path: root/plugins/gpg/
diff options
authormathieui <>2018-08-09 00:29:13 +0200
committermathieui <>2018-08-09 00:29:13 +0200
commit6cc1360a3a999c4384531e4f6576144040886768 (patch)
tree2b4853dc60be0bf7e8892d6671c482ca531d370c /plugins/gpg/
parent6e3f5405f3ef10e74a0cc5009ab7413835c5b11c (diff)
Remove the GPG plugin
It’s broken and nobody is using it as far as I know.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/gpg/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1438 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/gpg/ b/plugins/gpg/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1882ad87..00000000
--- a/plugins/gpg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1438 +0,0 @@
-""" A wrapper for the 'gpg' command::
-Portions of this module are derived from A.M. Kuchling's well-designed, using Richard Jones' updated version 1.3, which can be found
-in the pycrypto CVS repository on Sourceforge:
-This module is *not* forward-compatible with amk's; some of the
-old interface has changed. For instance, since I've added decrypt
-functionality, I elected to initialize with a 'gnupghome' argument
-instead of 'keyring', so that gpg can find both the public and secret
-keyrings. I've also altered some of the returned objects in order for
-the caller to not have to know as much about the internals of the
-result classes.
-While the rest of ISconf is released under the GPL, I am releasing
-this single file under the same terms that A.M. Kuchling used for
-Steve Traugott,
-Thu Jun 23 21:27:20 PDT 2005
-This version of the module has been modified from Steve Traugott's version
-(see by
-Vinay Sajip to make use of the subprocess module (Steve's version uses os.fork()
-and so does not work on Windows). Renamed to to avoid confusion with
-the previous versions.
-Modifications Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Vinay Sajip. All rights reserved.
-A unittest harness ( has also been added.
-__version__ = "0.4.0.dev0"
-__author__ = "Vinay Sajip"
-__date__ = "$10-Sep-2016 08:38:35$"
- from io import StringIO
-except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
- from cStringIO import StringIO
-import codecs
-import locale
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import socket
-from subprocess import Popen
-from subprocess import PIPE
-import sys
-import threading
-if == 'nt': # pragma: no cover
- try:
- except ImportError:
- import logging.NullHandler as NullHandler
-except ImportError:
- class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
- def handle(self, record):
- pass
- unicode
- _py3k = False
- string_types = basestring
- text_type = unicode
-except NameError:
- _py3k = True
- string_types = str
- text_type = str
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-if not logger.handlers:
- logger.addHandler(NullHandler())
-# We use the test below because it works for Jython as well as CPython
-if os.path.__name__ == 'ntpath': # pragma: no cover
- # On Windows, we don't need shell quoting, other than worrying about
- # paths with spaces in them.
- def shell_quote(s):
- return '"%s"' % s
- # Section copied from sarge
- # This regex determines which shell input needs quoting
- # because it may be unsafe
- UNSAFE = re.compile(r'[^\w%+,./:=@-]')
- def shell_quote(s):
- """
- Quote text so that it is safe for Posix command shells.
- For example, "*.py" would be converted to "'*.py'". If the text is
- considered safe it is returned unquoted.
- :param s: The value to quote
- :type s: str (or unicode on 2.x)
- :return: A safe version of the input, from the point of view of Posix
- command shells
- :rtype: The passed-in type
- """
- if not isinstance(s, string_types): # pragma: no cover
- raise TypeError('Expected string type, got %s' % type(s))
- if not s:
- result = "''"
- elif not
- result = s
- else:
- result = "'%s'" % s.replace("'", r"'\''")
- return result
- # end of sarge code
-# Now that we use shell=False, we shouldn't need to quote arguments.
-# Use no_quote instead of shell_quote to remind us of where quoting
-# was needed. However, note that we still need, on 2.x, to encode any
-# Unicode argument with the file system encoding - see Issue #41 and
-# Python issue #1759845 (" fails with unicode strings in
-# command line").
-# Allows the encoding used to be overridden in special cases by setting
-# this module attribute appropriately.
-fsencoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
-def no_quote(s):
- if not _py3k and isinstance(s, text_type):
- s = s.encode(fsencoding)
- return s
-def _copy_data(instream, outstream):
- # Copy one stream to another
- sent = 0
- if hasattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding'):
- enc = sys.stdin.encoding
- else: # pragma: no cover
- enc = 'ascii'
- while True:
- # See issue #39: read can fail when e.g. a text stream is provided
- # for what is actually a binary file
- try:
- data =
- except UnicodeError:
- logger.warning('Exception occurred while reading', exc_info=1)
- break
- if not data:
- break
- sent += len(data)
- # logger.debug("sending chunk (%d): %r", sent, data[:256])
- try:
- outstream.write(data)
- except UnicodeError: # pragma: no cover
- outstream.write(data.encode(enc))
- except:
- # Can sometimes get 'broken pipe' errors even when the data has all
- # been sent
- logger.exception('Error sending data')
- break
- try:
- outstream.close()
- except IOError: # pragma: no cover
- logger.warning('Exception occurred while closing: ignored', exc_info=1)
- logger.debug("closed output, %d bytes sent", sent)
-def _threaded_copy_data(instream, outstream):
- wr = threading.Thread(target=_copy_data, args=(instream, outstream))
- wr.setDaemon(True)
- logger.debug('data copier: %r, %r, %r', wr, instream, outstream)
- wr.start()
- return wr
-def _write_passphrase(stream, passphrase, encoding):
- passphrase = '%s\n' % passphrase
- passphrase = passphrase.encode(encoding)
- stream.write(passphrase)
- logger.debug('Wrote passphrase')
-def _is_sequence(instance):
- return isinstance(instance, (list, tuple, set, frozenset))
-def _make_memory_stream(s):
- try:
- from io import BytesIO
- rv = BytesIO(s)
- except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
- rv = StringIO(s)
- return rv
-def _make_binary_stream(s, encoding):
- if _py3k:
- if isinstance(s, str):
- s = s.encode(encoding)
- else:
- if type(s) is not str:
- s = s.encode(encoding)
- return _make_memory_stream(s)
-class Verify(object):
- "Handle status messages for --verify"
- }
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- self.gpg = gpg
- self.valid = False
- self.fingerprint = self.creation_date = self.timestamp = None
- self.signature_id = self.key_id = None
- self.username = None
- self.key_status = None
- self.status = None
- self.pubkey_fingerprint = None
- self.expire_timestamp = None
- self.sig_timestamp = None
- self.trust_text = None
- self.trust_level = None
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return self.valid
- __bool__ = __nonzero__
- def handle_status(self, key, value):
- if key in self.TRUST_LEVELS:
- self.trust_text = key
- self.trust_level = self.TRUST_LEVELS[key]
- elif key in ("RSA_OR_IDEA", "NODATA", "IMPORT_RES", "PLAINTEXT",
- pass
- elif key == "BADSIG": # pragma: no cover
- self.valid = False
- self.status = 'signature bad'
- self.key_id, self.username = value.split(None, 1)
- elif key == "ERRSIG": # pragma: no cover
- self.valid = False
- (self.key_id,
- algo, hash_algo,
- cls,
- self.timestamp) = value.split()[:5]
- self.status = 'signature error'
- elif key == "EXPSIG": # pragma: no cover
- self.valid = False
- self.status = 'signature expired'
- self.key_id, self.username = value.split(None, 1)
- elif key == "GOODSIG":
- self.valid = True
- self.status = 'signature good'
- self.key_id, self.username = value.split(None, 1)
- elif key == "VALIDSIG":
- (self.fingerprint,
- self.creation_date,
- self.sig_timestamp,
- self.expire_timestamp) = value.split()[:4]
- # may be different if signature is made with a subkey
- self.pubkey_fingerprint = value.split()[-1]
- self.status = 'signature valid'
- elif key == "SIG_ID":
- (self.signature_id,
- self.creation_date, self.timestamp) = value.split()
- elif key == "DECRYPTION_FAILED": # pragma: no cover
- self.valid = False
- self.key_id = value
- self.status = 'decryption failed'
- elif key == "NO_PUBKEY": # pragma: no cover
- self.valid = False
- self.key_id = value
- self.status = 'no public key'
- elif key in ("KEYEXPIRED", "SIGEXPIRED", "KEYREVOKED"): # pragma: no cover
- # these are useless in verify, since they are spit out for any
- # pub/subkeys on the key, not just the one doing the signing.
- # if we want to check for signatures with expired key,
- # the relevant flag is EXPKEYSIG or REVKEYSIG.
- pass
- elif key in ("EXPKEYSIG", "REVKEYSIG"): # pragma: no cover
- # signed with expired or revoked key
- self.valid = False
- self.key_id = value.split()[0]
- if key == "EXPKEYSIG":
- self.key_status = 'signing key has expired'
- else:
- self.key_status = 'signing key was revoked'
- self.status = self.key_status
- elif key in ("UNEXPECTED", "FAILURE"): # pragma: no cover
- self.valid = False
- self.key_id = value
- if key == "UNEXPECTED":
- self.status = 'unexpected data'
- else:
- # N.B. there might be other reasons
- if not self.status:
- self.status = 'incorrect passphrase'
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unknown status message: %r" % key)
-class ImportResult(object):
- "Handle status messages for --import"
- counts = '''count no_user_id imported imported_rsa unchanged
- n_uids n_subk n_sigs n_revoc sec_read sec_imported
- sec_dups not_imported'''.split()
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- self.gpg = gpg
- self.imported = []
- self.results = []
- self.fingerprints = []
- for result in self.counts:
- setattr(self, result, None)
- def __nonzero__(self):
- if self.not_imported: return False
- if not self.fingerprints: return False
- return True
- __bool__ = __nonzero__
- ok_reason = {
- '0': 'Not actually changed',
- '1': 'Entirely new key',
- '2': 'New user IDs',
- '4': 'New signatures',
- '8': 'New subkeys',
- '16': 'Contains private key',
- }
- problem_reason = {
- '0': 'No specific reason given',
- '1': 'Invalid Certificate',
- '2': 'Issuer Certificate missing',
- '3': 'Certificate Chain too long',
- '4': 'Error storing certificate',
- }
- def handle_status(self, key, value):
- if key in ("IMPORTED", "KEY_CONSIDERED"):
- # this duplicates info we already see in import_ok & import_problem
- pass
- elif key == "NODATA": # pragma: no cover
- self.results.append({'fingerprint': None,
- 'problem': '0', 'text': 'No valid data found'})
- elif key == "IMPORT_OK":
- reason, fingerprint = value.split()
- reasons = []
- for code, text in list(self.ok_reason.items()):
- if int(reason) | int(code) == int(reason):
- reasons.append(text)
- reasontext = '\n'.join(reasons) + "\n"
- self.results.append({'fingerprint': fingerprint,
- 'ok': reason, 'text': reasontext})
- self.fingerprints.append(fingerprint)
- elif key == "IMPORT_PROBLEM": # pragma: no cover
- try:
- reason, fingerprint = value.split()
- except:
- reason = value
- fingerprint = '<unknown>'
- self.results.append({'fingerprint': fingerprint,
- 'problem': reason, 'text': self.problem_reason[reason]})
- elif key == "IMPORT_RES":
- import_res = value.split()
- for i, count in enumerate(self.counts):
- setattr(self, count, int(import_res[i]))
- elif key == "KEYEXPIRED": # pragma: no cover
- self.results.append({'fingerprint': None,
- 'problem': '0', 'text': 'Key expired'})
- elif key == "SIGEXPIRED": # pragma: no cover
- self.results.append({'fingerprint': None,
- 'problem': '0', 'text': 'Signature expired'})
- else: # pragma: no cover
- raise ValueError("Unknown status message: %r" % key)
- def summary(self):
- l = []
- l.append('%d imported' % self.imported)
- if self.not_imported: # pragma: no cover
- l.append('%d not imported' % self.not_imported)
- return ', '.join(l)
-ESCAPE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\\x([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])', re.I)
- r'\n': '\n',
- r'\r': '\r',
- r'\f': '\f',
- r'\v': '\v',
- r'\b': '\b',
- r'\0': '\0',
-class SendResult(object):
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- self.gpg = gpg
- def handle_status(self, key, value):
- logger.debug('SendResult: %s: %s', key, value)
-class SearchKeys(list):
- ''' Handle status messages for --search-keys.
