#include <xmpp/biboumi_component.hpp> #include <utils/timed_events.hpp> #include <utils/scopeguard.hpp> #include <utils/tolower.hpp> #include <logger/logger.hpp> #include <xmpp/adhoc_command.hpp> #include <xmpp/biboumi_adhoc_commands.hpp> #include <bridge/list_element.hpp> #include <config/config.hpp> #include <xmpp/jid.hpp> #include <utils/sha1.hpp> #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <louloulibs.h> #include <uuid.h> #ifdef SYSTEMD_FOUND # include <systemd/sd-daemon.h> #endif using namespace std::string_literals; static std::set<std::string> kickable_errors{ "gone", "internal-server-error", "item-not-found", "jid-malformed", "recipient-unavailable", "redirect", "remote-server-not-found", "remote-server-timeout", "service-unavailable", "malformed-error" }; BiboumiComponent::BiboumiComponent(std::shared_ptr<Poller> poller, const std::string& hostname, const std::string& secret): XmppComponent(poller, hostname, secret) { this->stanza_handlers.emplace("presence", std::bind(&BiboumiComponent::handle_presence, this,std::placeholders::_1)); this->stanza_handlers.emplace("message", std::bind(&BiboumiComponent::handle_message, this,std::placeholders::_1)); this->stanza_handlers.emplace("iq", std::bind(&BiboumiComponent::handle_iq, this,std::placeholders::_1)); this->adhoc_commands_handler.get_commands()= { {"ping", AdhocCommand({&PingStep1}, "Do a ping", false)}, {"hello", AdhocCommand({&HelloStep1, &HelloStep2}, "Receive a custom greeting", false)}, {"disconnect-user", AdhocCommand({&DisconnectUserStep1, &DisconnectUserStep2}, "Disconnect a user from the gateway", true)}, {"reload", AdhocCommand({&Reload}, "Reload biboumi’s configuration", true)} }; } void BiboumiComponent::shutdown() { for (auto it = this->bridges.begin(); it != this->bridges.end(); ++it) { it->second->shutdown("Gateway shutdown"); } } void BiboumiComponent::clean() { auto it = this->bridges.begin(); while (it != this->bridges.end()) { it->second->clean(); if (it->second->active_clients() == 0) it = this->bridges.erase(it); else ++it; } } void BiboumiComponent::handle_presence(const Stanza& stanza) { std::string from = stanza.get_tag("from"); std::string id = stanza.get_tag("id"); std::string to_str = stanza.get_tag("to"); std::string type = stanza.get_tag("type"); // Check for mandatory tags if (from.empty()) { log_warning("Received an invalid presence stanza: tag 'from' is missing."); return; } if (to_str.empty()) { this->send_stanza_error("presence", from, this->served_hostname, id, "modify", "bad-request", "Missing 'to' tag"); return; } Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(from); Jid to(to_str); Iid iid(to.local); // An error stanza is sent whenever we exit this function without // disabling this scopeguard. If error_type and error_name are not // changed, the error signaled is internal-server-error. Change their // value to signal an other kind of error. For example // feature-not-implemented, etc. Any non-error process should reach the // stanza_error.disable() call at the end of the function. std::string error_type("cancel"); std::string error_name("internal-server-error"); utils::ScopeGuard stanza_error([&](){ this->send_stanza_error("presence", from, to_str, id, error_type, error_name, ""); }); try { if (iid.is_channel && !iid.get_server().empty()) { // presence toward a MUC that corresponds to an irc channel, or a // dummy channel if iid.chan is empty if (type.empty()) { const std::string own_nick = bridge->get_own_nick(iid); if (!own_nick.empty() && own_nick != to.resource) bridge->send_irc_nick_change(iid, to.resource); XmlNode* x = stanza.get_child("x", MUC_NS); XmlNode* password = x ? x->get_child("password", MUC_NS): nullptr; bridge->join_irc_channel(iid, to.resource, password ? password->get_inner() : ""); } else if (type == "unavailable") { XmlNode* status = stanza.get_child("status", COMPONENT_NS); bridge->leave_irc_channel(std::move(iid), status ? std::move(status->get_inner()) : ""); } } else { // An user wants to join an invalid IRC channel, return a presence error to him if (type.empty()) this->send_invalid_room_error(to.local, to.resource, from); } } catch (const IRCNotConnected& ex) { this->send_stanza_error("presence", from, to_str, id, "cancel", "remote-server-not-found", "Not connected to IRC server "s + ex.hostname, true); } stanza_error.disable(); } void BiboumiComponent::handle_message(const Stanza& stanza) { std::string from = stanza.get_tag("from"); std::string id = stanza.get_tag("id"); std::string to_str = stanza.get_tag("to"); std::string type = stanza.get_tag("type"); if (from.empty()) return; if (type.empty()) type = "normal"; Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(from); Jid to(to_str); Iid iid(to.local); std::string error_type("cancel"); std::string