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_buffer, poezio_colored,
- nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_IN)
- try:
- if self.xml_tab.match_stanza(stanza):
- self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_tab.filtered_buffer, poezio_colored,
- nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_IN)
- except:
- log.debug('', exc_info=True)
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.XMLTab):
- self.current_tab().refresh()
- self.doupdate()
-def ssl_invalid_chain(self, tb):
- self.information('The certificate sent by the server is invalid.', 'Error')
- self.disconnect()
-def validate_ssl(self, pem):
- """
- Check the server certificate using the slixmpp ssl_cert event
- """
- if config.get('ignore_certificate'):
- return
- cert = config.get('certificate')
- # update the cert representation when it uses the old one
- if cert and not ':' in cert:
- cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(cert[::2], cert[1::2])).upper()
- config.set_and_save('certificate', cert)
- der = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem)
- sha1_digest = sha1(der).hexdigest().upper()
- sha1_found_cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(sha1_digest[::2], sha1_digest[1::2]))
- sha2_digest = sha512(der).hexdigest().upper()
- sha2_found_cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(sha2_digest[::2], sha2_digest[1::2]))
- if cert:
- if sha1_found_cert == cert:
- log.debug('Cert %s OK', sha1_found_cert)
- log.debug('Current hash is SHA-1, moving to SHA-2 (%s)',
- sha2_found_cert)
- config.set_and_save('certificate', sha2_found_cert)
- return
- elif sha2_found_cert == cert:
- log.debug('Cert %s OK', sha2_found_cert)
- return
- else:
- saved_input = self.current_tab().input
- log.debug('\nWARNING: CERTIFICATE CHANGED old: %s, new: %s\n', cert, sha2_found_cert)
- self.information('New certificate found (sha-2 hash:'
- ' %s)\nPlease validate or abort' % sha2_found_cert,
- 'Warning')
- def check_input():
- self.current_tab().input = saved_input
- if input.value:
- self.information('Setting new certificate: old: %s, new: %s' % (cert, sha2_found_cert), 'Info')
- log.debug('Setting certificate to %s', sha2_found_cert)
- if not config.silent_set('certificate', sha2_found_cert):
- self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error')
- else:
- self.information('You refused to validate the certificate. You are now disconnected', 'Info')
- self.disconnect()
- new_loop.stop()
- asyncio.set_event_loop(old_loop)
- input = windows.YesNoInput(text="WARNING! Server certificate has changed, accept? (y/n)", callback=check_input)
- self.current_tab().input = input
- input.resize(1, self.current_tab().width, self.current_tab().height-1, 0)
- input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- old_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- new_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
- asyncio.set_event_loop(new_loop)
- new_loop.add_reader(sys.stdin, self.on_input_readable)
- curses.beep()
- new_loop.run_forever()
- else:
- log.debug('First time. Setting certificate to %s', sha2_found_cert)
- if not config.silent_set('certificate', sha2_found_cert):
- self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error')
-def _composing_tab_state(tab, state):
- """
- Set a tab state to or from the "composing" state
- according to the config and the current tab state
- """
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
- values = ('true', 'muc')
- elif isinstance(tab, tabs.PrivateTab):
- values = ('true', 'direct', 'private')
- elif isinstance(tab, tabs.ConversationTab):
- values = ('true', 'direct', 'conversation')
- else:
- return # should not happen
- show = config.get('show_composing_tabs')
- show = show in values
- if tab.state != 'composing' and state == 'composing':
- if show:
- if tabs.STATE_PRIORITY[tab.state] > tabs.STATE_PRIORITY[state]:
- return
- tab.save_state()
- tab.state = 'composing'
- elif tab.state == 'composing' and state != 'composing':
- tab.restore_state()
-### Ad-hoc commands
-def on_next_adhoc_step(self, iq, adhoc_session):
- status = iq['command']['status']
- xform = iq.xml.find('{}command/{jabber:x:data}x')
- if xform is not None:
- form = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0004'].buildForm(xform)
- else:
- form = None
- if status == 'error':
- return self.information("An error occured while executing the command")
- if status == 'executing':
- if not form:
- self.information("Adhoc command step does not contain a data-form. Aborting the execution.", "Error")
- return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].cancel_command(adhoc_session)
- on_validate = self.validate_adhoc_step
- on_cancel = self.cancel_adhoc_command
- if status == 'completed':
- on_validate = lambda form, session: self.close_tab()
- on_cancel = lambda form, session: self.close_tab()
- # If a form is available, use it, and add the Notes from the
- # response to it, if any
- if form:
- for note in iq['command']['notes']:
- form.add_field(type='fixed', label=note[1])
- self.open_new_form(form, on_cancel, on_validate,
- session=adhoc_session)
- else: # otherwise, just display an information
- # message
- notes = '\n'.join([note[1] for note in iq['command']['notes']])
- self.information("Adhoc command %s: %s" % (status, notes), "Info")
-def on_adhoc_error(self, iq, adhoc_session):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].terminate_command(adhoc_session)
- error_message = self.get_error_message(iq)
- self.information("An error occured while executing the command: %s" % (error_message),
- 'Error')
-def cancel_adhoc_command(self, form, session):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].cancel_command(session)
- self.close_tab()
-def validate_adhoc_step(self, form, session):
- session['payload'] = form
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].continue_command(session)
- self.close_tab()
-def terminate_adhoc_command(self, form, session):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].terminate_command(session)
- self.close_tab()
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ce0ef43..00000000
--- a/src/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Module defining structures useful to the core class and related methods
-import collections
- '401': 'A password is required',
- '403': 'Permission denied',
- '404': 'The room doesn’t exist',
- '405': 'Your are not allowed to create a new room',
- '406': 'A reserved nick must be used',
- '407': 'You are not in the member list',
- '409': 'This nickname is already in use or has been reserved',
- '503': 'The maximum number of users has been reached',
- }
- '302': 'Redirect',
- '400': 'Bad request',
- '401': 'Not authorized',
- '402': 'Payment required',
- '403': 'Forbidden',
- '404': 'Not found',
- '405': 'Not allowed',
- '406': 'Not acceptable',
- '407': 'Registration required',
- '408': 'Request timeout',
- '409': 'Conflict',
- '500': 'Internal server error',
- '501': 'Feature not implemented',
- '502': 'Remote server error',
- '503': 'Service unavailable',
- '504': 'Remote server timeout',
- '510': 'Disconnected',
-possible_show = {'available':None,
- 'chat':'chat',
- 'away':'away',
- 'afk':'away',
- 'dnd':'dnd',
- 'busy':'dnd',
- 'xa':'xa'
- }
-Status = collections.namedtuple('Status', 'show message')
-Command = collections.namedtuple('Command', 'func desc comp short usage')