- Handle pub and uid (relating the latter to the former).
- Don't care about the rest
- '''
- FIELDS = 'type keyid algo length date expires'.split()
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- self.gpg = gpg
- self.curkey = None
- self.fingerprints = []
- self.uids = []
- def get_fields(self, args):
- result = {}
- for i, var in enumerate(self.FIELDS):
- if i < len(args):
- result[var] = args[i]
- else:
- result[var] = 'unavailable'
- result['uids'] = []
- result['sigs'] = []
- return result
- def pub(self, args):
- self.curkey = curkey = self.get_fields(args)
- self.append(curkey)
- def uid(self, args):
- uid = args[self.UID_INDEX]
- uid = ESCAPE_PATTERN.sub(lambda m: chr(int(, 16)), uid)
- for k, v in BASIC_ESCAPES.items():
- uid = uid.replace(k, v)
- self.curkey['uids'].append(uid)
- self.uids.append(uid)
- def handle_status(self, key, value): # pragma: no cover
- pass
-class ListKeys(SearchKeys):
- ''' Handle status messages for --list-keys, --list-sigs.
- Handle pub and uid (relating the latter to the former).
- Don't care about (info from src/DETAILS):
- crt = X.509 certificate
- crs = X.509 certificate and private key available
- uat = user attribute (same as user id except for field 10).
- sig = signature
- rev = revocation signature
- pkd = public key data (special field format, see below)
- grp = reserved for gpgsm
- rvk = revocation key
- '''
- FIELDS = 'type trust length algo keyid date expires dummy ownertrust uid sig'.split()
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- super(ListKeys, self).__init__(gpg)
- self.in_subkey = False
- self.key_map = {}
- def key(self, args):
- self.curkey = curkey = self.get_fields(args)
- if curkey['uid']:
- curkey['uids'].append(curkey['uid'])
- del curkey['uid']
- curkey['subkeys'] = []
- self.append(curkey)
- self.in_subkey = False
- pub = sec = key
- def fpr(self, args):
- fp = args[9]
- if fp in self.key_map: # pragma: no cover
- raise ValueError('Unexpected fingerprint collision: %s' % fp)
- if not self.in_subkey:
- self.curkey['fingerprint'] = fp
- self.fingerprints.append(fp)
- self.key_map[fp] = self.curkey
- else:
- self.curkey['subkeys'][-1].append(fp)
- self.key_map[fp] = self.curkey
- def sub(self, args):
- subkey = [args[4], args[11]] # keyid, type
- self.curkey['subkeys'].append(subkey)
- self.in_subkey = True
- def ssb(self, args):
- subkey = [args[4], None] # keyid, type
- self.curkey['subkeys'].append(subkey)
- self.in_subkey = True
- def sig(self, args):
- # keyid, uid, sigclass
- self.curkey['sigs'].append((args[4], args[9], args[10]))
-class ScanKeys(ListKeys):
- ''' Handle status messages for --with-fingerprint.'''
- def sub(self, args):
- # --with-fingerprint --with-colons somehow outputs fewer colons,
- # use the last value args[-1] instead of args[11]
- subkey = [args[4], args[-1]]
- self.curkey['subkeys'].append(subkey)
- self.in_subkey = True
-class TextHandler(object):
- def _as_text(self):
- return, self.gpg.decode_errors)
- if _py3k:
- __str__ = _as_text
- else:
- __unicode__ = _as_text
- def __str__(self):
- return
-class Crypt(Verify, TextHandler):
- "Handle status messages for --encrypt and --decrypt"
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- Verify.__init__(self, gpg)
- = ''
- self.ok = False
- self.status = ''
- def __nonzero__(self):
- if self.ok: return True
- return False
- __bool__ = __nonzero__
- def handle_status(self, key, value):
- # in the case of ERROR, this is because a more specific error
- # message will have come first
- if key == "NODATA":
- self.status = "no data was provided"
- self.status = key.replace("_", " ").lower()
- elif key == "NEED_PASSPHRASE_SYM":
- self.status = 'need symmetric passphrase'
- elif key == "BEGIN_DECRYPTION":
- self.status = 'decryption incomplete'
- elif key == "BEGIN_ENCRYPTION":
- self.status = 'encryption incomplete'
- elif key == "DECRYPTION_OKAY":
- self.status = 'decryption ok'
- self.ok = True
- elif key == "END_ENCRYPTION":
- self.status = 'encryption ok'
- self.ok = True
- elif key == "INV_RECP": # pragma: no cover
- self.status = 'invalid recipient'
- elif key == "KEYEXPIRED": # pragma: no cover
- self.status = 'key expired'
- elif key == "SIG_CREATED": # pragma: no cover
- self.status = 'sig created'
- elif key == "SIGEXPIRED": # pragma: no cover
- self.status = 'sig expired'
- else:
- Verify.handle_status(self, key, value)
-class GenKey(object):
- "Handle status messages for --gen-key"
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- self.gpg = gpg
- self.type = None
- self.fingerprint = None
- def __nonzero__(self):
- if self.fingerprint: return True
- return False
- __bool__ = __nonzero__
- def __str__(self):
- return self.fingerprint or ''
- def handle_status(self, key, value):
- pass
- elif key == "KEY_CREATED":
- (self.type,self.fingerprint) = value.split()
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unknown status message: %r" % key)
-class ExportResult(GenKey):
- """Handle status messages for --export[-secret-key].
