path: root/plugins/
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1 files changed, 279 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
index 6341851e..065b1e62 100644
--- a/plugins/
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ Plugin destined to be used together with the Biboumi IRC gateway.
For more information about Biboumi, please see the `official website`_.
This plugin is here as a non-default extension of the poezio configuration
-made to work with IRC rooms and logins. Therefore, it does not define any
-commands or do anything useful except on load.
+made to work with IRC rooms and logins. It also defines commands aimed at
+reducing the amount of effort needed to navigate smoothly between IRC and
+XMPP rooms.
@@ -21,6 +22,14 @@ Global configuration
The JID of the IRC gateway to use. If empty, will be
used. Please try to run your own, though, it’s painless to setup.
+ initial_connect
+ **Default:** ``true``
+ If you want to join all the rooms and try to authenticate with
+ nickserv when the plugin gets loaded. If ``false``, you will have
+ to use the :term:`/irc_login` command to authenticate, and the
+ :term:`/irc_join` command to join preconfigured rooms.
.. note:: There is no nickname option because the default from poezio will be used.
Server-specific configuration
@@ -49,14 +58,46 @@ section name, and the following options:
Your nickname on this server. If empty, the default configuration will be used.
- rooms
+ rooms [IRC plugin]
**Default:** ``[empty]``
The list of rooms to join on this server (e.g. ``#room1:#room2``).
.. note:: If no login_command or login_nick is set, the authentication phase
- won’t take place and you will join the rooms after a small delay.
+ won’t take place and you will join the rooms without authentication
+ with nickserv or whatever.
+.. glossary::
+ :sorted:
+ /irc_login
+ **Usage:** ``/irc_login [server1] [server2]…``
+ Authenticate with the specified servers if they are correctly
+ configured. If no servers are provided, the plugin will try
+ them all. (You need to set :term:`login_nick` and
+ :term:`login_command` as well)
+ /irc_join
+ **Usage:** ``/irc_join <room or server>``
+ Join the specified room on the same server as the current tab (can
+ be a private conversation or a chatroom). If a server that appears
+ in the conversation is specified instead of a room, the plugin
+ will try to join all the rooms configured with autojoin on that
+ server.
+ /irc_query
+ **Usage:** ``/irc_query <nickname> [message]``
+ Open a private conversation with the given nickname, on the same IRC
+ server as the current tab (can be a private conversation or a
+ chatroom). Doing `/irc_query foo "hello there"` when the current
+ tab is is equivalent to
+ `/message foo! "hello there"`
Example configuration
@@ -69,7 +110,7 @@ Example configuration
nickname = mynick
login_nick = nickserv
- login_command = identify mynick mypassword
+ login_command = identify mypassword
rooms = #testroom1:#testroom2
@@ -81,41 +122,255 @@ Example configuration
.. _official website:
from plugin import BasePlugin
+from decorators import command_args_parser
+import common
+import tabs
class Plugin(BasePlugin):
- def init(self):
- def join(server):
- "Join rooms after a small delay"
- nick = self.config.get('nickname', '', server) or self.core.own_nick
- rooms = self.config.get('rooms', '', server).split(':')
- for room in rooms:
- room = '{}%{}@{}/{}'.format(room, server, gateway, nick)
- self.core.command_join(room)
+ def init(self):
+ if self.config.get('initial_connect', True):
+ self.initial_connect()
+ self.api.add_command('irc_login', self.command_irc_login,
+ usage='[server] [server]…',
+ help=('Connect to the specified servers if they '
+ 'exist in the configuration and the login '
+ 'options are set. If not is given, the '
+ 'plugin will try all the sections in the '
+ 'configuration.'),
+ short='Login to irc servers with nickserv',
+ completion=self.completion_irc_login)
+ self.api.add_command('irc_join', self.command_irc_join,
+ usage='<room or server>',
+ help=('Join <room> in the same server as the '
+ 'current tab (if it is an IRC tab). Or '
+ 'join all the preconfigured rooms in '
+ '<server> '),
+ short='Join irc rooms more easily',
+ completion=self.completion_irc_join)
+ self.api.add_command('irc_query', self.command_irc_query,
+ usage='<nickname> [message]',
+ help=('Open a private conversation with the '
+ 'given <nickname>, on the current IRC '
+ 'server. Optionally immediately send '
+ 'the given message. For example, if the '
+ 'current tab is'
+ ', doing `/irc_query '
+ 'nick "hi there"` is equivalent to '
+ '`/message nick!'
