#include "catch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::string_literals; TEST_CASE("String split") { std::vector splitted = utils::split("a::a", ':', false); CHECK(splitted.size() == 2); splitted = utils::split("a::a", ':', true); CHECK(splitted.size() == 3); CHECK(splitted[0] == "a"); CHECK(splitted[1] == ""); CHECK(splitted[2] == "a"); splitted = utils::split("\na", '\n', true); CHECK(splitted.size() == 2); CHECK(splitted[0] == ""); CHECK(splitted[1] == "a"); } TEST_CASE("tolower") { const std::string lowercase = utils::tolower("CoUcOu LeS CoPaiNs ♥"); CHECK(lowercase == "coucou les copains ♥"); const std::string ltr = "coucou"; CHECK(utils::revstr(ltr) == "uocuoc"); } TEST_CASE("to_bool") { CHECK(to_bool("true")); CHECK(!to_bool("trou")); CHECK(to_bool("1")); CHECK(!to_bool("0")); CHECK(!to_bool("-1")); CHECK(!to_bool("false")); } TEST_CASE("xdg_*_path") { ::unsetenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); ::unsetenv("HOME"); std::string res; SECTION("Without XDG_CONFIG_HOME nor HOME") { res = xdg_config_path("coucou.txt"); CHECK(res == "coucou.txt"); } SECTION("With only HOME") { ::setenv("HOME", "/home/user", 1); res = xdg_config_path("coucou.txt"); CHECK(res == "/home/user/.config/biboumi/coucou.txt"); } SECTION("With only XDG_CONFIG_HOME") { ::setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/some_weird_dir", 1); res = xdg_config_path("coucou.txt"); CHECK(res == "/some_weird_dir/biboumi/coucou.txt"); } SECTION("With XDG_DATA_HOME") { ::setenv("XDG_DATA_HOME", "/datadir", 1); res = xdg_data_path("bonjour.txt"); CHECK(res == "/datadir/biboumi/bonjour.txt"); } } TEST_CASE("empty if fixed irc server") { GIVEN("A config with fixed_irc_server") { Config::set("fixed_irc_server", "irc.localhost"); THEN("our string is made empty") CHECK(utils::empty_if_fixed_server("coucou coucou") == ""); } GIVEN("A config with NO fixed_irc_server") { Config::set("fixed_irc_server", ""); THEN("our string is returned untouched") CHECK(utils::empty_if_fixed_server("coucou coucou") == "coucou coucou"); } } TEST_CASE("string cut") { CHECK(cut("coucou", 2).size() == 3); CHECK(cut("bonjour les copains", 6).size() == 4); CHECK(cut("««««", 2).size() == 4); CHECK(cut("a««««", 2).size() == 5); const auto res = cut("rhello, ♥", 10); CHECK(res.size() == 2); CHECK(res[0] == "rhello, "); CHECK(res[1] == "♥"); } TEST_CASE("first non-empty string") { CHECK(get_first_non_empty(""s, ""s, "hello"s, "world"s) == "hello"s); CHECK(get_first_non_empty(""s, ""s, ""s, ""s) == ""s); CHECK(get_first_non_empty("first"s) == "first"s); CHECK(get_first_non_empty(0, 1, 2, 3) == 1); } TEST_CASE("time_to_string") { const std::time_t stamp = 1472480968; const std::string result = "2016-08-29T14:29:28Z"; CHECK(utils::to_string(stamp) == result); CHECK(utils::to_string(stamp).size() == result.size()); CHECK(utils::to_string(0) == "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"); }