#include <utils/timed_events.hpp> #include <utils/scopeguard.hpp> #include <utils/tolower.hpp> #include <logger/logger.hpp> #include <xmpp/xmpp_component.hpp> #include <config/config.hpp> #include <utils/system.hpp> #include <utils/time.hpp> #include <xmpp/auth.hpp> #include <xmpp/jid.hpp> #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <uuid/uuid.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <set> #include <biboumi.h> #ifdef SYSTEMD_FOUND # include <systemd/sd-daemon.h> #endif using namespace std::string_literals; static std::set<std::string> kickable_errors{ "gone", "internal-server-error", "item-not-found", "jid-malformed", "recipient-unavailable", "redirect", "remote-server-not-found", "remote-server-timeout", "service-unavailable", "malformed-error" }; XmppComponent::XmppComponent(std::shared_ptr<Poller>& poller, std::string hostname, std::string secret): TCPClientSocketHandler(poller), ever_auth(false), first_connection_try(true), secret(std::move(secret)), authenticated(false), doc_open(false), served_hostname(std::move(hostname)), stanza_handlers{}, adhoc_commands_handler(*this) { this->parser.add_stream_open_callback(std::bind(&XmppComponent::on_remote_stream_open, this, std::placeholders::_1)); this->parser.add_stanza_callback(std::bind(&XmppComponent::on_stanza, this, std::placeholders::_1)); this->parser.add_stream_close_callback(std::bind(&XmppComponent::on_remote_stream_close, this, std::placeholders::_1)); this->stanza_handlers.emplace("handshake", std::bind(&XmppComponent::handle_handshake, this,std::placeholders::_1)); this->stanza_handlers.emplace("error", std::bind(&XmppComponent::handle_error, this,std::placeholders::_1)); } void XmppComponent::start() { this->connect(Config::get("xmpp_server_ip", ""), Config::get("port", "5347"), false); } bool XmppComponent::is_document_open() const { return this->doc_open; } void XmppComponent::send_stanza(const Stanza& stanza) { std::string str = stanza.to_string(); log_debug("XMPP SENDING: ", str); this->send_data(std::move(str)); } void XmppComponent::on_connection_failed(const std::string& reason) { this->first_connection_try = false; log_error("Failed to connect to the XMPP server: ", reason); #ifdef SYSTEMD_FOUND sd_notifyf(0, "STATUS=Failed to connect to the XMPP server: %s", reason.data()); #endif } void XmppComponent::on_connected() { log_info("connected to XMPP server"); this->first_connection_try = true; auto data = "<stream:stream to='"s + this->served_hostname + \ "' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' xmlns='" COMPONENT_NS "'>"; log_debug("XMPP SENDING: ", data); this->send_data(std::move(data)); this->doc_open = true; // We may have some pending data to send: this happens when we try to send // some data before we are actually connected. We send that data right now, if any this->send_pending_data(); } void XmppComponent::on_connection_close(const std::string& error) { if (error.empty()) log_info("XMPP server closed connection"); else log_info("XMPP server closed connection: ", error); } void XmppComponent::parse_in_buffer(const size_t size) { // in_buf.size, or size, cannot be bigger than our read-size (4096) so it’s safe // to cast. if (!this->in_buf.empty()) { // This may happen if the parser could not allocate enough space for // us. We try to feed it the data that was read into our in_buf // instead. If this fails again we are in trouble. this->parser.feed(this->in_buf.data(), static_cast<int>(this->in_buf.size()), false); this->in_buf.clear(); } else { // Just tell the parser to parse the data that was placed into the // buffer it provided to us with GetBuffer this->parser.parse(static_cast<int>(size), false); } } void XmppComponent::on_remote_stream_open(const XmlNode& node) { log_debug("XMPP RECEIVING: ", node.to_string()); this->stream_id = node.get_tag("id"); if (this->stream_id.empty()) { log_error("Error: no attribute 'id' found"); this->send_stream_error("bad-format", "missing 'id' attribute"); this->close_document(); return ; } // Try to authenticate auto data = "<handshake xmlns='" COMPONENT_NS "'>"s + get_handshake_digest(this->stream_id, this->secret) + "</handshake>"; log_debug("XMPP SENDING: ", data); this->send_data(std::move(data)); } void XmppComponent::on_remote_stream_close(const XmlNode& node) { log_debug("XMPP RECEIVING: ", node.to_string()); this->doc_open = false; } void XmppComponent::reset() { this->parser.reset(); } void