- For now, just use an existing class to base it on - if needed, we
- can override handle_status for more specific message handling.
- """
- def handle_status(self, key, value):
- if key in ("EXPORTED", "EXPORT_RES"):
- pass
- else:
- super(ExportResult, self).handle_status(key, value)
-class DeleteResult(object):
- "Handle status messages for --delete-key and --delete-secret-key"
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- self.gpg = gpg
- self.status = 'ok'
- def __str__(self):
- return self.status
- problem_reason = {
- '1': 'No such key',
- '2': 'Must delete secret key first',
- '3': 'Ambiguous specification',
- }
- def handle_status(self, key, value):
- if key == "DELETE_PROBLEM": # pragma: no cover
- self.status = self.problem_reason.get(value,
- "Unknown error: %r" % value)
- elif key == "KEY_CONSIDERED":
- pass
- else: # pragma: no cover
- raise ValueError("Unknown status message: %r" % key)
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return self.status == 'ok'
- __bool__ = __nonzero__
-class Sign(TextHandler):
- "Handle status messages for --sign"
- def __init__(self, gpg):
- self.gpg = gpg
- self.type = None
- self.hash_algo = None
- self.fingerprint = None
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return self.fingerprint is not None
- __bool__ = __nonzero__
- def handle_status(self, key, value):
- pass
- elif key in ("KEYEXPIRED", "SIGEXPIRED"): # pragma: no cover
- self.status = 'key expired'
- elif key == "KEYREVOKED": # pragma: no cover
- self.status = 'key revoked'
- elif key == "SIG_CREATED":
- (self.type,
- algo, self.hash_algo, cls,
- self.timestamp, self.fingerprint
- ) = value.split()
- else: # pragma: no cover
- raise ValueError("Unknown status message: %r" % key)
-VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'gpg \(GnuPG\) (\d+(\.\d+)*)'.encode('ascii'), re.I)
-HEX_DIGITS_RE = re.compile(r'[0-9a-f]+$', re.I)
-class GPG(object):
- decode_errors = 'strict'
- result_map = {
- 'crypt': Crypt,
- 'delete': DeleteResult,
- 'generate': GenKey,
- 'import': ImportResult,
- 'send': SendResult,
- 'list': ListKeys,
- 'scan': ScanKeys,
- 'search': SearchKeys,
- 'sign': Sign,
- 'verify': Verify,
- 'export': ExportResult,
- }
- "Encapsulate access to the gpg executable"
- def __init__(self, gpgbinary='gpg', gnupghome=None, verbose=False,
- use_agent=False, keyring=None, options=None,
- secret_keyring=None):
- """Initialize a GPG process wrapper. Options are:
- gpgbinary -- full pathname for GPG binary.
- gnupghome -- full pathname to where we can find the public and
- private keyrings. Default is whatever gpg defaults to.
- keyring -- name of alternative keyring file to use, or list of such
- keyrings. If specified, the default keyring is not used.
- options =-- a list of additional options to pass to the GPG binary.
- secret_keyring -- name of alternative secret keyring file to use, or
- list of such keyrings.
- """
- self.gpgbinary = gpgbinary
- self.gnupghome = gnupghome
- if keyring:
- # Allow passing a string or another iterable. Make it uniformly
- # a list of keyring filenames
- if isinstance(keyring, string_types):
- keyring = [keyring]
- self.keyring = keyring
- if secret_keyring:
- # Allow passing a string or another iterable. Make it uniformly
- # a list of keyring filenames
- if isinstance(secret_keyring, string_types):
- secret_keyring = [secret_keyring]
- self.secret_keyring = secret_keyring
- self.verbose = verbose
- self.use_agent = use_agent
- if isinstance(options, str): # pragma: no cover
- options = [options]
- self.options = options
- # Changed in 0.3.7 to use Latin-1 encoding rather than
- # locale.getpreferredencoding falling back to sys.stdin.encoding
- # falling back to utf-8, because gpg itself uses latin-1 as the default
- # encoding.
- self.encoding = 'latin-1'
- if gnupghome and not os.path.isdir(self.gnupghome):
- os.makedirs(self.gnupghome,0x1C0)
- try:
- p = self._open_subprocess(["--version"])
- except OSError:
- msg = 'Unable to run gpg - it may not be available.'
