path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 646e8188..3d5f8268 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ possible_show = {'available':None,
Status = collections.namedtuple('Status', 'show message')
+Command = collections.namedtuple('Command', 'func desc comp short usage')
class Core(object):
@@ -156,42 +157,8 @@ class Core(object):
# a completion function, taking a Input as argument. Can be None)
# The completion function should return True if a completion was
# made ; False otherwise
- self.commands = {
- 'help': (self.command_help, '\_o< KOIN KOIN KOIN', self.completion_help),
- 'join': (self.command_join, _("Usage: /join [room_name][@server][/nick] [password]\nJoin: Join the specified room. You can specify a nickname after a slash (/). If no nickname is specified, you will use the default_nick in the configuration file. You can omit the room name: you will then join the room you\'re looking at (useful if you were kicked). You can also provide a room_name without specifying a server, the server of the room you're currently in will be used. You can also provide a password to join the room.\nExamples:\n/join room@server.tld\n/join room@server.tld/John\n/join room2\n/join /me_again\n/join\n/join room@server.tld/my_nick password\n/join / password"), self.completion_join),
- 'exit': (self.command_quit, _("Usage: /exit\nExit: Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio."), None),
- 'quit': (self.command_quit, _("Usage: /quit\nQuit: Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio."), None),
- 'next': (self.rotate_rooms_right, _("Usage: /next\nNext: Go to the next room."), None),
- 'prev': (self.rotate_rooms_left, _("Usage: /prev\nPrev: Go to the previous room."), None),
- 'win': (self.command_win, _("Usage: /win <number>\nWin: Go to the specified room."), self.completion_win),
- 'w': (self.command_win, _("Usage: /w <number>\nW: Go to the specified room."), self.completion_win),
- 'move_tab': (self.command_move_tab, _("Usage: /move_tab <source> <destination>\nMove Tab: Insert the <source> tab at the position of <destination>. This will make the following tabs shift in some cases (refer to the documentation). A tab can be designated by its number or by the beginning of its address."), self.completion_move_tab),
- 'show': (self.command_status, _('Usage: /show <availability> [status message]\nShow: Sets your availability and (optionally) your status message. The <availability> argument is one of \"available, chat, away, afk, dnd, busy, xa\" and the optional [status message] argument will be your status message.'), self.completion_status),
- 'status': (self.command_status, _('Usage: /status <availability> [status message]\nStatus: Sets your availability and (optionally) your status message. The <availability> argument is one of \"available, chat, away, afk, dnd, busy, xa\" and the optional [status message] argument will be your status message.'), self.completion_status),
- 'bookmark_local': (self.command_bookmark_local, _("Usage: /bookmark_local [roomname][/nick] [password]\nBookmark Local: Bookmark locally the specified room (you will then auto-join it on each poezio start). This commands uses almost the same syntaxe as /join. Type /help join for syntaxe examples. Note that when typing \"/bookmark\" on its own, the room will be bookmarked with the nickname you\'re currently using in this room (instead of default_nick)"), self.completion_bookmark_local),
- 'bookmark': (self.command_bookmark, _("Usage: /bookmark [roomname][/nick] [autojoin] [password]\nBookmark: Bookmark online the specified room (you will then auto-join it on each poezio start if autojoin is specified and is 'true'). This commands uses almost the same syntaxe as /join. Type /help join for syntaxe examples. Note that when typing \"/bookmark\" on its own, the room will be bookmarked with the nickname you\'re currently using in this room (instead of default_nick)"), self.completion_bookmark),
- 'set': (self.command_set, _("Usage: /set [plugin|][section] <option> [value]\nSet: Set the value of an option in your configuration file. You can, for example, change your default nickname by doing `/set default_nick toto` or your resource with `/set resource blabla`. You can also set options in specific sections with `/set bindings M-i ^i` or in specific plugin with `/set mpd_client| host`. `toggle` can be used as a special value to toggle a boolean option."), self.completion_set),
- 'theme': (self.command_theme, _('Usage: /theme [theme_name]\nTheme: Reload the theme defined in the config file. If theme_name is provided, set that theme before reloading it.'), self.completion_theme),