XmppComponent::on_stanza(const Stanza& stanza) { log_debug("XMPP RECEIVING: ", stanza.to_string()); std::function<void(const Stanza&)> handler; try { handler = this->stanza_handlers.at(stanza.get_name()); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { log_warning("No handler for stanza of type ", stanza.get_name()); return; } handler(stanza); } void XmppComponent::send_stream_error(const std::string& name, const std::string& explanation) { Stanza node("stream:error"); { XmlSubNode error(node, name); error["xmlns"] = STREAM_NS; if (!explanation.empty()) error.set_inner(explanation); } this->send_stanza(node); } void XmppComponent::send_stanza_error(const std::string& kind, const std::string& to, const std::string& from, const std::string& id, const std::string& error_type, const std::string& defined_condition, const std::string& text, const bool fulljid) { Stanza node(kind); { if (!to.empty()) node["to"] = to; if (!from.empty()) { if (fulljid) node["from"] = from; else node["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname; } if (!id.empty()) node["id"] = id; node["type"] = "error"; { XmlSubNode error(node, "error"); error["type"] = error_type; { XmlSubNode inner_error(error, defined_condition); inner_error["xmlns"] = STANZA_NS; } if (!text.empty()) { XmlSubNode text_node(error, "text"); text_node["xmlns"] = STANZA_NS; text_node.set_inner(text); } } } this->send_stanza(node); } void XmppComponent::close_document() { log_debug("XMPP SENDING: </stream:stream>"); this->send_data("</stream:stream>"); this->doc_open = false; } void XmppComponent::handle_handshake(const Stanza&) { this->authenticated = true; this->ever_auth = true; log_info("Authenticated with the XMPP server"); #ifdef SYSTEMD_FOUND sd_notify(0, "READY=1"); // Install an event that sends a keepalive to systemd. If biboumi crashes // or hangs for too long, systemd will restart it. uint64_t usec; if (sd_watchdog_enabled(0, &usec) > 0) { TimedEventsManager::instance().add_event(TimedEvent( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::microseconds(usec / 2)), []() { sd_notify(0, "WATCHDOG=1"); })); } #endif this->after_handshake(); } void XmppComponent::handle_error(const Stanza& stanza) { const XmlNode* text = stanza.get_child("text", STREAMS_NS); std::string error_message("Unspecified error"); if (text) error_message = text->get_inner(); log_error("Stream error received from the XMPP server: ", error_message); #ifdef SYSTEMD_FOUND if (!this->ever_auth) sd_notifyf(0, "STATUS=Failed to authenticate to the XMPP server: %s", error_message.data()); #endif } void* XmppComponent::get_receive_buffer(const size_t size) const { return this->parser.get_buffer(size); } void XmppComponent::send_message(const std::string& from, Xmpp::body&& body, const std::string& to, const std::string& type, const bool fulljid, const bool nocopy) { Stanza message("message"); { message["to"] = to; if (fulljid) message["from"] = from; else message["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname; if (!type.empty()) message["type"] = type; XmlSubNode body_node(message, "body"); body_node.set_inner(std::get<0>(body)); if (std::get<1>(body)) { XmlSubNode html(message, "html"); html["xmlns"] = XHTMLIM_NS; // Pass the ownership of the pointer to this xmlnode html.add_child(std::move(std::get<1>(body))); } if (nocopy) { XmlSubNode private_node(message, "private"); private_node["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:carbons:2"; XmlSubNode nocopy(message, "no-copy"); nocopy["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:hints"; } } this->send_stanza(message); } void XmppComponent::send_user_join(const std::string& from, const std::string& nick, const std::string& realjid, const std::string& affiliation, const std::string& role, const std::string& to, const bool self) { Stanza presence("presence"); { presence["to"] = to; presence["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + nick; XmlSubNode x(presence, "x"); x["xmlns"] = MUC_USER_NS; XmlSubNode item(x, "item"); if (!affiliation.empty()) item["affiliation"] = affiliation; if (!role.empty()) item["role"] = role; if (!realjid.empty()) { const std::string preped_jid = jidprep(realjid); if (!preped_jid.empty()) item["jid"] = preped_jid; } if (self) { XmlSubNode status(x, "status"); status["code"] = "110"; } } this->send_stanza(presence); } void XmppComponent::send_invalid_room_error(const std::string& muc_name, const