+ ' "hi there"`'),
+ short='Open a private conversation with an IRC user')
+ def join(self, gateway, server):
+ "Join irc rooms on a server"
+ nick = self.config.get_by_tabname('nickname', server, default='') or self.core.own_nick
+ rooms = self.config.get_by_tabname('rooms', server, default='').split(':')
+ for room in rooms:
+ room = '{}%{}@{}/{}'.format(room, server, gateway, nick)
+ self.core.command_join(room)
+ def initial_connect(self):
gateway = self.config.get('gateway', '')
sections = self.config.sections()
for section in (s for s in sections if s != 'irc'):
- server_suffix = '%{}@{}'.format(section, gateway)
+ room_suffix = '%{}@{}'.format(section, gateway)
already_opened = False
for tab in self.core.tabs:
- if
+ if and tab.joined:
already_opened = True
+ break
- login_command = self.config.get('login_command', '', section)
- login_nick = self.config.get('login_nick', '', section)
- nick = self.config.get('nickname', '', section) or self.core.own_nick
+ login_command = self.config.get_by_tabname('login_command', section, default='')
+ login_nick = self.config.get_by_tabname('login_nick', section, default='')
+ nick = self.config.get_by_tabname('nickname', section, default='') or self.core.own_nick
if login_command and login_nick:
- dest = '{}{}/{}'.format(login_nick, server_suffix, nick)
+ def login(gw, sect, log_nick, log_cmd, room_suff):
+ dest = '{}!{}'.format(log_nick, room_suff)
+ self.core.xmpp.send_message(mto=dest, mbody=log_cmd, mtype='chat')
+ delayed = self.api.create_delayed_event(5, self.join, gw, sect)
+ self.api.add_timed_event(delayed)
+ if not already_opened:
+ self.core.command_join(room_suffix + '/' + nick)
+ delayed = self.api.create_delayed_event(5, login, gateway, section,
+ login_nick, login_command,
+ room_suffix[1:])
+ self.api.add_timed_event(delayed)
+ else:
+ login(gateway, section, login_nick, login_command, room_suffix[1:])
+ elif not already_opened:
+ self.join(gateway, section)
+ @command_args_parser.quoted(0, -1)
+ def command_irc_login(self, args):
+ """
+ /irc_login [server] [server]…
+ """
+ gateway = self.config.get('gateway', '')
+ if args:
+ not_present = []
+ sections = self.config.sections()
+ for section in args:
+ if section not in sections:
+ not_present.append(section)
+ continue
+ login_command = self.config.get_by_tabname('login_command', section, default='')
+ login_nick = self.config.get_by_tabname('login_nick', section, default='')
+ if not login_command and not login_nick:
+ not_present.append(section)
+ continue
+ room_suffix = '%{}@{}'.format(section, gateway)
+ dest = '{}!{}'.format(login_nick, room_suffix[1:])
+ self.core.xmpp.send_message(mto=dest, mbody=login_command, mtype='chat')
+ if len(not_present) == 1:
+ self.api.information('Section %s does not exist or is not configured' % not_present[0], 'Warning')
+ elif len(not_present) > 1:
+ self.api.information('Sections %s do not exist or are not configured' % ', '.join(not_present), 'Warning')
+ else:
+ sections = self.config.sections()
+ for section in (s for s in sections if s != 'irc'):
+ login_command = self.config.get_by_tabname('login_command', section, default='')
+ login_nick = self.config.get_by_tabname('login_nick', section, default='')
+ if not login_nick and not login_command:
+ continue
+ room_suffix = '%{}@{}'.format(section, gateway)
+ dest = '{}!{}'.format(login_nick, room_suffix[1:])
self.core.xmpp.send_message(mto=dest, mbody=login_command, mtype='chat')
- if not already_opened:
- delayed = self.api.create_delayed_event(5, join, section)
- self.api.add_timed_event(delayed)