- 'list': (self.command_list, _('Usage: /list\nList: Get the list of public chatrooms on the specified server.'), self.completion_list),
- 'message': (self.command_message, _('Usage: /message <jid> [optional message]\nMessage: Open a conversation with the specified JID (even if it is not in our roster), and send a message to it, if the message is specified.'), self.completion_version),
- 'version': (self.command_version, _('Usage: /version <jid>\nVersion: Get the software version of the given JID (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).'), self.completion_version),
- 'server_cycle': (self.command_server_cycle, _('Usage: /server_cycle [domain] [message]\nServer Cycle: Disconnect and reconnect in all the rooms in domain.'), self.completion_server_cycle),
- 'bind': (self.command_bind, _('Usage: /bind <key> <equ>\nBind: Bind a key to an other key or to a “command”. For example "/bind ^H KEY_UP" makes Control + h do the same same as the Up key.'), None),
- 'load': (self.command_load, _('Usage: /load <plugin>\nLoad: Load the specified plugin'), self.plugin_manager.completion_load),
- 'unload': (self.command_unload, _('Usage: /unload <plugin>\nUnload: Unload the specified plugin'), self.plugin_manager.completion_unload),
- 'plugins': (self.command_plugins, _('Usage: /plugins\nPlugins: Show the plugins in use.'), None),
- 'presence': (self.command_presence, _('Usage: /presence <JID> [type] [status]\nPresence: Send a directed presence to <JID> and using [type] and [status] if provided.'), self.completion_presence),
- 'rawxml': (self.command_rawxml, _('Usage: /rawxml\nRawXML: Send a custom xml stanza.'), None),
- 'invite': (self.command_invite, _("Usage: /invite <jid> <room> [reason]\nInvite: Invite jid in room with reason."), self.completion_invite),
- 'decline': (self.command_decline, _("Usage: /decline <room> [reason]\nDecline: Decline the invitation to room with or without reason."), self.completion_decline),
- 'invitations': (self.command_invitations, _("Usage: /invites\nInvites: Show the pending invitations."), None),
- 'bookmarks': (self.command_bookmarks, _("Usage: /bookmarks\nBookmarks: Show the current bookmarks."), None),
- 'remove_bookmark': (self.command_remove_bookmark, _("Usage: /remove_bookmark [jid]\nRemove Bookmark: Remove the specified bookmark, or the bookmark on the current tab, if any."), self.completion_remove_bookmark),
- 'xml_tab': (self.command_xml_tab, _("Usage: /xml_tab\nXML Tab: Open an XML tab."), None),
- 'runkey': (self.command_runkey, _("Usage: /runkey <key>\nRunkey: Execute the action defined for <key>."), self.completion_runkey),
- 'self': (self.command_self, _("Usage: /self\nSelf: Remind you of who you are."), None),
- 'activity': (self.command_activity, _("Usage: /activity <jid>\nActivity: Informs you of the last activity of a JID."), self.completion_activity),
- }
+ self.commands = {}
+ self.register_initial_commands()
# We are invisible
if config.get('send_initial_presence', 'true').lower() == 'false':
@@ -1324,27 +1291,55 @@ class Core(object):
####################### Commands and completions ##############################
+ def register_command(self, name, func, *, desc='', shortdesc='', completion=None, usage=''):
+ if name in self.commands:
+ return
+ if not desc and shortdesc:
+ desc = shortdesc
+ self.commands[name] = Command(func, desc, completion, shortdesc, usage)
def command_help(self, arg):
/help <command_name>
args = arg.split()
- acc = []
if not args:
- msg = _('Available commands are: ')
+ color = get_theme().COLOR_HELP_COMMANDS[0]
+ acc = []
+ buff = ['Global commands:']
for command in self.commands:
- acc.append(command)
- for command in self.current_tab().commands:
- acc.append(command)
- msg += ' '.join(sorted(acc))
+ if isinstance(self.commands[command], Command):
+ acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o - %s' % (color, command, self.commands[command].short))
+ else:
+ acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, command))
+ acc = sorted(acc)
+ buff.extend(acc)
+ acc = []
+ buff.append('Tab-specific commands:')
+ commands = self.current_tab().commands
+ for command in commands:
+ if isinstance(commands[command], Command):
+ acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o - %s' % (color, command, commands[command].short))
+ else:
+ acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, command))
+ acc = sorted(acc)
+ buff.extend(acc)
+ msg = '\n'.join(buff)
msg += _("\nType /help <command_name> to know what each command does")
if args:
if args[0] in self.commands:
- msg = self.commands[args[0]][1]
+ tup = self.commands[args[0]]
elif args[0] in self.current_tab().commands:
- msg = self.current_tab().commands[args[0]][1]
+ tup = self.current_tab().commands[args[0]]
+ else:
+ self.information(_('Unknown command: %s') % args[0], 'Error')
+ return
+ if isinstance(tup, Command):
+ msg = _('Usage: /%s %s\n' % (args[0], tup.usage))
+ msg += tup.desc
- msg = _('Unknown command: %s') % args[0]
+ msg = tup[1]
self.information(msg, 'Help')
def completion_help(self, the_input):
@@ -2326,6 +2321,139 @@ class Core(object):
self.information(info, 'Info')
+ def register_initial_commands(self):
+ """
+ Register the commands when poezio starts
+ """
+ self.register_command('help', self.command_help,
+ usage=_('[command]'),
+ shortdesc='\_o< KOIN KOIN KOIN',
+ completion=self.completion_help)
+ self.register_command('join', self.command_join,
+ usage=_("[room_name][@server][/nick] [password]"),
+ desc=_("Join the specified room. You can specify a nickname after a slash (/). If no nickname is specified, you will use the default_nick in the configuration file. You can omit the room name: you will then join the room you\'re looking at (useful if you were kicked). You can also provide a room_name without specifying a server, the server of the room you're currently in will be used. You can also provide a password to join the room.\nExamples:\n/join room@server.tld\n/join room@server.tld/John\n/join room2\n/join /me_again\n/join\n/join room@server.tld/my_nick password\n/join / password"),
+ shortdesc=_('Join a room'),
+ completion=self.completion_join)
+ self.register_command('exit', self.command_quit,
+ desc=_('Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Exit poezio.'))
+ self.register_command('quit', self.command_quit,
+ desc=_('Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Exit poezio.'))
+ self.register_command('next', self.rotate_rooms_right,
+ shortdesc=_('Go to the next room.'))
+ self.register_command('prev', self.rotate_rooms_left,
+ shortdesc=_('Go to the previous room.'))
+ self.register_command('win', self.command_win,
+ usage=_('<number or name>'),
+ shortdesc=_('Go to the specified room'),
+ completion=self.completion_win)
+ self.commands['w'] = self.commands['win']
+ self.register_command('move_tab', self.command_move_tab,
+ usage=_('<source> <destination>'),
+ desc=_('Insert the <source> tab at the position of <destination>. This will make the following tabs shift in some cases (refer to the documentation). A tab can be designated by its number or by the beginning of its address.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Move a tab.'),
+ completion=self.completion_move_tab)
+ self.register_command('show', self.command_status,
+ usage=_('<availability> [status message]'),
+ desc=_('Sets your availability and (optionally) your status message. The <availability> argument is one of \"available, chat, away, afk, dnd, busy, xa\" and the optional [status message] argument will be your status message.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Change your availability.'),
+ completion=self.completion_status)
+ self.commands['status'] = self.commands['show']
+ self.register_command('bookmark_local', self.command_bookmark_local,
+ usage=_("[roomname][/nick] [password]"),
+ desc=_("Bookmark Local: Bookmark locally the specified room (you will then auto-join it on each poezio start). This commands uses almost the same syntaxe as /join. Type /help join for syntaxe examples. Note that when typing \"/bookmark\" on its own, the room will be bookmarked with the nickname you\'re currently using in this room (instead of default_nick)"),
+ shortdesc=_('Bookmark a room locally.'),
+ completion=self.completion_bookmark_local)
+ self.register_command('bookmark', self.command_bookmark,
+ usage=_("[roomname][/nick] [autojoin] [password]"),
+ desc=_("\nBookmark: Bookmark online the specified room (you will then auto-join it on each poezio start if autojoin is specified and is 'true'). This commands uses almost the same syntaxe as /join. Type /help join for syntaxe examples. Note that when typing \"/bookmark\" on its own, the room will be bookmarked with the nickname you\'re currently using in this room (instead of default_nick)"),
+ shortdesc=_("Bookmark a room online."),
+ completion=self.completion_bookmark)
+ self.register_command('set', self.command_set,
+ usage=_("[plugin|][section] <option> [value]"),