- logger.exception(msg)
- raise OSError(msg)
- result = self.result_map['verify'](self) # any result will do for this
- self._collect_output(p, result, stdin=p.stdin)
- if p.returncode != 0: # pragma: no cover
- raise ValueError("Error invoking gpg: %s: %s" % (p.returncode,
- result.stderr))
- m = VERSION_RE.match(
- if not m: # pragma: no cover
- self.version = None
- else:
- dot = '.'.encode('ascii')
- self.version = tuple([int(s) for s in m.groups()[0].split(dot)])
- def make_args(self, args, passphrase):
- """
- Make a list of command line elements for GPG. The value of ``args``
- will be appended. The ``passphrase`` argument needs to be True if
- a passphrase will be sent to GPG, else False.
- """
- cmd = [self.gpgbinary, '--status-fd', '2', '--no-tty']
- cmd.extend(['--debug', 'ipc'])
- if passphrase and hasattr(self, 'version'):
- if self.version >= (2, 1):
- cmd[1:1] = ['--pinentry-mode', 'loopback']
- if self.gnupghome:
- cmd.extend(['--homedir', no_quote(self.gnupghome)])
- if self.keyring:
- cmd.append('--no-default-keyring')
- for fn in self.keyring:
- cmd.extend(['--keyring', no_quote(fn)])
- if self.secret_keyring:
- for fn in self.secret_keyring:
- cmd.extend(['--secret-keyring', no_quote(fn)])
- if passphrase:
- cmd.extend(['--batch', '--passphrase-fd', '0'])
- if self.use_agent: # pragma: no cover
- cmd.append('--use-agent')
- if self.options:
- cmd.extend(self.options)
- cmd.extend(args)
- return cmd
- def _open_subprocess(self, args, passphrase=False):
- # Internal method: open a pipe to a GPG subprocess and return
- # the file objects for communicating with it.
- # def debug_print(cmd):
- # result = []
- # for c in cmd:
- # if ' ' not in c:
- # result.append(c)
- # else:
- # if '"' not in c:
- # result.append('"%s"' % c)
- # elif "'" not in c:
- # result.append("'%s'" % c)
- # else:
- # result.append(c) # give up
- # return ' '.join(cmd)
- from subprocess import list2cmdline as debug_print
- cmd = self.make_args(args, passphrase)
- if self.verbose: # pragma: no cover
- print(debug_print(cmd))
- si = None
- else: # pragma: no cover
- si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE
- result = Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
- startupinfo=si)
- logger.debug("%s: %s",, debug_print(cmd))
- return result
- def _read_response(self, stream, result):
- # Internal method: reads all the stderr output from GPG, taking notice
- # only of lines that begin with the magic [GNUPG:] prefix.
- #
- # Calls methods on the response object for each valid token found,
- # with the arg being the remainder of the status line.
- lines = []
- while True:
- line = stream.readline()
- if len(line) == 0:
- break
- lines.append(line)
- line = line.rstrip()
- if self.verbose: # pragma: no cover
- print(line)
- logger.debug("%s", line)
- if line[0:9] == '[GNUPG:] ':
- # Chop off the prefix
- line = line[9:]
- L = line.split(None, 1)
- keyword = L[0]
- if len(L) > 1:
- value = L[1]
- else:
- value = ""
- result.handle_status(keyword, value)
- result.stderr = ''.join(lines)
- def _read_data(self, stream, result):
- # Read the contents of the file from GPG's stdout
- chunks = []
- while True:
- data =
- if len(data) == 0:
- break
- logger.debug("chunk: %r" % data[:256])
- chunks.append(data)
- if _py3k:
- # Join using b'' or '', as appropriate
- = type(data)().join(chunks)
- else:
- = ''.join(chunks)
- def _collect_output(self, process, result, writer=None, stdin=None):
- """
- Drain the subprocesses output streams, writing the collected output
- to the result. If a writer thread (writing to the subprocess) is given,
- make sure it's joined before returning. If a stdin stream is given,
- close it before returning.
- """
- stderr = codecs.getreader(self.encoding)(process.stderr)
- rr = threading.Thread(target=self._read_response, args=(stderr, result))
- rr.setDaemon(True)
- logger.debug('stderr reader: %r', rr)
- rr.start()
- stdout = process.stdout
- dr = threading.Thread(target=self._read_data, args=(stdout, result))
- dr.setDaemon(True)
- logger.debug('stdout reader: %r', dr)
- dr.start()
- dr.join()
- rr.join()
- if writer is not None:
- writer.join()
- process.wait()
- if stdin is not None:
- try:
- stdin.close()
- except IOError: # pragma: no cover
- pass
- stderr.close()
- stdout.close()
- def _handle_io(self, args, fileobj, result, passphrase=None, binary=False):
- "Handle a call to GPG - pass input data, collect output data"
- # Handle a basic data call - pass data to GPG, handle the output
- # including status information. Garbage In, Garbage Out :)
- p = self._open_subprocess(args, passphrase is not None)
- if not binary: # pragma: no cover
- stdin = codecs.getwriter(self.encoding)(p.stdin)
- else:
- stdin = p.stdin
- if passphrase:
- _write_passphrase(stdin, passphrase, self.encoding)
- writer = _threaded_copy_data(fileobj, stdin)
- self._collect_output(p, result, writer, stdin)
- return result
- #
- #
- def sign(self, message, **kwargs):
- """sign message"""
- f = _make_binary_stream(message, self.encoding)
- result = self.sign_file(f, **kwargs)
- f.close()
- return result
- def set_output_without_confirmation(self, args, output):
- "If writing to a file which exists, avoid a confirmation message."
- if os.path.exists(output):
- # We need to avoid an overwrite confirmation message
- args.extend(['--batch', '--yes'])
- args.extend(['--output', no_quote(output)])
- def sign_file(self, file, keyid=None, passphrase=None, clearsign=True,
- detach=False, binary=False, output=None):
- """sign file"""
- logger.debug("sign_file: %s", file)
- if binary: # pragma: no cover
- args = ['-s']
- else:
- args = ['-sa']
- # You can't specify detach-sign and clearsign together: gpg ignores
- # the detach-sign in that case.
