path: root/src/core/
diff options
authormathieui <>2014-04-05 17:50:50 +0200
committermathieui <>2014-04-05 17:50:50 +0200
commit673788bf46c71a9945d65b91bb1ba03e463ea31e (patch)
tree56179a6fd4d6ecfd0a94a8a77cf5867b2a654bda /src/core/
parent38061a63977af659ec1e20ad2c23975ae0655c5b (diff)
Split the Core class
Although the logic stays the same, and everything is put back together in a single class.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/')
1 files changed, 892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb8dc2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+Global commands which are to be linked to the Core class
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import os
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
+import bookmark
+import common
+import fixes
+import pep
+import pubsub
+import tabs
+import theming
+from common import safeJID
+from config import config, options as config_opts
+import multiuserchat as muc
+from roster import roster
+from theming import dump_tuple, get_theme
+from . structs import Command, possible_show
+def command_help(self, arg):
+ """
+ /help <command_name>
+ """
+ args = arg.split()
+ if not args:
+ color = dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_HELP_COMMANDS)
+ acc = []
+ buff = ['Global commands:']
+ for command in self.commands:
+ if isinstance(self.commands[command], Command):
+ acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o - %s' % (color, command, self.commands[command].short))
+ else:
+ acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, command))
+ acc = sorted(acc)
+ buff.extend(acc)
+ acc = []
+ buff.append('Tab-specific commands:')
+ commands = self.current_tab().commands
+ for command in commands:
+ if isinstance(commands[command], Command):
+ acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o - %s' % (color, command, commands[command].short))
+ else:
+ acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, command))
+ acc = sorted(acc)
+ buff.extend(acc)
+ msg = '\n'.join(buff)
+ msg += _("\nType /help <command_name> to know what each command does")
+ if args:
+ command = args[0].lstrip('/').strip()
+ if command in self.current_tab().commands:
+ tup = self.current_tab().commands[command]
+ elif command in self.commands:
+ tup = self.commands[command]
+ else:
+ self.information(_('Unknown command: %s') % command, 'Error')
+ return
+ if isinstance(tup, Command):
+ msg = _('Usage: /%s %s\n' % (command, tup.usage))
+ msg += tup.desc
+ else:
+ msg = tup[1]
+ self.information(msg, 'Help')
+def command_runkey(self, arg):
+ """
+ /runkey <key>
+ """
+ def replace_line_breaks(key):
+ if key == '^J':
+ return '\n'
+ return key
+ char = arg.strip()
+ func = self.key_func.get(char, None)
+ if func:
+ func()
+ else:
+ res = self.do_command(replace_line_breaks(char), False)
+ if res:
+ self.refresh_window()
+def command_status(self, arg):
+ """
+ /status <status> [msg]
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ return
+ if not args[0] in possible_show.keys():
+ self.command_help('status')
+ return
+ show = possible_show[args[0]]
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ msg = args[1]
+ else:
+ msg = None
+ pres = self.xmpp.make_presence()
+ if msg:
+ pres['status'] = msg
+ pres['type'] = show
+'send_normal_presence', pres)
+ pres.send()
+ current = self.current_tab()
+ if isinstance(current, tabs.MucTab) and current.joined and show in ('away', 'xa'):
+ current.send_chat_state('inactive')
+ for tab in self.tabs:
+ if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) and tab.joined:
+ muc.change_show(self.xmpp,, tab.own_nick, show, msg)
+ if hasattr(tab, 'directed_presence'):
+ del tab.directed_presence
+ self.set_status(show, msg)
+ if isinstance(current, tabs.MucTab) and current.joined and show not in ('away', 'xa'):
+ current.send_chat_state('active')
+def command_presence(self, arg):
+ """
+ /presence <JID> [type] [status]
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ jid, type, status = args[0], None, None
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ jid, type, status = args[0], args[1], None
+ elif len(args) == 3:
+ jid, type, status = args[0], args[1], args[2]
+ else:
+ return
+ if jid == '.' and isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.ChatTab):
+ jid = self.current_tab().get_name()
+ if type == 'available':
+ type = None
+ try:
+ pres = self.xmpp.make_presence(pto=jid, ptype=type, pstatus=status)
+'send_normal_presence', pres)