+ def completion_irc_login(self, the_input):
+ """
+ completion for /irc_login
+ """
+ args = the_input.text.split()
+ if '' in args:
+ args.remove('')
+ pos = the_input.get_argument_position()
+ sections = self.config.sections()
+ if 'irc' in sections:
+ sections.remove('irc')
+ for section in args:
+ try:
+ sections.remove(section)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return the_input.new_completion(sections, pos)
+ @command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1)
+ def command_irc_join(self, args):
+ """
+ /irc_join <room or server>
+ """
+ if not args:
+ return self.core.command_help('irc_join')
+ sections = self.config.sections()
+ if 'irc' in sections:
+ sections.remove('irc')
+ if args[0] in sections and self.config.get_by_tabname('rooms', args[0]):
+ self.join_server_rooms(args[0])
+ else:
+ self.join_room(args[0])
+ @command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1)
+ def command_irc_query(self, args):
+ """
+ Open a private conversation with the given nickname, on the current IRC
+ server.
+ """
+ if args is None:
+ return self.core.command_help('irc_query')
+ current_tab_info = self.get_current_tab_irc_info()
+ if not current_tab_info:
+ return
+ server, gateway = current_tab_info
+ nickname = args[0]
+ message = None
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ message = args[1]
+ jid = '{}!{}@{}'.format(nickname, server, gateway)
+ if message:
+ self.core.command_message('{} "{}"'.format(jid, message))
+ else:
+ self.core.command_message('{}'.format(jid))
+ def join_server_rooms(self, section):
+ """
+ Join all the rooms configured for a section
+ (section = irc server)
+ """
+ gateway = self.config.get('gateway', '')
+ rooms = self.config.get_by_tabname('rooms', section).split(':')
+ nick = self.config.get_by_tabname('nickname', section)
+ if nick:
+ nick = '/' + nick
+ else:
+ nick = ''
+ suffix = '%{}@{}{}'.format(section, gateway, nick)
+ for room in rooms:
+ self.core.command_join(room + suffix)
+ def join_room(self, name):
+ """
+ Join a room with only its name and the current tab
+ """
+ current_tab_info = self.get_current_tab_irc_info()
+ if not current_tab_info:
+ return
+ server, gateway = current_tab_info
+ room = '{}%{}@{}'.format(name, server, gateway)
+ if self.config.get_by_tabname('nickname', server):
+ room += '/' + self.config.get_by_tabname('nickname', server)
+ self.core.command_join(room)
+ def get_current_tab_irc_info(self):
+ """
+ Return a tuple with the irc server and the gateway hostnames of the
+ current tab. If the current tab is not an IRC channel or private
+ conversation, a warning is displayed and None is returned
+ """
+ gateway = self.config.get('gateway', '')
+ current = self.core.current_tab()
+ current_jid = common.safeJID(
+ if not current_jid.server == gateway:
+ self.api.information('The current tab does not appear to be an IRC one', 'Warning')
+ return None
+ if isinstance(current, tabs.OneToOneTab):
+ if not '!' in current_jid.node:
+ server = current_jid.node
+ else:
+ ignored, server = current_jid.node.rsplit('!', 1)
+ elif isinstance(current, tabs.MucTab):
+ if not '%' in current_jid.node:
+ server = current_jid.node
+ else:
+ ignored, server = current_jid.node.rsplit('%', 1)
+ else:
+ self.api.information('The current tab does not appear to be an IRC one', 'Warning')
+ return None
+ return server, gateway
+ def completion_irc_join(self, the_input):
+ """
+ completion for /irc_join
+ """
+ sections = self.config.sections()
+ if 'irc' in sections:
+ sections.remove('irc')
+ return the_input.new_completion(sections, 1)