#!/usr/bin/env python3 from functions import StanzaError, SkipStepError import collections import importlib import sequences import datetime import slixmpp import asyncio import logging import signal import atexit import sys import os from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher.base import MatcherBase if not hasattr(asyncio, "ensure_future"): asyncio.ensure_future = getattr(asyncio, "async") class MatchAll(MatcherBase): """match everything""" def match(self, xml): return True class Scenario: """Defines a list of actions that are executed in sequence, until one of them throws an exception, or until the end. An action can be something like “send a stanza”, “receive the next stanza and check that it matches the given XPath”, “send a signal”, “wait for the end of the process”, etc """ def __init__(self, name, steps, conf): """ Steps is a list of 2-tuple: [(action, answer), (action, answer)] """ self.name = name self.steps = [] self.conf = conf def unwrap_tuples(elements): """Yields all the value contained in the tuples, of tuples, of tuples… For example unwrap_tuples((1, 2, 3, (4, 5, (6,)))) will yield 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 This works with any depth""" if isinstance(elements, collections.abc.Iterable): for elem in elements: yield from unwrap_tuples(elem) else: yield elements for step in unwrap_tuples(steps): self.steps.append(step) class XMPPComponent(slixmpp.BaseXMPP): """ XMPPComponent sending a “scenario” of stanzas, checking that the responses match the expected results. """ def __init__(self, scenario, biboumi): super().__init__(jid="biboumi.localhost", default_ns="jabber:component:accept") self.is_component = True self.auto_authorize = None # Do not accept or reject subscribe requests automatically self.auto_subscribe = False self.stream_header = '' % ( 'xmlns="jabber:component:accept"', 'xmlns:stream="%s"' % self.stream_ns, self.boundjid, self.new_id()) self.stream_footer = "" self.register_handler(slixmpp.Callback('Match All', MatchAll(None), self.handle_incoming_stanza)) self.add_event_handler("session_end", self.on_end_session) asyncio.ensure_future(self.accept_routine()) self.scenario = scenario self.biboumi = biboumi self.timeout_handler = None # A callable, taking a stanza as argument and raising a StanzaError # exception if the test should fail. self.stanza_checker = None self.failed = False self.accepting_server = None self.saved_values = {} def error(self, message): print("Failure: %s" % (message,)) self.scenario.steps = [] self.failed = True def on_timeout(self, xpaths): error_msg = "Timeout while waiting for a stanza that would match the expected xpath(s):" for xpath in xpaths: error_msg += "\n" + str(xpath) self.error(error_msg) self.run_scenario() def on_end_session(self, _): self.loop.stop() def handle_incoming_stanza(self, stanza): if self.stanza_checker: try: self.stanza_checker(stanza) except StanzaError as e: self.error(e) except SkipStepError: # Run the next step and then re-handle this same stanza self.run_scenario() return self.handle_incoming_stanza(stanza) self.stanza_checker = None self.run_scenario() def run_scenario(self): if self.timeout_handler is not None: self.timeout_handler.cancel() self.timeout_handler = None if self.scenario.steps: step = self.scenario.steps.pop(0) try: step(xmpp=self, biboumi=self.biboumi) except Exception as e: self.error(e) self.run_scenario() else: if self.biboumi: self.biboumi.stop() async def accept_routine(self): self.accepting_server = await self.loop.create_server(lambda: self, "", 8811, reuse_address=True) class ProcessRunner: def __init__(self): self.process = None self.signal_sent = False self.create = None async def start(self): self.process = await self.create async def wait(self): code = await self.process.wait() return code def stop(self): if not self.signal_sent: self.signal_sent = True if self.process: self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) def __del__(self): self.stop() class BiboumiRunner(ProcessRunner): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__() self.name = name self.fd = open("biboumi_%s_output.txt" % (name,), "w") with_valgrind = os.environ.get("E2E_WITH_VALGRIND") is not None if with_valgrind: self.create = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("valgrind", "--suppressions=" + (os.environ.get("E2E_BIBOUMI_SUPP_DIR") or "") + "biboumi.supp", "--leak-check=full", "--show-leak-kinds=all", "--errors-for-leak-kinds=all", "--error-exitcode=16", "./biboumi", "test.conf", stdin=None, stdout=self.fd, stderr=self.fd, loop=None, limit=None) else: self.create = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("./biboumi", "test.conf", stdin=None, stdout=self.fd, stderr=self.fd, loop=None, limit=None) class IrcServerRunner(ProcessRunner): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.create = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("oragono", "run", "--conf", os.getcwd() + "/../tests/end_to_end/ircd.yaml", stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) class BiboumiTest: """ Spawns a biboumi process and a fake XMPP Component that will run a Scenario. It redirects the outputs of the subprocess into separated files, and detects any failure in the running of the scenario. """ def __init__(self, scenario, expected_code=0): self.scenario = scenario self.expected_code = expected_code def run(self): with_valgrind = os.environ.get("E2E_WITH_VALGRIND") is not None print("Running scenario: %s%s" % (self.scenario.name, " (with valgrind)" if with_valgrind else '')) # Redirect the slixmpp logging into a specific file output_filename = "slixmpp_%s_output.txt" % (self.scenario.name,) with open(output_filename, "w"): pass logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s', filename=output_filename) with open("test.conf", "w") as fd: fd.write(confs[self.scenario.conf]) try: os.remove("e2e_test.sqlite") except FileNotFoundError: pass start_datetime = datetime.datetime.now() # Start the XMPP component and biboumi biboumi = BiboumiRunner(self.scenario.name) xmpp = XMPPComponent(self.scenario, biboumi) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(biboumi.start()) asyncio.get_event_loop().call_soon(xmpp.run_scenario) xmpp.process() code = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(biboumi.wait()) xmpp.biboumi = None self.scenario.steps.clear() delta = datetime.datetime.now() - start_datetime failed = False if not xmpp.failed: if code != self.expected_code: xmpp.error("Wrong return code from biboumi's process: %d" % (code,)) failed = True else: print("Success! ({}s)".format(round(delta.total_seconds(), 2))) else: failed = True xmpp.saved_values.clear() if xmpp.server: xmpp.accepting_server.close() return not failed confs = { 'basic': """hostname=biboumi.localhost password=coucou db_name=e2e_test.sqlite port=8811 admin=admin@example.com identd_port=1113 outgoing_bind=""", 'fixed_server': """hostname=biboumi.localhost password=coucou db_name=e2e_test.sqlite port=8811 fixed_irc_server=irc.localhost admin=admin@example.com identd_port=1113 """, 'persistent_by_default': """hostname=biboumi.localhost password=coucou db_name=e2e_test.sqlite port=8811 persistent_by_default=true """,} def get_scenarios(test_path, provided_scenar_names): """ :param test_path: The path containing all the tests :param provided_scenar_names: a list of scenario names provided on the command line by the user. May be empty :return: The list of scenarios to be run. If provided_scenar_names is empty, we return all the existing scenarios, otherwise we just return the one from that list """ scenarios = [] for entry in os.scandir(os.path.join(test_path, "scenarios")): if entry.is_file() and not entry.name.startswith('.') and entry.name.endswith('.py'): module_name = entry.name[:-3] if provided_scenar_names and module_name not in provided_scenar_names: continue if module_name == "__init__" or (provided_scenar_names and module_name not in provided_scenar_names): continue module_full_path = "scenarios.{}".format(module_name) mod = importlib.import_module(module_full_path) conf = "basic" if hasattr(mod, "conf"): conf = mod.conf # Every scenario needs to start with the handshake sequence. # Instead of repeating it everytime, we add it implicitely. This # is done here. scenarios.append(Scenario(module_name, (sequences.handshake(),) + mod.scenario, conf)) return scenarios if __name__ == '__main__': atexit.register(asyncio.get_event_loop().close) provided_scenar_names = sys.argv[1:] scenarios = get_scenarios(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), provided_scenar_names) irc_output = open("irc_output.txt", "w") irc = IrcServerRunner() print("Starting irc server…") asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(irc.start()) while True: res = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(irc.process.stderr.readline()) irc_output.write(res.decode()) if not res: print("IRC server failed to start, see irc_output.txt for more details. Exiting…") sys.exit(1) if b"Server running" in res: break print("irc server started.") number_of_checks = len([s for s in scenarios if s.name in provided_scenar_names]) if provided_scenar_names else len(scenarios) print("Running %s checks for biboumi." % number_of_checks) failures = 0 for s in scenarios: test = BiboumiTest(s) if not test.run(): print("You can check the files slixmpp_%s_output.txt and biboumi_%s_output.txt to help you debug." % (s.name, s.name)) failures += 1 sys.stdout.flush() print("Waiting for irc server to exit…") irc.stop() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(irc.wait()) if failures: print("%d test%s failed, please fix %s." % (failures, 's' if failures > 1 else '', 'them' if failures > 1 else 'it')) sys.exit(1) else: print("All tests passed successfully")