+ pres.send()
+ except:
+ self.information(_('Could not send directed presence'), 'Error')
+ log.debug('Could not send directed presence to %s', jid, exc_info=True)
+ return
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid)
+ if tab:
+ if type in ('xa', 'away'):
+ tab.directed_presence = False
+ chatstate = 'inactive'
+ else:
+ tab.directed_presence = True
+ chatstate = 'active'
+ if tab == self.current_tab():
+ tab.send_chat_state(chatstate, True)
+ if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
+ for private in tab.privates:
+ private.directed_presence = tab.directed_presence
+ if self.current_tab() in tab.privates:
+ self.current_tab().send_chat_state(chatstate, True)
+def command_theme(self, arg=''):
+ """/theme <theme name>"""
+ args = arg.split()
+ if args:
+ self.command_set('theme %s' % (args[0],))
+ warning = theming.reload_theme()
+ if warning:
+ self.information(warning, 'Warning')
+ self.refresh_window()
+def command_win(self, arg):
+ """
+ /win <number>
+ """
+ arg = arg.strip()
+ if not arg:
+ self.command_help('win')
+ return
+ try:
+ nb = int(arg.split()[0])
+ except ValueError:
+ nb = arg
+ if self.current_tab_nb == nb:
+ return
+ self.previous_tab_nb = self.current_tab_nb
+ old_tab = self.current_tab()
+ if isinstance(nb, int):
+ if 0 <= nb < len(self.tabs):
+ if not self.tabs[nb]:
+ return
+ self.current_tab_nb = nb
+ else:
+ matchs = []
+ for tab in self.tabs:
+ for name in tab.matching_names():
+ if nb.lower() in name[1].lower():
+ matchs.append((name[0], tab))
+ self.current_tab_nb = tab.nb
+ if not matchs:
+ return
+ tab = min(matchs, key=lambda m: m[0])[1]
+ self.current_tab_nb = tab.nb
+ old_tab.on_lose_focus()
+ self.current_tab().on_gain_focus()
+ self.refresh_window()
+def command_move_tab(self, arg):
+ """
+ /move_tab old_pos new_pos
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ current_tab = self.current_tab()
+ if len(args) != 2:
+ return self.command_help('move_tab')
+ def get_nb_from_value(value):
+ ref = None
+ try:
+ ref = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ old_tab = None
+ for tab in self.tabs:
+ if not old_tab and value == tab.get_name():
+ old_tab = tab
+ if not old_tab:
+ self.information("Tab %s does not exist" % args[0], "Error")
+ return None
+ ref = old_tab.nb
+ return ref
+ old = get_nb_from_value(args[0])
+ new = get_nb_from_value(args[1])
+ if new is None or old is None:
+ return self.information('Unable to move the tab.', 'Info')
+ result = self.insert_tab(old, new)
+ if not result:
+ self.information('Unable to move the tab.', 'Info')
+ else:
+ self.current_tab_nb = self.tabs.index(current_tab)
+ self.refresh_window()
+def command_list(self, arg):
+ """
+ /list <server>
+ Opens a MucListTab containing the list of the room in the specified server
+ """
+ arg = arg.split()
+ if len(arg) > 1:
+ return self.command_help('list')
+ elif arg:
+ server = safeJID(arg[0]).server
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
+ return self.information('Please provide a server', 'Error')
+ server = safeJID(self.current_tab().get_name()).server
+ list_tab = tabs.MucListTab(server)
+ self.add_tab(list_tab, True)
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_items(jid=server, block=False, callback=list_tab.on_muc_list_item_received)
+def command_version(self, arg):
+ """
+ /version <jid>
+ """
+ def callback(res):
+ if not res:
+ return self.information('Could not get the software version from %s' % (jid,), 'Warning')
+ version = '%s is running %s version %s on %s' % (jid,
+ res.get('name') or _('an unknown software'),
+ res.get('version') or _('unknown'),
+ res.get('os') or _('an unknown platform'))
+ self.information(version, 'Info')
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ return self.command_help('version')
+ jid = safeJID(args[0])
+ if jid.resource or jid not in roster:
+ fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, jid, callback=callback)
+ elif jid in roster:
+ for resource in roster[jid].resources:
+ fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, resource.jid, callback=callback)
+ else:
+ fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, jid, callback=callback)
+def command_join(self, arg, histo_length=None):
+ """
+ /join [room][/nick] [password]
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ password = None
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ tab = self.current_tab()
+ if not isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) and not isinstance(tab, tabs.PrivateTab):
