path: root/poezio/core/
diff options
authorEmmanuel Gil Peyrot <>2016-03-31 18:54:41 +0100
committerEmmanuel Gil Peyrot <>2016-06-11 20:49:43 +0100
commit332a5c2553db41de777473a1e1be9cd1522c9496 (patch)
tree3ee06a59f147ccc4009b35cccfbe2461bcd18310 /poezio/core/
parentcf44cf7cdec9fdb35caa372563d57e7045dc29dd (diff)
Move the src directory to poezio, for better cython compatibility.
Diffstat (limited to 'poezio/core/')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/poezio/core/ b/poezio/core/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fd44f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poezio/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+Completions for the global commands
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import os
+from functools import reduce
+import common
+import pep
+import tabs
+from common import safeJID
+from config import config
+from roster import roster
+from . structs import possible_show
+def completion_help(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /help."""
+ commands = sorted(self.commands.keys()) + sorted(self.current_tab().commands.keys())
+ return the_input.new_completion(commands, 1, quotify=False)
+def completion_status(self, the_input):
+ """
+ Completion of /status
+ """
+ if the_input.get_argument_position() == 1:
+ return the_input.new_completion([status for status in possible_show], 1, ' ', quotify=False)
+def completion_presence(self, the_input):
+ """
+ Completion of /presence
+ """
+ arg = the_input.get_argument_position()
+ if arg == 1:
+ return the_input.auto_completion([jid for jid in roster.jids()], '', quotify=True)
+ elif arg == 2:
+ return the_input.auto_completion([status for status in possible_show], '', quotify=True)
+def completion_theme(self, the_input):
+ """ Completion for /theme"""
+ themes_dir = config.get('themes_dir')
+ themes_dir = themes_dir or\
+ os.path.join(os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME') or\
+ os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.local', 'share'),
+ 'poezio', 'themes')
+ themes_dir = os.path.expanduser(themes_dir)
+ try:
+ names = os.listdir(themes_dir)
+ except OSError as e:
+ log.error('Completion for /theme failed', exc_info=True)
+ return
+ theme_files = [name[:-3] for name in names if name.endswith('.py') and name != '']
+ if not 'default' in theme_files:
+ theme_files.append('default')
+ return the_input.new_completion(theme_files, 1, '', quotify=False)
+def completion_win(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /win"""
+ l = []
+ for tab in self.tabs:
+ l.extend(tab.matching_names())
+ l = [i[1] for i in l]
+ return the_input.new_completion(l, 1, '', quotify=False)
+def completion_join(self, the_input):
+ """
+ Completion for /join
+ Try to complete the MUC JID:
+ if only a resource is provided, complete with the default nick
+ if only a server is provided, complete with the rooms from the
+ disco#items of that server
+ if only a nodepart is provided, complete with the servers of the
+ current joined rooms
+ """
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
+ if n != 1:
+ # we are not on the 1st argument of the command line
+ return False
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ args.append('')
+ jid = safeJID(args[1])
+ if args[1].endswith('@') and not jid.user and not jid.server:
+ jid.user = args[1][:-1]
+ relevant_rooms = []
+ relevant_rooms.extend(sorted(self.pending_invites.keys()))
+ bookmarks = {str(elem.jid): False for elem in self.bookmarks}
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ name =
+ if name in bookmarks and not tab.joined:
+ bookmarks[name] = True
+ relevant_rooms.extend(sorted(room[0] for room in bookmarks.items() if room[1]))
+ if the_input.last_completion:
+ return the_input.new_completion([], 1, quotify=True)
+ if jid.user:
+ # we are writing the server: complete the server
+ serv_list = []
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ if tab.joined:
+ serv_list.append('%s@%s'% (jid.user, safeJID(
+ serv_list.extend(relevant_rooms)
+ return the_input.new_completion(serv_list, 1, quotify=True)
+ elif args[1].startswith('/'):
+ # we completing only a resource
+ return the_input.new_completion(['/%s' % self.own_nick], 1, quotify=True)
+ else:
+ return the_input.new_completion(relevant_rooms, 1, quotify=True)
+def completion_version(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /version"""
+ comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), [])
+ return the_input.new_completion(sorted(comp), 1, quotify=False)
+def completion_list(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /list"""
+ muc_serv_list = []
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): # TODO, also from an history
+ if not in muc_serv_list:
+ muc_serv_list.append(safeJID(
+ if muc_serv_list:
+ return the_input.new_completion(muc_serv_list, 1, quotify=False)
+def completion_move_tab(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /move_tab"""
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ if n == 1:
+ nodes = [ for tab in self.tabs if tab]
+ nodes.remove('Roster')
+ return the_input.new_completion(nodes, 1, ' ', quotify=True)
+def completion_runkey(self, the_input):
+ """
+ Completion for /runkey
+ """
+ list_ = []
+ list_.extend(self.key_func.keys())
+ list_.extend(self.current_tab().key_func.keys())
+ return the_input.new_completion(list_, 1, quotify=False)
+def completion_bookmark(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /bookmark"""
+ args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ if n == 2:
+ return the_input.new_completion(['true', 'false'], 2, quotify=True)
+ if n >= 3:
+ return
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ args.append('')
+ jid = safeJID(args[1])
+ if jid.server and (jid.resource or jid.full.endswith('/')):
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.MucTab)
+ nicks = [tab.own_nick] if tab else []
+ default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio'
+ nick = config.get('default_nick')
+ if not nick:
+ if not default in nicks:
+ nicks.append(default)
+ else:
+ if not nick in nicks:
+ nicks.append(nick)
+ jids_list = ['%s/%s' % (jid.bare, nick) for nick in nicks]
+ return the_input.new_completion(jids_list, 1, quotify=True)
+ muc_list = [ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab)]
+ muc_list.sort()
+ muc_list.append('*')
+ return the_input.new_completion(muc_list, 1, quotify=True)