- if detach:
- args.append("--detach-sign")
- elif clearsign:
- args.append("--clearsign")
- if keyid:
- args.extend(['--default-key', no_quote(keyid)])
- if output: # write the output to a file with the specified name
- self.set_output_without_confirmation(args, output)
- result = self.result_map['sign'](self)
- #We could use _handle_io here except for the fact that if the
- #passphrase is bad, gpg bails and you can't write the message.
- p = self._open_subprocess(args, passphrase is not None)
- try:
- stdin = p.stdin
- if passphrase:
- _write_passphrase(stdin, passphrase, self.encoding)
- writer = _threaded_copy_data(file, stdin)
- except IOError: # pragma: no cover
- logging.exception("error writing message")
- writer = None
- self._collect_output(p, result, writer, stdin)
- return result
- def verify(self, data):
- """Verify the signature on the contents of the string 'data'
- >>> GPGBINARY = os.environ.get('GPGBINARY', 'gpg')
- >>> gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=GPGBINARY, gnupghome="keys")
- >>> input = gpg.gen_key_input(passphrase='foo')
- >>> key = gpg.gen_key(input)
- >>> assert key
- >>> sig = gpg.sign('hello',keyid=key.fingerprint,passphrase='bar')
- >>> assert not sig
- >>> sig = gpg.sign('hello',keyid=key.fingerprint,passphrase='foo')
- >>> assert sig
- >>> verify = gpg.verify(
- >>> assert verify
- """
- f = _make_binary_stream(data, self.encoding)
- result = self.verify_file(f)
- f.close()
- return result
- def verify_file(self, file, data_filename=None):
- "Verify the signature on the contents of the file-like object 'file'"
- logger.debug('verify_file: %r, %r', file, data_filename)
- result = self.result_map['verify'](self)
- args = ['--verify']
- if data_filename is None:
- self._handle_io(args, file, result, binary=True)
- else:
- logger.debug('Handling detached verification')
- import tempfile
- fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pygpg')
- s =
- file.close()
- logger.debug('Wrote to temp file: %r', s)
- os.write(fd, s)
- os.close(fd)
- args.append(no_quote(fn))
- args.append(no_quote(data_filename))
- try:
- p = self._open_subprocess(args)
- self._collect_output(p, result, stdin=p.stdin)
- finally:
- os.unlink(fn)
- return result
- def verify_data(self, sig_filename, data):
- "Verify the signature in sig_filename against data in memory"
- logger.debug('verify_data: %r, %r ...', sig_filename, data[:16])
- result = self.result_map['verify'](self)
- args = ['--verify', no_quote(sig_filename), '-']
- stream = _make_memory_stream(data)
- self._handle_io(args, stream, result, binary=True)
- return result
- #
- #
- def import_keys(self, key_data):
- """
- Import the key_data into our keyring.
- """
- result = self.result_map['import'](self)
- logger.debug('import_keys: %r', key_data[:256])
- data = _make_binary_stream(key_data, self.encoding)
- self._handle_io(['--import'], data, result, binary=True)
- logger.debug('import_keys result: %r', result.__dict__)
- data.close()
- return result
- def recv_keys(self, keyserver, *keyids):
- """Import a key from a keyserver
- >>> import shutil
- >>> shutil.rmtree("keys")
- >>> GPGBINARY = os.environ.get('GPGBINARY', 'gpg')
- >>> gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=GPGBINARY, gnupghome="keys")
- >>> os.chmod('keys', 0x1C0)
- >>> result = gpg.recv_keys('', '92905378')
- >>> assert result
- """
- result = self.result_map['import'](self)
- logger.debug('recv_keys: %r', keyids)
- data = _make_binary_stream("", self.encoding)
- #data = ""
- args = ['--keyserver', no_quote(keyserver), '--recv-keys']
- args.extend([no_quote(k) for k in keyids])
- self._handle_io(args, data, result, binary=True)
- logger.debug('recv_keys result: %r', result.__dict__)
- data.close()
- return result
- def send_keys(self, keyserver, *keyids):
- """Send a key to a keyserver.
- Note: it's not practical to test this function without sending
- arbitrary data to live keyservers.
- """
- result = self.result_map['send'](self)
- logger.debug('send_keys: %r', keyids)
- data = _make_binary_stream('', self.encoding)
- #data = ""
- args = ['--keyserver', no_quote(keyserver), '--send-keys']
- args.extend([no_quote(k) for k in keyids])
- self._handle_io(args, data, result, binary=True)
- logger.debug('send_keys result: %r', result.__dict__)
- data.close()
- return result
- def delete_keys(self, fingerprints, secret=False, passphrase=None):
- which='key'
- if secret: # pragma: no cover
- if self.version >= (2, 1) and passphrase is None:
- raise ValueError('For GnuPG >= 2.1, deleting secret keys '
- 'needs a passphrase to be provided')
- which='secret-key'
- if _is_sequence(fingerprints): # pragma: no cover
- fingerprints = [no_quote(s) for s in fingerprints]
- else:
- fingerprints = [no_quote(fingerprints)]
- args = ['--batch', '--delete-%s' % which]
- args.extend(fingerprints)
- result = self.result_map['delete'](self)
- if not secret or self.version < (2, 1):
- p = self._open_subprocess(args)
- self._collect_output(p, result, stdin=p.stdin)
- else:
- # Need to send in a passphrase.