+ return
+ room = safeJID(tab.get_name()).bare
+ nick = tab.own_nick
+ else:
+ if args[0].startswith('@'): # we try to join a server directly
+ server_root = True
+ info = safeJID(args[0][1:])
+ else:
+ info = safeJID(args[0])
+ server_root = False
+ if info == '' and len(args[0]) > 1 and args[0][0] == '/':
+ nick = args[0][1:]
+ elif info.resource == '':
+ default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio'
+ nick = config.get('default_nick', '')
+ if nick == '':
+ nick = default
+ else:
+ nick = info.resource
+ if info.bare == '': # happens with /join /nickname, which is OK
+ tab = self.current_tab()
+ if not isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
+ return
+ room = tab.get_name()
+ if nick == '':
+ nick = tab.own_nick
+ else:
+ room = info.bare
+ if room.find('@') == -1 and not server_root: # no server is provided, like "/join hello"
+ # use the server of the current room if available
+ # check if the current room's name has a server
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab) and\
+ self.current_tab().get_name().find('@') != -1:
+ room += '@%s' % safeJID(self.current_tab().get_name()).domain
+ else:
+ room = args[0]
+ room = room.lower()
+ if room in self.pending_invites:
+ del self.pending_invites[room]
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room, tabs.MucTab)
+ if len(args) == 2: # a password is provided
+ password = args[1]
+ if tab and tab.joined: # if we are already in the room
+ self.focus_tab_named(
+ if tab.own_nick == nick:
+ self.information('/join: Nothing to do.', 'Info')
+ else:
+ tab.own_nick = nick
+ tab.command_cycle('')
+ return
+ if room.startswith('@'):
+ room = room[1:]
+ current_status = self.get_status()
+ if not histo_length:
+ histo_length = config.get('muc_history_length', 20)
+ if histo_length == -1:
+ histo_length = None
+ if histo_length is not None:
+ histo_length = str(histo_length)
+ if password is None: # try to use a saved password
+ password = config.get_by_tabname('password', None, room, fallback=False)
+ if tab and not tab.joined:
+ if tab.last_connection:
+ delta = - tab.last_connection
+ seconds = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600 if tab.last_connection is not None else 0
+ seconds = int(seconds)
+ else:
+ seconds = 0
+ muc.join_groupchat(self, room, nick, password,
+ histo_length, current_status.message,, seconds=seconds)
+ if not tab:
+ self.open_new_room(room, nick)
+ muc.join_groupchat(self, room, nick, password,
+ histo_length, current_status.message,
+ else:
+ tab.own_nick = nick
+ tab.users = []
+ if tab and tab.joined:
+ self.enable_private_tabs(room)
+ tab.state = "normal"
+ if tab == self.current_tab():
+ tab.refresh()
+ self.doupdate()
+def command_bookmark_local(self, arg=''):
+ """
+ /bookmark_local [room][/nick] [password]
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ nick = None
+ password = None
+ if not args and not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
+ return
+ if not args:
+ tab = self.current_tab()
+ roomname = tab.get_name()
+ if tab.joined and tab.own_nick != self.own_nick:
+ nick = tab.own_nick
+ elif args[0] == '*':
+ new_bookmarks = []
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ b = bookmark.get_by_jid(tab.get_name())
+ if not b:
+ b = bookmark.Bookmark(tab.get_name(), autojoin=True, method="local")
+ new_bookmarks.append(b)
+ else:
+ b.method = "local"
+ new_bookmarks.append(b)
+ bookmark.bookmarks.remove(b)
+ new_bookmarks.extend(bookmark.bookmarks)
+ bookmark.bookmarks = new_bookmarks
+ bookmark.save_local()
+ bookmark.save_remote(self.xmpp)
+ self.information('Bookmarks added and saved.', 'Info')
+ return
+ else:
+ info = safeJID(args[0])
+ if info.resource != '':
+ nick = info.resource
+ roomname = info.bare
+ if not roomname:
+ if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
+ return
+ roomname = self.current_tab().get_name()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ password = args[1]
+ bm = bookmark.get_by_jid(roomname)
+ if not bm:
+ bm = bookmark.Bookmark(jid=roomname)
+ bookmark.bookmarks.append(bm)
+ self.information('Bookmark added.', 'Info')
+ else:
+ self.information('Bookmark updated.', 'Info')
+ if nick:
+ bm.nick = nick
+ bm.autojoin = True
+ bm.password = password
+ bm.method = "local"
+ bookmark.save_local()
+ self.information(_('Your local bookmarks are now: %s') %
+ [b for b in bookmark.bookmarks if b.method == 'local'], 'Info')
