path: root/doc/source/keys.rst
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1 files changed, 424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/keys.rst b/doc/source/keys.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..213fe28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/keys.rst
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+.. _keys-page:
+This file describes the default keys of poezio and explains how to
+configure them.
+By default, most keys manipulating the input (where you type your
+messages and commands) behave like emacs does.
+.. note:: Keys are case sensitive. Ctrl-X is not the same than Ctrl-x
+Key bindings listing
+Some key bindings are available only in some tabs, others are global.
+Global keys
+These keys work in **any** tab.
+**Ctrl-n**: Go to the next tab.
+**Ctrl-p**: Go to the previous tab.
+**Alt-number**: Go to the tab with that number.
+**Alt-j**: Waits for you to type a two-digits number. Go to tab number xx.
+**Alt-e**: Go to the tab with a higher priority (private message >
+highlight > message > non-empty input).
+**Alt-z**: Go to the previously selected tab.
+**Alt-r**: Go to the roster tab.
+**F7**: Shrink the information buffer.
+**F8**: Grow the information buffer.
+**Ctrl-l**: Refresh the screen.
+**Alt-D**: Scroll the information buffer up.
+**Alt-C**: Scroll the information buffer down.
+Input keys
+These keys concern only the inputs.
+NOTE: The clipboard is common to all inputs. This lets you cut a text
+from one input to paste it into an other one.
+**Ctrl-a**: Move the cursor to the beginning of line.
+**Ctrl-e**: Move the cursor to the end of line.
+**Ctrl-u**: Delete the text from the start of the input until the cursor
+and save it to the clipboard.
+**Ctrl-k**: Delete the text from the cursor until the end of the input
+and save it to the clipboard.
+**Ctrl-y**: Insert the content of the clipboard at the cursor position.
+**Ctrl-Enter**: Insert a line break. Since the input is only one line,
+the line break is represented by the character ``|`` in it but will be
+sent as the real ``\n`` character.
+Chat tab input keys
+These keys work in any conversation tab (MultiUserChat, Private or
+Conversation tabs).
+**Key Up**: Use the previous message from the message history.
+**Key Down**: Use the next message from the message history.
+**Page Up**: Scroll up in the conversation by x lines, where x is the
+height of the conversation window - 1.
+**Page Down**: Like Page Up, but down.
+**Ctrl-b**: Go one line up in the buffer.
+**Ctrl-f**: Go one line down in the buffer.
+**Ctrl-s**: Go half a screen up in the buffer.
+**Ctrl-x**: Go half a screen down in the buffer.
+**Alt-/**: Complete what you’re typing using the "recent" words from the
+current conversation, if any.
+**Alt-v**: Move the separator at the bottom of the tab.
+**Alt-h**: Scroll to the separator, if there is one.
+**Ctrl-c**: Insert xhtml formatting.
+ You have to press Ctrl-c then a character listed below:
+ - 1: Red
+ - 2: Green
+ - 3: Yellow/Orange
+ - 4: Blue
+ - 5: Pink
+ - 6: Turquoise
+ - b: Bold
+ - o: Stop formatting
+MultiUserChat tab input keys
+These keys work only in the MultiUserChat tab.
+**Alt-u**: Scroll the user list down.
+**Alt-y**: Scroll the user list up.
+**Alt-p**: Scroll to the previous highlight.
+**Alt-n**: Scroll to the next highlight.
+**tabulation**: Complete a nick.
+MultiUserChat List tab input keys
+These keys work only in the MultiUserChat List tab (obtained with /list <server>).
+**Up**: Go up one row.
+**Down**: Go down one row.
+**j**: Join the MultiUserChat currently selected.
+**J**: Join the MultiUserChat currently selected, without giving focus to iuts tab.
+**Ctrl-M**: Join the MultiUserChat currently selected (same as "j").
+**PageUp**: Scroll a page of chats up.
+**PageDown**: Scroll a page of messages down.
+Roster tab input keys
+These keys work only in the Roster tab (the tab number 0).
+**/**: Open a prompt for commands.
+**s**: Start a search on the contacts.
+**S**: Start a (slow) search with approximation on the contacts.
+**Alt-u**: Move the cursor to the next group.
+**Alt-y**: Move the cursor to the previous group.
+**Ctrl-c**: Cancel the input (search or command)
+.. note:: The following will not work if you can still write things in the
+ input (meaning you previously typed ``s`` or ``/``)
+**Space**: Fold/Unfold the current item.
+**Up**: Move the cursor down one contact.
+**Down**: Move the cursor up one contact.
+**o**: Show the offline contacts.
+**PageUp**: Scroll a page of contacts up.
+**PageDown**: Scroll a page of contacts down.
+Data Forms tab keys
+**Ctrl+y**: Validate the form, send it and close the tab.
+**Ctrl+g**: Cancel that form (do not send your changes) and close the
+**Up**: Select the next field.
+**Down**: Select the previous field.
+**Right/Left**: Switch between possible values, in a jid-multi,
+ list-multi, list-single or text-multi field.