+def completion_remove_bookmark(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /remove_bookmark"""
+ return the_input.new_completion([bm.jid for bm in self.bookmarks], 1, quotify=False)
+def completion_decline(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /decline"""
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ if n == 1:
+ return the_input.auto_completion(sorted(self.pending_invites.keys()), 1, '', quotify=True)
+def completion_bind(self, the_input):
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position()
+ if n == 1:
+ args = [key for key in self.key_func if not key.startswith('_')]
+ elif n == 2:
+ args = [key for key in self.key_func]
+ else:
+ return
+ return the_input.new_completion(args, n, '', quotify=False)
+def completion_message(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /message"""
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ if n >= 2:
+ return
+ l = []
+ for jid in roster.jids():
+ if len(roster[jid]):
+ l.append(jid)
+ for resource in roster[jid].resources:
+ l.append(resource.jid)
+ return the_input.new_completion(l, 1, '', quotify=True)
+def completion_invite(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /invite"""
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ if n == 1:
+ comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), [])
+ comp = sorted(comp)
+ bares = sorted(roster[contact].bare_jid for contact in roster.jids() if len(roster[contact]))
+ off = sorted(jid for jid in roster.jids() if jid not in bares)
+ comp = comp + bares + off
+ return the_input.new_completion(comp, n, quotify=True)
+ elif n == 2:
+ rooms = []
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ if tab.joined:
+ rooms.append(
+ rooms.sort()
+ return the_input.new_completion(rooms, n, '', quotify=True)
+def completion_activity(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /activity"""
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
+ if n == 1:
+ return the_input.new_completion(sorted(pep.ACTIVITIES.keys()), n, quotify=True)
+ elif n == 2:
+ if args[1] in pep.ACTIVITIES:
+ l = list(pep.ACTIVITIES[args[1]])
+ l.remove('category')
+ l.sort()
+ return the_input.new_completion(l, n, quotify=True)
+def completion_mood(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /mood"""
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ if n == 1:
+ return the_input.new_completion(sorted(pep.MOODS.keys()), 1, quotify=True)
+def completion_last_activity(self, the_input):
+ """
+ Completion for /last_activity <jid>
+ """
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=False)
+ if n >= 2:
+ return
+ comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), [])
+ return the_input.new_completion(sorted(comp), 1, '', quotify=False)
+def completion_server_cycle(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /server_cycle"""
+ serv_list = set()
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ serv = safeJID(
+ serv_list.add(serv)
+ return the_input.new_completion(sorted(serv_list), 1, ' ')
+def completion_set(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /set"""
+ args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ if n >= len(args):
+ args.append('')
+ if n == 1:
+ if '|' in args[1]:
+ plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2]
+ if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
+ return the_input.new_completion([], n, quotify=True)
+ plugin = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name]
+ end_list = ['%s|%s' % (plugin_name, section) for section in plugin.config.sections()]
+ else:
+ end_list = set(config.options('Poezio'))
+ end_list.update(config.default.get('Poezio', {}))
+ end_list = list(end_list)
+ end_list.sort()
+ elif n == 2:
+ if '|' in args[1]:
+ plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2]
+ if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
+ return the_input.new_completion([''], n, quotify=True)
+ plugin = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name]
+ end_list = set(plugin.config.options(section or plugin_name))
+ if plugin.config.default:
+ end_list.update(plugin.config.default.get(section or plugin_name, {}))
+ end_list = list(end_list)
+ end_list.sort()
+ elif not config.has_option('Poezio', args[1]):
+ if config.has_section(args[1]):
+ end_list = config.options(args[1])
+ end_list.append('')
+ else:
+ end_list = []
+ else:
+ end_list = [str(config.get(args[1], '')), '']
+ elif n == 3:
+ if '|' in args[1]:
+ plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2]
+ if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins:
+ return the_input.new_completion([''], n, quotify=True)
+ plugin = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name]
+ end_list = [str(plugin.config.get(args[2], '', section or plugin_name)), '']
+ else:
+ if not config.has_section(args[1]):
+ end_list = ['']
+ else:
+ end_list = [str(config.get(args[2], '', args[1])), '']
+ else:
+ return
+ return the_input.new_completion(end_list, n, quotify=True)
+def completion_set_default(self, the_input):
+ """ Completion for /set_default
+ """
+ args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ if n >= len(args):
+ args.append('')
+ if n == 1 or (n == 2 and config.has_section(args[1])):
+ return self.completion_set(the_input)
+ return []
+def completion_toggle(self, the_input):
+ "Completion for /toggle"
+ return the_input.new_completion(config.options('Poezio'), 1, quotify=False)
+def completion_bookmark_local(self, the_input):
+ """Completion for /bookmark_local"""
+ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True)
+ args = common.shell_split(the_input.text)
+ if n >= 2:
+ return
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ args.append('')
+ jid = safeJID(args[1])
+ if jid.server and (jid.resource or jid.full.endswith('/')):
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.MucTab)
+ nicks = [tab.own_nick] if tab else []
+ default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio'
+ nick = config.get('default_nick')
+ if not nick:
+ if not default in nicks:
+ nicks.append(default)
+ else:
+ if not nick in nicks:
+ nicks.append(nick)
+ jids_list = ['%s/%s' % (jid.bare, nick) for nick in nicks]
+ return the_input.new_completion(jids_list, 1, quotify=True)
+ muc_list = [ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab)]
+ muc_list.append('*')
+ return the_input.new_completion(muc_list, 1, quotify=True)