+def command_bookmark(self, arg=''):
+ """
+ /bookmark [room][/nick] [autojoin] [password]
+ """
+ if not config.get('use_remote_bookmarks', True):
+ self.command_bookmark_local(arg)
+ return
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ nick = None
+ if not args and not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
+ return
+ if not args:
+ tab = self.current_tab()
+ roomname = tab.get_name()
+ if tab.joined:
+ nick = tab.own_nick
+ autojoin = True
+ password = None
+ elif args[0] == '*':
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ autojoin = False if args[1].lower() != 'true' else True
+ else:
+ autojoin = True
+ new_bookmarks = []
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ b = bookmark.get_by_jid(tab.get_name())
+ if not b:
+ b = bookmark.Bookmark(tab.get_name(), autojoin=autojoin,
+ method=bookmark.preferred)
+ new_bookmarks.append(b)
+ else:
+ b.method = bookmark.preferred
+ bookmark.bookmarks.remove(b)
+ new_bookmarks.append(b)
+ new_bookmarks.extend(bookmark.bookmarks)
+ bookmark.bookmarks = new_bookmarks
+ if bookmark.save_remote(self.xmpp):
+ bookmark.save_local()
+ self.information("Bookmarks added.", "Info")
+ else:
+ self.information("Could not add the bookmarks.", "Info")
+ return
+ else:
+ info = safeJID(args[0])
+ if info.resource != '':
+ nick = info.resource
+ roomname = info.bare
+ if roomname == '':
+ if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab):
+ return
+ roomname = self.current_tab().get_name()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ autojoin = False if args[1].lower() != 'true' else True
+ else:
+ autojoin = True
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ password = args[2]
+ else:
+ password = None
+ bm = bookmark.get_by_jid(roomname)
+ if not bm:
+ bm = bookmark.Bookmark(roomname)
+ bookmark.bookmarks.append(bm)
+ bm.method = config.get('use_bookmarks_method', 'pep')
+ if nick:
+ bm.nick = nick
+ if password:
+ bm.password = password
+ bm.autojoin = autojoin
+ if bookmark.save_remote(self.xmpp):
+ self.information('Bookmark added.', 'Info')
+ self.information(_('Your remote bookmarks are now: %s') %
+ [b for b in bookmark.bookmarks if b.method in ('pep', 'privatexml')], 'Info')
+def command_bookmarks(self, arg=''):
+ """/bookmarks"""
+ self.information(_('Your remote bookmarks are: %s') %
+ [b for b in bookmark.bookmarks if b.method in ('pep', 'privatexml')], 'Info')
+ self.information(_('Your local bookmarks are: %s') %
+ [b for b in bookmark.bookmarks if b.method is 'local'], 'Info')
+def command_remove_bookmark(self, arg=''):
+ """/remove_bookmark [jid]"""
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if not args:
+ tab = self.current_tab()
+ if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) and bookmark.get_by_jid(tab.get_name()):
+ bookmark.remove(tab.get_name())
+ if
+ self.information('Bookmark deleted', 'Info')
+ else:
+ self.information('No bookmark to remove', 'Info')
+ else:
+ if bookmark.get_by_jid(args[0]):
+ bookmark.remove(args[0])
+ if
+ self.information('Bookmark deleted', 'Info')
+ else:
+ self.information('No bookmark to remove', 'Info')
+def command_set(self, arg):
+ """
+ /set [module|][section] <option> <value>
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if len(args) != 2 and len(args) != 3:
+ self.command_help('set')
+ return
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ option = args[0]
+ value = args[1]
+ info = config.set_and_save(option, value)
+ self.trigger_configuration_change(option, value)
+ elif len(args) == 3:
+ if '|' in args[0]:
+ plugin_name, section = args[0].split('|')[:2]
+ if not section:
+ section = plugin_name
+ option = args[1]
+ value = args[2]
+ if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
+ return
+ plugin = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name]
+ info = plugin.config.set_and_save(option, value, section)
+ else:
+ section = args[0]
+ option = args[1]
+ value = args[2]
+ info = config.set_and_save(option, value, section)
+ self.trigger_configuration_change(option, value)
+ self.call_for_resize()
+ self.information(*info)
+def command_server_cycle(self, arg=''):
+ """
+ Do a /cycle on each room of the given server. If none, do it on the current tab
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ tab = self.current_tab()
+ message = ""
+ if len(args):
+ domain = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ message = args[1]
+ else:
+ if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