- f = _make_binary_stream('', self.encoding)
- try:
- self._handle_io(args, f, result, passphrase=passphrase,
- binary=True)
- finally:
- f.close()
- return result
- def export_keys(self, keyids, secret=False, armor=True, minimal=False,
- passphrase=None):
- """
- Export the indicated keys. A 'keyid' is anything gpg accepts.
- Since GnuPG 2.1, you can't export secret keys without providing a
- passphrase.
- """
- which=''
- if secret:
- which='-secret-key'
- if self.version >= (2, 1) and passphrase is None:
- raise ValueError('For GnuPG >= 2.1, exporting secret keys '
- 'needs a passphrase to be provided')
- if _is_sequence(keyids):
- keyids = [no_quote(k) for k in keyids]
- else:
- keyids = [no_quote(keyids)]
- args = ['--export%s' % which]
- if armor:
- args.append('--armor')
- if minimal: # pragma: no cover
- args.extend(['--export-options','export-minimal'])
- args.extend(keyids)
- # gpg --export produces no status-fd output; stdout will be
- # empty in case of failure
- #stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
- result = self.result_map['export'](self)
- if not secret or self.version < (2, 1):
- p = self._open_subprocess(args)
- self._collect_output(p, result, stdin=p.stdin)
- else:
- # Need to send in a passphrase.
- f = _make_binary_stream('', self.encoding)
- try:
- self._handle_io(args, f, result, passphrase=passphrase,
- binary=True)
- finally:
- f.close()
- logger.debug('export_keys result: %r',
- # Issue #49: Return bytes if armor not specified, else text
- result =
- if armor:
- result = result.decode(self.encoding, self.decode_errors)
- return result
- def _get_list_output(self, p, kind):
- # Get the response information
- result = self.result_map[kind](self)
- self._collect_output(p, result, stdin=p.stdin)
- lines =,
- self.decode_errors).splitlines()
- valid_keywords = 'pub uid sec fpr sub ssb sig'.split()
- for line in lines:
- if self.verbose: # pragma: no cover
- print(line)
- logger.debug("line: %r", line.rstrip())
- if not line: # pragma: no cover
- break
- L = line.strip().split(':')
- if not L: # pragma: no cover
- continue
- keyword = L[0]
- if keyword in valid_keywords:
- getattr(result, keyword)(L)
- return result
- def list_keys(self, secret=False, keys=None, sigs=False):
- """ list the keys currently in the keyring
- >>> import shutil
- >>> shutil.rmtree("keys")
- >>> GPGBINARY = os.environ.get('GPGBINARY', 'gpg')
- >>> gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=GPGBINARY, gnupghome="keys")
- >>> input = gpg.gen_key_input(passphrase='foo')
- >>> result = gpg.gen_key(input)
- >>> fp1 = result.fingerprint
- >>> result = gpg.gen_key(input)
- >>> fp2 = result.fingerprint
- >>> pubkeys = gpg.list_keys()
- >>> assert fp1 in pubkeys.fingerprints
- >>> assert fp2 in pubkeys.fingerprints
- """
- if sigs:
- which = 'sigs'
- else: which='keys'
- if secret:
- which='secret-keys'
- args = ['--list-%s' % which, '--fixed-list-mode',
- '--fingerprint', '--fingerprint', # get subkey FPs, too
- '--with-colons']
- if keys:
- if isinstance(keys, string_types):
- keys = [keys]
- args.extend(keys)
- p = self._open_subprocess(args)
- return self._get_list_output(p, 'list')
- def scan_keys(self, filename):
- """
- List details of an ascii armored or binary key file
- without first importing it to the local keyring.
- The function achieves this by running:
- $ gpg --with-fingerprint --with-colons filename
- """
- args = ['--with-fingerprint', '--with-colons', '--fixed-list-mode']
- args.append(no_quote(filename))
- p = self._open_subprocess(args)
- return self._get_list_output(p, 'scan')
- def search_keys(self, query, keyserver=''):
- """ search keyserver by query (using --search-keys option)
- >>> import shutil
- >>> shutil.rmtree('keys')
- >>> GPGBINARY = os.environ.get('GPGBINARY', 'gpg')
- >>> gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=GPGBINARY, gnupghome='keys')
- >>> os.chmod('keys', 0x1C0)
- >>> result = gpg.search_keys('<>')
- >>> assert result, 'Failed using default keyserver'
- >>> #keyserver = ''
- >>> #result = gpg.search_keys('<>', keyserver)
- >>> #assert result, 'Failed using'
- """
- query = query.strip()
- if HEX_DIGITS_RE.match(query):
- query = '0x' + query
- args = ['--fixed-list-mode', '--fingerprint', '--with-colons',
- '--keyserver', no_quote(keyserver), '--search-keys',
- no_quote(query)]
- p = self._open_subprocess(args)
- # Get the response information
- result = self.result_map['search'](self)
- self._collect_output(p, result, stdin=p.stdin)
- lines =,
- self.decode_errors).splitlines()
- valid_keywords = ['pub', 'uid']
- for line in lines:
- if self.verbose: # pragma: no cover
- print(line)
- logger.debug('line: %r', line.rstrip())
- if not line: # sometimes get blank lines on Windows
- continue
- L = line.strip().split(':')
- if not L: # pragma: no cover
- continue
- keyword = L[0]
- if keyword in valid_keywords:
- getattr(result, keyword)(L)
- return result
- def gen_key(self, input):
- """Generate a key; you might use gen_key_input() to create the
- control input.
