path: root/src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/build/lib/xmpp/
diff options
authorlouiz@4325f9fc-e183-4c21-96ce-0ab188b42d13 <louiz@4325f9fc-e183-4c21-96ce-0ab188b42d13>2010-07-20 00:10:39 +0000
committerlouiz@4325f9fc-e183-4c21-96ce-0ab188b42d13 <louiz@4325f9fc-e183-4c21-96ce-0ab188b42d13>2010-07-20 00:10:39 +0000
commit5eeebb36bfe73dcf17dc8b72bd190c266e25c45e (patch)
treeb686f572beea4c420b773219ca2d24a43f3e1694 /src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/build/lib/xmpp/
parent6af387dead3afd22797b94473686cae6d3219b42 (diff)
remove xmpppy from the repos
Diffstat (limited to 'src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/build/lib/xmpp/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 423 deletions
diff --git a/src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/build/lib/xmpp/ b/src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/build/lib/xmpp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 34ade88f..00000000
--- a/src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/build/lib/xmpp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2003 Jacob Lundqvist
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
-## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-## any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-_version_ = '1.4.0'
-Generic debug class
-Other modules can always define extra debug flags for local usage, as long as
-they make sure they append them to debug_flags
-Also its always a good thing to prefix local flags with something, to reduce risk
-of coliding flags. Nothing breaks if two flags would be identical, but it might
-activate unintended debugging.
-flags can be numeric, but that makes analysing harder, on creation its
-not obvious what is activated, and when flag_show is given, output isnt
-really meaningfull.
-This Debug class can either be initialized and used on app level, or used independantly
-by the individual classes.
-For samples of usage, see samples subdir in distro source, and selftest
-in this code
-import sys
-import traceback
-import time
-import os
-import types
-if os.environ.has_key('TERM'):
- colors_enabled=True
- colors_enabled=False
-color_none = chr(27) + "[0m"
-color_black = chr(27) + "[30m"
-color_red = chr(27) + "[31m"
-color_green = chr(27) + "[32m"
-color_brown = chr(27) + "[33m"
-color_blue = chr(27) + "[34m"
-color_magenta = chr(27) + "[35m"
-color_cyan = chr(27) + "[36m"
-color_light_gray = chr(27) + "[37m"
-color_dark_gray = chr(27) + "[30;1m"
-color_bright_red = chr(27) + "[31;1m"
-color_bright_green = chr(27) + "[32;1m"
-color_yellow = chr(27) + "[33;1m"
-color_bright_blue = chr(27) + "[34;1m"
-color_purple = chr(27) + "[35;1m"
-color_bright_cyan = chr(27) + "[36;1m"
-color_white = chr(27) + "[37;1m"
-Define your flags in yor modules like this:
-from debug import *
-DBG_INIT = 'init' ; debug_flags.append( DBG_INIT )
-DBG_CONNECTION = 'connection' ; debug_flags.append( DBG_CONNECTION )
- The reason for having a double statement wis so we can validate params
- and catch all undefined debug flags
- This gives us control over all used flags, and makes it easier to allow
- global debugging in your code, just do something like
- foo = Debug( debug_flags )
- group flags, that is a flag in it self containing multiple flags should be
- defined without the debug_flags.append() sequence, since the parts are already
- in the list, also they must of course be defined after the flags they depend on ;)
- example:
- NoDebug
- -------
- To speed code up, typically for product releases or such
- use this class instead if you globaly want to disable debugging
-class NoDebug:
- def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
- self.debug_flags = []
- def show( self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def Show( self, *args, **kwargs):
- pass
- def is_active( self, flag ):
- pass
- colors={}
- def active_set( self, active_flags = None ):
- return 0
-LINE_FEED = '\n'
-class Debug:
- def __init__( self,
- #
- # active_flags are those that will trigger output
- #
- active_flags = None,
- #
- # Log file should be file object or file namne
- #
- log_file = sys.stderr,
- #
- # prefix and sufix can either be set globaly or per call.