+ domain = safeJID(tab.get_name()).domain
+ else:
+ self.information(_("No server specified"), "Error")
+ return
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ if tab.get_name().endswith(domain):
+ if tab.joined:
+ muc.leave_groupchat(tab.core.xmpp, tab.get_name(), tab.own_nick, message)
+ tab.joined = False
+ if tab.get_name() == domain:
+ self.command_join('"@%s/%s"' %(tab.get_name(), tab.own_nick))
+ else:
+ self.command_join('"%s/%s"' %(tab.get_name(), tab.own_nick))
+def command_last_activity(self, arg):
+ """
+ /last_activity <jid>
+ """
+ def callback(iq):
+ if iq['type'] != 'result':
+ if iq['error']['type'] == 'auth':
+ self.information('You are not allowed to see the activity of this contact.', 'Error')
+ else:
+ self.information('Error retrieving the activity', 'Error')
+ return
+ seconds = iq['last_activity']['seconds']
+ status = iq['last_activity']['status']
+ from_ = iq['from']
+ if not safeJID(from_).user:
+ msg = 'The uptime of %s is %s.' % (
+ from_,
+ common.parse_secs_to_str(seconds))
+ else:
+ msg = 'The last activity of %s was %s ago%s' % (
+ from_,
+ common.parse_secs_to_str(seconds),
+ (' and his/her last status was %s' % status) if status else '',)
+ self.information(msg, 'Info')
+ jid = safeJID(arg)
+ if jid == '':
+ return self.command_help('last_activity')
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0012'].get_last_activity(jid, block=False, callback=callback)
+def command_mood(self, arg):
+ """
+ /mood [<mood> [text]]
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if not args:
+ return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].stop(block=False)
+ mood = args[0]
+ if mood not in pep.MOODS:
+ return self.information('%s is not a correct value for a mood.' % mood, 'Error')
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ text = args[1]
+ else:
+ text = None
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].publish_mood(mood, text, callback=dumb_callback, block=False)
+def command_activity(self, arg):
+ """
+ /activity [<general> [specific] [text]]
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ length = len(args)
+ if not length:
+ return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].stop(block=False)
+ general = args[0]
+ if general not in pep.ACTIVITIES:
+ return self.information('%s is not a correct value for an activity' % general, 'Error')
+ specific = None
+ text = None
+ if length == 2:
+ if args[1] in pep.ACTIVITIES[general]:
+ specific = args[1]
+ else:
+ text = args[1]
+ elif length == 3:
+ specific = args[1]
+ text = args[2]
+ if specific and specific not in pep.ACTIVITIES[general]:
+ return self.information('%s is not a correct value for an activity' % specific, 'Error')
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].publish_activity(general, specific, text, callback=dumb_callback, block=False)
+def command_gaming(self, arg):
+ """
+ /gaming [<game name> [server address]]
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if not args:
+ return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].stop(block=False)
+ name = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ address = args[1]
+ else:
+ address = None
+ return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].publish_gaming(name=name, server_address=address, callback=dumb_callback, block=False)
+def command_invite(self, arg):
+ """/invite <to> <room> [reason]"""
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ return
+ reason = args[2] if len(args) > 2 else ''
+ to = safeJID(args[0])
+ room = safeJID(args[1])
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].invite(room, str(to), reason)
+def command_decline(self, arg):
+ """/decline <room@server.tld> [reason]"""
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if not len(args):
+ return
+ jid = safeJID(args[0])
+ if jid.bare not in self.pending_invites:
+ return
+ reason = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else ''
+ del self.pending_invites[jid.bare]
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].decline_invite(jid.bare, self.pending_invites[jid.bare], reason)
+### Commands without a completion in this class ###
+def command_invitations(self, arg=''):
+ """/invitations"""
+ build = ""
+ for invite in self.pending_invites:
+ build += "%s by %s" % (invite, safeJID(self.pending_invites[invite]).bare)
+ if self.pending_invites:
+ build = "You are invited to the following rooms:\n" + build
+ else:
+ build = "You do not have any pending invitations."