+ desc=_("Set the value of an option in your configuration file. You can, for example, change your default nickname by doing `/set default_nick toto` or your resource with `/set resource blabla`. You can also set options in specific sections with `/set bindings M-i ^i` or in specific plugin with `/set mpd_client| host`. `toggle` can be used as a special value to toggle a boolean option."),
+ shortdesc=_("Set the value of an option"),
+ completion=self.completion_set)
+ self.register_command('theme', self.command_theme,
+ usage=_('[theme name]'),
+ desc=_('Reload the theme defined in the config file. If theme_name is provided, set that theme before reloading it.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Load a theme'),
+ completion=self.completion_theme)
+ self.register_command('list', self.command_list,
+ usage=_('[server]'),
+ desc=_('Get the list of public chatrooms on the specified server.'),
+ shortdesc=_('List the rooms.'),
+ completion=self.completion_list)
+ self.register_command('message', self.command_message,
+ usage=_('<jid> [optional message]'),
+ desc=_('Open a conversation with the specified JID (even if it is not in our roster), and send a message to it, if the message is specified.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Send a message'),
+ completion=self.completion_version)
+ self.register_command('version', self.command_version,
+ usage='<jid>',
+ desc=_('Get the software version of the given JID (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).'),
+ shortdesc=_('Get the software version of a JID.'),
+ completion=self.completion_version)
+ self.register_command('server_cycle', self.command_server_cycle,
+ usage=_('[domain] [message]'),
+ desc=_('Disconnect and reconnect in all the rooms in domain.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Cycle a range of rooms'),
+ completion=self.completion_server_cycle)
+ self.register_command('bind', self.command_bind,
+ usage=_(' <key> <equ>'),
+ desc=_('Bind a key to another key or to a “command”. For example "/bind ^H KEY_UP" makes Control + h do the same same as the Up key.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Bind a key to another key.'))
+ self.register_command('load', self.command_load,
+ usage=_('<plugin>'),
+ shortdesc=_('Load the specified plugin'),
+ completion=self.plugin_manager.completion_load)
+ self.register_command('unload', self.command_unload,
+ usage=_('<plugin>'),
+ shortdesc=_('Unload the specified plugin'),
+ completion=self.plugin_manager.completion_unload)
+ self.register_command('plugins', self.command_plugins,
+ shortdesc=_('Show the plugins in use.'))
+ self.register_command('presence', self.command_presence,
+ usage=_('<JID> [type] [status]'),
+ desc=_('Send a directed presence to <JID> and using [type] and [status] if provided.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Send a directed presence.'),
+ completion=self.completion_presence)
+ self.register_command('rawxml', self.command_rawxml,
+ usage='<xml>',
+ shortdesc=_('Send a custom xml stanza.'))
+ self.register_command('invite', self.command_invite,
+ usage=_('<jid> <room> [reason]'),
+ desc=_('Invite jid in room with reason.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Invite someone in a room.'),
+ completion=self.completion_invite)
+ self.register_command('decline', self.command_decline,
+ usage=_('<room> [reason]'),
+ desc=_('Decline the invitation to room with or without reason.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Decline an invitation.'),
+ completion=self.completion_decline)
+ self.register_command('invitations', self.command_invitations,
+ shortdesc=_('Show the pending invitations.'))
+ self.register_command('bookmarks', self.command_bookmarks,
+ shortdesc=_('Show the current bookmarks.'))
+ self.register_command('remove_bookmark', self.command_remove_bookmark,
+ usage='[jid]',
+ desc=_('Remove the specified bookmark, or the bookmark on the current tab, if any.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Remove a bookmark'),
+ completion=self.completion_remove_bookmark)
+ self.register_command('xml_tab', self.command_xml_tab,
+ shortdesc=_('Open an XML tab.'))
+ self.register_command('runkey', self.command_runkey,
+ usage=_('<key>'),
+ shortdesc=_('Execute the action defined for <key>.'),
+ completion=self.completion_runkey)
+ self.register_command('self', self.command_self,
+ shortdesc=_('Remind you of who you are.'))
+ self.register_command('activity', self.command_activity,
+ usage='<jid>',
+ desc=_('Informs you of the last activity of a JID.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Get the activity of someone.'),
+ completion=self.completion_activity)
####################### XMPP Event Handlers ##################################