- # personally I use this to color code debug statements
- # with prefix = chr(27) + '[34m'
- # sufix = chr(27) + '[37;1m\n'
- #
- prefix = 'DEBUG: ',
- sufix = '\n',
- #
- # If you want unix style timestamps,
- # 0 disables timestamps
- # 1 before prefix, good when prefix is a string
- # 2 after prefix, good when prefix is a color
- #
- time_stamp = 0,
- #
- # flag_show should normaly be of, but can be turned on to get a
- # good view of what flags are actually used for calls,
- # if it is not None, it should be a string
- # flags for current call will be displayed
- # with flag_show as separator
- # recomended values vould be '-' or ':', but any string goes
- #
- flag_show = None,
- #
- # If you dont want to validate flags on each call to
- # show(), set this to 0
- #
- validate_flags = 1,
- #
- # If you dont want the welcome message, set to 0
- # default is to show welcome if any flags are active
- welcome = -1
- ):
- self.debug_flags = []
- if welcome == -1:
- if active_flags and len(active_flags):
- welcome = 1
- else:
- welcome = 0
- self._remove_dupe_flags()
- if log_file:
- if type( log_file ) is type(''):
- try:
- self._fh = open(log_file,'w')
- except:
- print 'ERROR: can open %s for writing'
- sys.exit(0)
- else: ## assume its a stream type object
- self._fh = log_file
- else:
- self._fh = sys.stdout
- if time_stamp not in (0,1,2):
- msg2 = '%s' % time_stamp
- raise 'Invalid time_stamp param', msg2
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.sufix = sufix
- self.time_stamp = time_stamp
- self.flag_show = None # must be initialised after possible welcome
- self.validate_flags = validate_flags
- self.active_set( active_flags )
- if welcome:
- caller = sys._getframe(1) # used to get name of caller
- try:
- mod_name= ":%s" % caller.f_locals['__name__']
- except:
- mod_name = ""
-'Debug created for %s%s' % (caller.f_code.co_filename,
- mod_name ))
-' flags defined: %s' % ','.join( ))
- if type(flag_show) in (type(''), type(None)):
- self.flag_show = flag_show
- else:
- msg2 = '%s' % type(flag_show )
- raise 'Invalid type for flag_show!', msg2
- def show( self, msg, flag = None, prefix = None, sufix = None,
- lf = 0 ):
- """
- flag can be of folowing types:
- None - this msg will always be shown if any debugging is on
- flag - will be shown if flag is active
- (flag1,flag2,,,) - will be shown if any of the given flags
- are active
- if prefix / sufix are not given, default ones from init will be used
- lf = -1 means strip linefeed if pressent
- lf = 1 means add linefeed if not pressent
- """
- if self.validate_flags:
- self._validate_flag( flag )
- if not self.is_active(flag):
- return
- if prefix:
- pre = prefix
- else:
- pre = self.prefix
- if sufix:
- suf = sufix
- else:
- suf = self.sufix
- if self.time_stamp == 2:
- output = '%s%s ' % ( pre,
- time.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S',
- time.localtime(time.time() )),
- )
- elif self.time_stamp == 1:
- output = '%s %s' % ( time.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S',
- time.localtime(time.time() )),
- pre,
- )
- else:
- output = pre
- if self.flag_show:
- if flag:
- output = '%s%s%s' % ( output, flag, self.flag_show )
- else:
- # this call uses the global default,
- # dont print "None", just show the separator
- output = '%s %s' % ( output, self.flag_show )
- output = '%s%s%s' % ( output, msg, suf )
- if lf:
- # strip/add lf if needed
- last_char = output[-1]
- if lf == 1 and last_char != LINE_FEED:
- output = output + LINE_FEED
- elif lf == -1 and last_char == LINE_FEED:
- output = output[:-1]
- try:
- self._fh.write( output )
- except:
- # unicode strikes again ;)
- s=u''
- for i in range(len(output)):
- if ord(output[i]) < 128:
- c = output[i]
- else:
- c = '?'