std::string& nick, const std::string& to) { Stanza presence("presence"); { if (!muc_name.empty ()) presence["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + nick; else presence["from"] = this->served_hostname; presence["to"] = to; presence["type"] = "error"; XmlSubNode x(presence, "x"); x["xmlns"] = MUC_NS; XmlSubNode error(presence, "error"); error["by"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname; error["type"] = "cancel"; XmlSubNode item_not_found(error, "item-not-found"); item_not_found["xmlns"] = STANZA_NS; XmlSubNode text(error, "text"); text["xmlns"] = STANZA_NS; text["xml:lang"] = "en"; text.set_inner(muc_name + " is not a valid IRC channel name. A correct room jid is of the form: #<chan>%<server>@" + this->served_hostname); } this->send_stanza(presence); } void XmppComponent::send_topic(const std::string& from, Xmpp::body&& topic, const std::string& to, const std::string& who) { Stanza message("message"); { message["to"] = to; if (who.empty()) message["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname; else message["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + who; message["type"] = "groupchat"; XmlSubNode subject(message, "subject"); subject.set_inner(std::get<0>(topic)); } this->send_stanza(message); } void XmppComponent::send_muc_message(const std::string& muc_name, const std::string& nick, Xmpp::body&& xmpp_body, const std::string& jid_to, std::string uuid) { Stanza message("message"); message["to"] = jid_to; if (!nick.empty()) message["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + nick; else // Message from the room itself message["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname; message["type"] = "groupchat"; { XmlSubNode body(message, "body"); body.set_inner(std::get<0>(xmpp_body)); } if (std::get<1>(xmpp_body)) { XmlSubNode html(message, "html"); html["xmlns"] = XHTMLIM_NS; // Pass the ownership of the pointer to this xmlnode html.add_child(std::move(std::get<1>(xmpp_body))); } if (!uuid.empty()) { XmlSubNode stanza_id(message, "stanza-id"); stanza_id["xmlns"] = STABLE_ID_NS; stanza_id["by"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname; stanza_id["id"] = std::move(uuid); } this->send_stanza(message); } void XmppComponent::send_history_message(const std::string& muc_name, const std::string& nick, const std::string& body_txt, const std::string& jid_to, std::time_t timestamp) { Stanza message("message"); message["to"] = jid_to; if (!nick.empty()) message["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + nick; else message["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname; message["type"] = "groupchat"; { XmlSubNode body(message, "body"); body.set_inner(body_txt); } { XmlSubNode delay(message, "delay"); delay["xmlns"] = DELAY_NS; delay["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname; delay["stamp"] = utils::to_string(timestamp); } this->send_stanza(message); } void XmppComponent::send_muc_leave(const std::string& muc_name, const std::string& nick, Xmpp::body&& message, const std::string& jid_to, const bool self) { Stanza presence("presence"); { presence["to"] = jid_to; presence["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + nick; presence["type"] = "unavailable"; const std::string& message_str = std::get<0>(message); XmlSubNode x(presence, "x"); x["xmlns"] = MUC_USER_NS; if (self) { XmlSubNode status(x, "status"); status["code"] = "110"; } if (!message_str.empty()) { XmlSubNode status(presence, "status"); status.set_inner(message_str); } } this->send_stanza(presence); } void XmppComponent::send_nick_change(const std::string& muc_name, const std::string& old_nick, const std::string& new_nick, const std::string& affiliation, const std::string& role, const std::string& jid_to, const bool self) { Stanza presence("presence"); { presence["to"] = jid_to; presence["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + old_nick; presence["type"] = "unavailable"; XmlSubNode x(presence, "x"); x["xmlns"] = MUC_USER_NS; XmlSubNode item(x, "item"); item["nick"] = new_nick; XmlSubNode status(x, "status"); status["code"] = "303"; if (self) { XmlSubNode status(x, "status"); status["code"] = "110"; } } this->send_stanza(presence); this->send_user_join(muc_name, new_nick, "", affiliation, role, jid_to, self); } void XmppComponent::kick_user(const std::string& muc_name, const std::string& target, const std::string& txt, const std::string& author, const