+ self.information(build, 'Info')
+def command_quit(self, arg=''):
+ """
+ /quit
+ """
+ if len(arg.strip()) != 0:
+ msg = arg
+ else:
+ msg = None
+ if config.get('enable_user_mood', True):
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].stop(block=False)
+ if config.get('enable_user_activity', True):
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].stop(block=False)
+ if config.get('enable_user_gaming', True):
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].stop(block=False)
+ self.save_config()
+ self.plugin_manager.disable_plugins()
+ self.disconnect(msg)
+ self.running = False
+ self.reset_curses()
+ sys.exit()
+def command_bind(self, arg):
+ """
+ Bind a key.
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ return self.command_help('bind')
+ elif len(args) < 2:
+ args.append("")
+ if not config.silent_set(args[0], args[1], section='bindings'):
+ self.information(_('Unable to write in the config file'), 'Error')
+ if args[1]:
+ self.information('%s is now bound to %s' % (args[0], args[1]), 'Info')
+ else:
+ self.information('%s is now unbound' % args[0], 'Info')
+def command_pubsub(self, args):
+ """
+ Opens a pubsub browser on the given domain
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(args)
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ return self.command_help('pubsub')
+ domain = args[0]
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name('%s@@pubsubbrowser' % (domain,), pubsub.PubsubBrowserTab)
+ if tab:
+ self.command_win('%s' % tab.nb)
+ else:
+ new_tab = pubsub.PubsubBrowserTab(domain)
+ self.add_tab(new_tab, True)
+ self.refresh_window()
+def command_rawxml(self, arg):
+ """
+ /rawxml <xml stanza>
+ """
+ if not arg:
+ return
+ try:
+ stanza = StanzaBase(self.xmpp, xml=ET.fromstring(arg))
+ if stanza.xml.tag == 'iq' and \
+ stanza.xml.attrib.get('type') in ('get', 'set') and \
+ stanza.xml.attrib.get('id'):
+ iq_id = stanza.xml.attrib.get('id')
+ def iqfunc(iq):
+ self.information('%s' % iq, 'Iq')
+ self.xmpp.remove_handler('Iq %s' % iq_id)
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('Iq %s' % iq_id,
+ StanzaPath('iq@id=%s' % iq_id),
+ iqfunc
+ )
+ )
+ log.debug('handler')
+ log.debug('%s %s', stanza.xml.tag, stanza.xml.attrib)
+ stanza.send()
+ except:
+ self.information(_('Could not send custom stanza'), 'Error')
+ log.debug('/rawxml: Could not send custom stanza (%s)',
+ repr(arg),
+ exc_info=True)
+def command_load(self, arg):
+ """
+ /load <plugin>
+ """
+ args = arg.split()
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ self.command_help('load')
+ return
+ filename = args[0]
+ self.plugin_manager.load(filename)
+def command_unload(self, arg):
+ """
+ /unload <plugin>
+ """
+ args = arg.split()
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ self.command_help('unload')
+ return
+ filename = args[0]
+ self.plugin_manager.unload(filename)
+def command_plugins(self, arg=''):
+ """
+ /plugins
+ """
+ self.information("Plugins currently in use: %s" % repr(list(self.plugin_manager.plugins.keys())), 'Info')
+def command_message(self, arg):
+ """
+ /message <jid> [message]
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(arg)
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ self.command_help('message')
+ return
+ jid = safeJID(args[0])
+ if not jid.user and not jid.domain and not jid.resource:
+ return self.information('Invalid JID.', 'Error')
+ tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid.full, False, fallback_barejid=False)
+ if not tab:
+ tab = self.open_conversation_window(jid.full, focus=True)
+ else:
+ self.focus_tab_named(tab.get_name())
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ tab.command_say(args[1])
+def command_xml_tab(self, arg=''):
+ """/xml_tab"""
+ self.xml_tab = True
+ xml_tab = self.focus_tab_named('XMLTab', tabs.XMLTab)
+ if not xml_tab:
+ tab = tabs.XMLTab()
+ self.add_tab(tab, True)
+def command_self(self, arg=None):
+ """
+ /self
+ """
+ status = self.get_status()
+ show, message =, status.message
+ nick = self.own_nick
+ jid = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ info = ('Your JID is %s\nYour current status is "%s" (%s)'
+ '\nYour default nickname is %s\nYou are running poezio %s' % (
+ jid,
+ message if message else '',
+ show if show else 'available',
+ nick,
+ config_opts.version))
+ self.information(info, 'Info')
+def dumb_callback(*args, **kwargs):
+ pass