- >>> GPGBINARY = os.environ.get('GPGBINARY', 'gpg')
- >>> gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=GPGBINARY, gnupghome="keys")
- >>> input = gpg.gen_key_input(passphrase='foo')
- >>> result = gpg.gen_key(input)
- >>> assert result
- >>> result = gpg.gen_key('foo')
- >>> assert not result
- """
- args = ["--gen-key", "--batch"]
- result = self.result_map['generate'](self)
- f = _make_binary_stream(input, self.encoding)
- self._handle_io(args, f, result, binary=True)
- f.close()
- return result
- def gen_key_input(self, **kwargs):
- """
- Generate --gen-key input per gpg doc/DETAILS
- """
- parms = {}
- for key, val in list(kwargs.items()):
- key = key.replace('_','-').title()
- if str(val).strip(): # skip empty strings
- parms[key] = val
- parms.setdefault('Key-Type','RSA')
- parms.setdefault('Key-Length',2048)
- parms.setdefault('Name-Real', "Autogenerated Key")
- logname = (os.environ.get('LOGNAME') or os.environ.get('USERNAME') or
- 'unspecified')
- hostname = socket.gethostname()
- parms.setdefault('Name-Email', "%s@%s" % (logname.replace(' ', '_'),
- hostname))
- out = "Key-Type: %s\n" % parms.pop('Key-Type')
- for key, val in list(parms.items()):
- out += "%s: %s\n" % (key, val)
- out += "%commit\n"
- return out
- # Key-Type: RSA
- # Key-Length: 1024
- # Name-Real: ISdlink Server on %s
- # Name-Comment: Created by %s
- # Name-Email: isdlink@%s
- # Expire-Date: 0
- # %commit
- #
- #
- # Key-Type: DSA
- # Key-Length: 1024
- # Subkey-Type: ELG-E
- # Subkey-Length: 1024
- # Name-Real: Joe Tester
- # Name-Comment: with stupid passphrase
- # Name-Email:
- # Expire-Date: 0
- # Passphrase: abc
- # %pubring
- # %secring foo.sec
- # %commit
- #
- #
- def encrypt_file(self, file, recipients, sign=None,
- always_trust=False, passphrase=None,
- armor=True, output=None, symmetric=False):
- "Encrypt the message read from the file-like object 'file'"
- args = ['--encrypt']
- if symmetric:
- # can't be False or None - could be True or a cipher algo value
- # such as AES256
- args = ['--symmetric']
- if symmetric is not True:
- args.extend(['--cipher-algo', no_quote(symmetric)])
- # else use the default, currently CAST5
- else:
- if not recipients:
- raise ValueError('No recipients specified with asymmetric '
- 'encryption')
- if not _is_sequence(recipients):
- recipients = (recipients,)
- for recipient in recipients:
- args.extend(['--recipient', no_quote(recipient)])
- if armor: # create ascii-armored output - False for binary output
- args.append('--armor')
- if output: # write the output to a file with the specified name
- self.set_output_without_confirmation(args, output)
- if sign is True: # pragma: no cover
- args.append('--sign')
- elif sign: # pragma: no cover
- args.extend(['--sign', '--default-key', no_quote(sign)])
- if always_trust: # pragma: no cover
- args.append('--always-trust')
- result = self.result_map['crypt'](self)
- self._handle_io(args, file, result, passphrase=passphrase, binary=True)
- logger.debug('encrypt result: %r',
- return result
- def encrypt(self, data, recipients, **kwargs):
- """Encrypt the message contained in the string 'data'
- >>> import shutil
- >>> if os.path.exists("keys"):
- ... shutil.rmtree("keys")
- >>> GPGBINARY = os.environ.get('GPGBINARY', 'gpg')
- >>> gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=GPGBINARY, gnupghome="keys")
- >>> input = gpg.gen_key_input(name_email='user1@test', passphrase='pp1')
- >>> result = gpg.gen_key(input)
- >>> fp1 = result.fingerprint
- >>> input = gpg.gen_key_input(name_email='user2@test', passphrase='pp2')
- >>> result = gpg.gen_key(input)
- >>> fp2 = result.fingerprint
- >>> result = gpg.encrypt("hello",fp2)
- >>> message = str(result)
- >>> assert message != 'hello'
- >>> result = gpg.decrypt(message, passphrase='pp2')
- >>> assert result
- >>> str(result)
- 'hello'
- >>> result = gpg.encrypt("hello again", fp1)
- >>> message = str(result)
- >>> result = gpg.decrypt(message, passphrase='bar')
- >>> result.status in ('decryption failed', 'bad passphrase')
- True
- >>> assert not result
- >>> result = gpg.decrypt(message, passphrase='pp1')
- >>> result.status == 'decryption ok'
- True
- >>> str(result)
- 'hello again'
- >>> result = gpg.encrypt("signed hello", fp2, sign=fp1, passphrase='pp1')
- >>> result.status == 'encryption ok'
- True
- >>> message = str(result)
- >>> result = gpg.decrypt(message, passphrase='pp2')
- >>> result.status == 'decryption ok'
- True
- >>> assert result.fingerprint == fp1
- """
- data = _make_binary_stream(data, self.encoding)
- result = self.encrypt_file(data, recipients, **kwargs)
- data.close()
- return result
- def decrypt(self, message, **kwargs):
- data = _make_binary_stream(message, self.encoding)
- result = self.decrypt_file(data, **kwargs)
- data.close()
- return result
- def decrypt_file(self, file, always_trust=False, passphrase=None,
- output=None):
- args = ["--decrypt"]
- if output: # write the output to a file with the specified name
- self.set_output_without_confirmation(args, output)
- if always_trust: # pragma: no cover
- args.append("--always-trust")
- result = self.result_map['crypt'](self)
- self._handle_io(args, file, result, passphrase, binary=True)
- logger.debug('decrypt result: %r',
- return result