std::string& jid_to, const bool self) { Stanza presence("presence"); { presence["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + target; presence["to"] = jid_to; presence["type"] = "unavailable"; XmlSubNode x(presence, "x"); x["xmlns"] = MUC_USER_NS; XmlSubNode item(x, "item"); item["affiliation"] = "none"; item["role"] = "none"; XmlSubNode actor(item, "actor"); actor["nick"] = author; actor["jid"] = author; // backward compatibility with old clients XmlSubNode reason(item, "reason"); reason.set_inner(txt); XmlSubNode status(x, "status"); status["code"] = "307"; if (self) { XmlSubNode status(x, "status"); status["code"] = "110"; } } this->send_stanza(presence); } void XmppComponent::send_presence_error(const std::string& muc_name, const std::string& nickname, const std::string& jid_to, const std::string& type, const std::string& condition, const std::string& error_code, const std::string& text) { Stanza presence("presence"); { presence["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + nickname; presence["to"] = jid_to; presence["type"] = "error"; XmlSubNode x(presence, "x"); x["xmlns"] = MUC_NS; XmlSubNode error(presence, "error"); error["by"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname; error["type"] = type; if (!text.empty()) { XmlSubNode text_node(error, "text"); text_node["xmlns"] = STANZA_NS; text_node.set_inner(text); } if (!error_code.empty()) error["code"] = error_code; XmlSubNode subnode(error, condition); subnode["xmlns"] = STANZA_NS; } this->send_stanza(presence); } void XmppComponent::send_affiliation_role_change(const std::string& muc_name, const std::string& target, const std::string& affiliation, const std::string& role, const std::string& jid_to) { Stanza presence("presence"); { presence["from"] = muc_name + "@" + this->served_hostname + "/" + target; presence["to"] = jid_to; XmlSubNode x(presence, "x"); x["xmlns"] = MUC_USER_NS; XmlSubNode item(x, "item"); item["affiliation"] = affiliation; item["role"] = role; } this->send_stanza(presence); } void XmppComponent::send_version(const std::string& id, const std::string& jid_to, const std::string& jid_from, const std::string& version) { Stanza iq("iq"); iq["type"] = "result"; iq["id"] = id; iq["to"] = jid_to; iq["from"] = jid_from; { XmlSubNode query(iq, "query"); query["xmlns"] = VERSION_NS; if (version.empty()) { { XmlSubNode name(query, "name"); name.set_inner("biboumi"); } { XmlSubNode version(query, "version"); version.set_inner(SOFTWARE_VERSION); } { XmlSubNode os(query, "os"); os.set_inner(utils::get_system_name()); } } else { XmlSubNode name(query, "name"); name.set_inner(version); } } this->send_stanza(iq); } void XmppComponent::send_adhoc_commands_list(const std::string& id, const std::string& requester_jid, const std::string& from_jid, const bool with_admin_only, const AdhocCommandsHandler& adhoc_handler) { Stanza iq("iq"); { iq["type"] = "result"; iq["id"] = id; iq["to"] = requester_jid; iq["from"] = from_jid; XmlSubNode query(iq, "query"); query["xmlns"] = DISCO_ITEMS_NS; query["node"] = ADHOC_NS; for (const auto &kv: adhoc_handler.get_commands()) { if (kv.second.is_admin_only() && !with_admin_only) continue; XmlSubNode item(query, "item"); item["jid"] = from_jid; item["node"] = kv.first; item["name"] = kv.second.name; } } this->send_stanza(iq); } void XmppComponent::send_iq_version_request(const std::string& from, const std::string& jid_to) { Stanza iq("iq"); { iq["type"] = "get"; iq["id"] = "version_"s + XmppComponent::next_id(); iq["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname; iq["to"] = jid_to; XmlSubNode query(iq, "query"); query["xmlns"] = VERSION_NS; } this->send_stanza(iq); } void XmppComponent::send_iq_result_full_jid(const std::string& id, const std::string& to_jid, const std::string& from_full_jid) { Stanza iq("iq"); iq["from"] = from_full_jid; iq["to"] = to_jid; iq["id"] = id; iq["type"] = "result"; this->send_stanza(iq); } void XmppComponent::send_iq_result(const std::string& id, const std::string& to_jid, const std::string& from_local_part) { Stanza iq("iq"); if (!from_local_part.empty()) iq["from"] = from_local_part + "@" + this->served_hostname; else iq["from"] = this->served_hostname; iq["to"] = to_jid; iq["id"] = id; iq["type"] = "result"; this->send_stanza(iq); } std::string XmppComponent::next_id() { char uuid_str[37]; uuid_t uuid; uuid_generate(uuid); uuid_unparse(uuid, uuid_str); return uuid_str; }