diff options
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index f54bd8d5..6e07420f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -88,52 +88,54 @@ else:
with open('README.rst', encoding='utf-8') as readme_fd:
- version="0.14" + version,
- description="A console XMPP client",
- long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION,
- ext_modules=[module_poopt],
- url='',
- license='zlib',
- download_url='',
- author='Florent Le Coz',
- author_email='',
- maintainer='Mathieu Pasquet',
- maintainer_email='',
- classifiers=['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
- 'Topic :: Communications :: Chat',
- 'Topic :: Internet :: XMPP',
- 'Environment :: Console :: Curses',
- 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
- 'License :: OSI Approved :: zlib/libpng License',
- 'Natural Language :: English',
- 'Operating System :: Unix',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only'],
- keywords=['jabber', 'xmpp', 'client', 'chat', 'im', 'console'],
- packages=['poezio', 'poezio.core', 'poezio.tabs', '',
- 'poezio.ui', 'poezio_plugins', 'poezio_themes'],
- package_dir={'poezio': 'poezio',
- 'poezio_plugins': 'plugins',
- 'poezio_themes': 'data/themes'},
- package_data={'poezio': ['default_config.cfg']},
- scripts=['scripts/poezio_logs'],
- entry_points={'console_scripts': ['poezio = poezio.__main__:run']},
- data_files=([('share/man/man1/', ['data/poezio.1',
- 'data/poezio_logs.1']),
- ('share/poezio/', ['README.rst', 'COPYING', 'CHANGELOG']),
- ('share/applications/', ['data/io.poez.Poezio.desktop']),
- ('share/metainfo/', ['data/io.poez.Poezio.appdata.xml'])]
- + find_doc('share/doc/poezio/source', 'source')
- + find_doc('share/doc/poezio/html', 'build/html')),
- install_requires=['slixmpp>=1.5.2', 'aiodns', 'pyasn1_modules', 'pyasn1'],
- extras_require={'OTR plugin': 'python-potr>=1.0',
- 'Screen autoaway plugin': 'pyinotify==0.9.4',
- 'Avoiding cython': 'cffi'})
+ name="poezio",
+ version="0.14" + version,
+ description="A console XMPP client",
+ long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION,
+ ext_modules=[module_poopt],
+ url='',
+ license='zlib',
+ download_url='',
+ author='Florent Le Coz',
+ author_email='',
+ maintainer='Mathieu Pasquet',
+ maintainer_email='',
+ classifiers=['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
+ 'Topic :: Communications :: Chat',
+ 'Topic :: Internet :: XMPP',
+ 'Environment :: Console :: Curses',
+ 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: zlib/libpng License',
+ 'Natural Language :: English',
+ 'Operating System :: Unix',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only'],
+ keywords=['jabber', 'xmpp', 'client', 'chat', 'im', 'console'],
+ packages=['poezio', 'poezio.core', 'poezio.tabs', '',
+ 'poezio.ui', 'poezio_plugins', 'poezio_themes'],
+ package_dir={'poezio': 'poezio',
+ 'poezio_plugins': 'plugins',
+ 'poezio_themes': 'data/themes'},
+ package_data={'poezio': ['default_config.cfg']},
+ scripts=['scripts/poezio_logs'],
+ entry_points={'console_scripts': ['poezio = poezio.__main__:run']},
+ data_files=([('share/man/man1/', ['data/poezio.1',
+ 'data/poezio_logs.1']),
+ ('share/poezio/', ['README.rst', 'COPYING', 'CHANGELOG']),
+ ('share/applications/', ['data/io.poez.Poezio.desktop']),
+ ('share/metainfo/', ['data/io.poez.Poezio.appdata.xml'])]
+ + find_doc('share/doc/poezio/source', 'source')
+ + find_doc('share/doc/poezio/html', 'build/html')),
+ install_requires=['slixmpp>=1.5.2', 'aiodns', 'pyasn1_modules', 'pyasn1'],
+ extras_require={'OTR plugin': 'python-potr>=1.0',
+ 'Screen autoaway plugin': 'pyinotify==0.9.4',
+ 'Avoiding cython': 'cffi'}
# Remove the link afterwards
if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_dir, 'poezio', 'default_config.cfg')) and