+**Space**: Select that option
+MultiUserChat List tab input keys
+These keys work only in the MultiUserChat List tab (obtained with :term:`/list`).
+**Up**: Go up one row.
+**Down**: Go down one row.
+**j**: Join the MultiUserChat currently selected.
+**J**: Join the MultiUserChat currently selected, without giving focus to
+its tab.
+**Ctrl-M**: Join the MultiUserChat currently selected (same as ``j``).
+XML tab input keys
+These keys only work in the XML tab (obtained with :term:`/xml_tab`)
+**Ctrl+k**: Freeze or un-freeze the display in order to have a clear view of
+ the stanzas.
+.. _key-conf:
+Key configuration
+Bindings are keyboard shortcut aliases. You can use them
+to define your own keys to replace the default ones.
+where ``^x`` means *Control + x*
+and ``M-x`` means *Alt + x*
+To know exactly what the code of a key is, just run
+.. code-block:: bash
+ python3 src/
+And enter any key.
+Turn Alt-i into a tab key (completion, etc):
+.. code-block:: ini
+ M-i = ^I
+Mapping actions on keys
+One may want to add keyboard shortcuts on actions that were not mapped already
+in poezio. To this effect, you can map the keys on actions using the
+:ref:`key-conf` seen in the previous section.
+The actions are pseudo-keystrokes, and have to be treated the same way.
+They all begin with an underscore to prevent any possible collision with things
+already defined.
+Actions list
+.. note:: Even if some of these actions are labelled as similar to other
+ keystrokes, remapping the keystrokes will not remap the actions defined here.
+ Bookmarks the current room.
+ Similar to :term:`/bookmark`.
+**_bookmark_local** Bookmarks the current room, locally.
+ Similar to :term:`/bookmark_local`
+**_close_tab**: Closes the current tab.
+ This is the same as :term:`/close`. The first tab (the roster) can not be closed.
+**_disconnect**: Disconnects poezio from the server.
+**_quit**: Exits poezio.
+ Similar to :term:`/quit`.
+**_reconnect**: Disconnects then reconnects poezio, if possible.
+ This is similar to :term:`/reconnect`.
+**_redraw_screen**: Redraws the screen.
+ This isn’t normally useful, similar to Ctrl-l.
+**_reload_theme**: Reloads the theme.
+ Similar to :term:`/theme`.
+**_remove_bookmark**: Removes the bookmark on the current room.
+ Similar to :term:`/remove_bookmark`.
+**_room_left**: Goes to the room on the left.
+ Similar to the default Ctrl-p action.
+**_room_right**: Goes to the room on the right.
+ Similar to the default Ctrl-n action.
+**_show_roster**: Goes to the roster.
+ Similar to Alt-r action.
+**_scroll_down**: Scrolls down in the current buffer.
+ Similar to PAGEDOWN.
+**_scroll_up**: Scrolls up in the current buffer.
+ Similar to PAGEUP.
+**_scroll_info_down**: Scrolls down in the info buffer.
+ Similar to Alt-c.
+**_scroll_info_up**: Scrolls up in the info buffer.
+ Similar to Alt-d.
+**_server_cycle**: Cycles in the current MUC server.
+ Similar to :term:`/server_cycle` in a MUC. If you are not in a MUC, you will get
+ an error.
+**_show_bookmarks**: Shows the current bookmarks.
+ Similar to :term:`/bookmarks`.
+**_show_important_room**: Goes to the most important room.
+ Similar to Alt-e.
+**_show_invitations**: Shows all the pending MUC invitations.
+ Similar to :term:`/invitations`.
+**_show_plugins**: Shows the currently loaded plugins.
+ Similar to :term:`/plugins`.
+**_show_xmltab**: Opens an XML tab.
+ Similar to :term:`/xml_tab`.
+**_toggle_pane**: Toggles the left pane.
+ Similar to F4.
+Status actions
+**_available**: Sets the status to *available*.
+ Similar to ``/status available``.
+**_away**: Sets the status to *away*.
+ Similar to ``/status away``.
+**_chat**: Sets the status to *chat*.
+ Similar to ``/status chat``.
+**_dnd**: Sets the status to *dnd*.
+ Similar to ``/status dnd``.
+**_xa**: Sets the status to *xa*.
+ Similar to ``/status xa``.
+Command execution
+With that kind of actions, you can also execute arbitrary commands, with the
+``_exc_`` keyword.
+You only have to prefix your command line with ``_exc_``, and without the ``/``.
+**/kick Partauche bound on Ctrl-w**:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ ^W = _exc_kick Partauche
+That key binding will only work in the tabs defining the command (here, the
+MUC tab), and will show an error message in the others.
+**Config with user-defined actions**
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [bindings]
+ ^W = _close_tab
+ M-x = _show_xmltab
+ M-i = _show_important_room
+ M-p = _toggle_pane
+**Config with commands mapped**
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [bindings]
+ M-c = _exc_configure
+ ^Q = _exc_part RAGE QUIT
+ ^J = _exc_join
+ ^F = _exc_load figlet
+ ^R = _exc_load rainbow
+ ^S = _exc_say llollllllllllll