- s=s+c
- self._fh.write( '%s%s%s' % ( pre, s, suf ))
- self._fh.flush()
- def is_active( self, flag ):
- 'If given flag(s) should generate output.'
- # try to abort early to quicken code
- if not
- return 0
- if not flag or flag in
- return 1
- else:
- # check for multi flag type:
- if type( flag ) in ( type(()), type([]) ):
- for s in flag:
- if s in
- return 1
- return 0
- def active_set( self, active_flags = None ):
- "returns 1 if any flags where actually set, otherwise 0."
- r = 0
- ok_flags = []
- if not active_flags:
- #no debuging at all
- = []
- elif type( active_flags ) in ( types.TupleType, types.ListType ):
- flags = self._as_one_list( active_flags )
- for t in flags:
- if t not in self.debug_flags:
- sys.stderr.write('Invalid debugflag given: %s\n' % t )
- ok_flags.append( t )
- = ok_flags
- r = 1
- else:
- # assume comma string
- try:
- flags = active_flags.split(',')
- except:
- '***' )
- '*** Invalid debug param given: %s' % active_flags )
- '*** please correct your param!' )
- '*** due to this, full debuging is enabled' )
- = self.debug_flags
- for f in flags:
- s = f.strip()
- ok_flags.append( s )
- = ok_flags
- self._remove_dupe_flags()
- return r
- def active_get( self ):
- "returns currently active flags."
- return
- def _as_one_list( self, items ):
- """ init param might contain nested lists, typically from group flags.
- This code organises lst and remves dupes
- """
- if type( items ) <> type( [] ) and type( items ) <> type( () ):
- return [ items ]
- r = []
- for l in items:
- if type( l ) == type([]):
- lst2 = self._as_one_list( l )
- for l2 in lst2:
- self._append_unique_str(r, l2 )
- elif l == None:
- continue
- else:
- self._append_unique_str(r, l )
- return r
- def _append_unique_str( self, lst, item ):
- """filter out any dupes."""
- if type(item) <> type(''):
- msg2 = '%s' % item
- raise 'Invalid item type (should be string)',msg2
- if item not in lst:
- lst.append( item )
- return lst
- def _validate_flag( self, flags ):
- 'verify that flag is defined.'
- if flags:
- for f in self._as_one_list( flags ):
- if not f in self.debug_flags:
- msg2 = '%s' % f
- raise 'Invalid debugflag given', msg2
- def _remove_dupe_flags( self ):
- """
- if multiple instances of Debug is used in same app,
- some flags might be created multiple time, filter out dupes
- """
- unique_flags = []
- for f in self.debug_flags:
- if f not in unique_flags:
- unique_flags.append(f)
- self.debug_flags = unique_flags
- colors={}
- def Show(self, flag, msg, prefix=''):
- msg=msg.replace('\r','\\r').replace('\n','\\n').replace('><','>\n <')
- if not colors_enabled: pass
- elif self.colors.has_key(prefix): msg=self.colors[prefix]+msg+color_none
- else: msg=color_none+msg
- if not colors_enabled: prefixcolor=''
- elif self.colors.has_key(flag): prefixcolor=self.colors[flag]
- else: prefixcolor=color_none
- if prefix=='error':
- _exception = sys.exc_info()
- if _exception[0]:
- msg=msg+'\n'+''.join(traceback.format_exception(_exception[0], _exception[1], _exception[2])).rstrip()
- prefix= self.prefix+prefixcolor+(flag+' '*12)[:12]+' '+(prefix+' '*6)[:6]
-, flag, prefix)
- def is_active( self, flag ):
- if not return 0
- if not flag or flag in and DBG_ALWAYS not in or flag not in and DBG_ALWAYS in : return 1
- return 0
-##Uncomment this to effectively disable all debugging and all debugging overhead.