error_name("internal-server-error"); utils::ScopeGuard stanza_error([&](){ this->send_stanza_error("message", from, to_str, id, error_type, error_name, ""); }); XmlNode* body = stanza.get_child("body", COMPONENT_NS); try { // catch IRCNotConnected exceptions if (type == "groupchat" && iid.is_channel) { if (body && !body->get_inner().empty()) { bridge->send_channel_message(iid, body->get_inner()); } XmlNode* subject = stanza.get_child("subject", COMPONENT_NS); if (subject) bridge->set_channel_topic(iid, subject->get_inner()); } else if (type == "error") { const XmlNode* error = stanza.get_child("error", COMPONENT_NS); // Only a set of errors are considered “fatal”. If we encounter one of // them, we purge (we disconnect the user from all the IRC servers). // We consider this to be true, unless the error condition is // specified and is not in the kickable_errors set bool kickable_error = true; if (error && error->has_children()) { const XmlNode* condition = error->get_last_child(); if (kickable_errors.find(condition->get_name()) == kickable_errors.end()) kickable_error = false; } if (kickable_error) bridge->shutdown("Error from remote client"); } else if (type == "chat") { if (body && !body->get_inner().empty()) { // a message for nick!server if (iid.is_user && !iid.get_local().empty()) { bridge->send_private_message(iid, body->get_inner()); bridge->remove_preferred_from_jid(iid.get_local()); } else if (!iid.is_user && !to.resource.empty()) { // a message for chan%server@biboumi/Nick or // server@biboumi/Nick // Convert that into a message to nick!server Iid user_iid(utils::tolower(to.resource) + "!" + iid.get_server()); bridge->send_private_message(user_iid, body->get_inner()); bridge->set_preferred_from_jid(user_iid.get_local(), to_str); } else if (!iid.is_user && !iid.is_channel) { // Message sent to the server JID // Convert the message body into a raw IRC message bridge->send_raw_message(iid.get_server(), body->get_inner()); } } } else if (iid.is_user) this->send_invalid_user_error(to.local, from); } catch (const IRCNotConnected& ex) { this->send_stanza_error("message", from, to_str, id, "cancel", "remote-server-not-found", "Not connected to IRC server "s + ex.hostname, true); } stanza_error.disable(); } // We MUST return an iq, whatever happens, except if the type is // "result". // To do this, we use a scopeguard. If an exception is raised somewhere, an // iq of type error "internal-server-error" is sent. If we handle the // request properly (by calling a function that registers an iq to be sent // later, or that directly sends an iq), we disable the ScopeGuard. If we // reach the end of the function without having disabled the scopeguard, we // send a "feature-not-implemented" iq as a result. If an other kind of // error is found (for example the feature is implemented in biboumi, but // the request is missing some attribute) we can just change the values of // error_type and error_name and return from the function (without disabling // the scopeguard); an iq error will be sent void BiboumiComponent::handle_iq(const Stanza& stanza) { std::string id = stanza.get_tag("id"); std::string from = stanza.get_tag("from"); std::string to_str = stanza.get_tag("to"); std::string type = stanza.get_tag("type"); if (from.empty()) return; if (id.empty() || to_str.empty() || type.empty()) { this->send_stanza_error("iq", from, this->served_hostname, id, "modify", "bad-request", ""); return; } Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(from); Jid to(to_str); // These two values will be used in the error iq sent if we don't disable // the scopeguard. std::string error_type("cancel"); std::string error_name("internal-server-error"); utils::ScopeGuard stanza_error([&](){ this->send_stanza_error("iq", from, to_str, id, error_type, error_name, ""); }); try { if (type == "set") { XmlNode* query; if ((query = stanza.get_child("query", MUC_ADMIN_NS))) { const XmlNode* child = query->get_child("item", MUC_ADMIN_NS); if (child) { std::string nick = child->get_tag("nick"); std::string role = child->get_tag("role"); std::string affiliation = child->get_tag("affiliation"); if (!nick.empty()) { Iid iid(to.local); if (role == "none") { // This is a kick std::string reason; XmlNode* reason_el = child->get_child("reason", MUC_ADMIN_NS); if (reason_el) reason = reason_el->get_inner(); bridge->send_irc_kick(iid, nick, reason, id, from); } else bridge->forward_affiliation_role_change(iid, nick, affiliation, role); stanza_error.disable(); } } } else if ((query = stanza.get_child("command", ADHOC_NS))) { Stanza response("iq"); response["to"] = from; response["from"] = this->served_hostname; response["id"] = id; XmlNode inner_node = this->adhoc_commands_handler.handle_request(from, *query); if (inner_node.get_child("error", ADHOC_NS)) response["type"] = "error"; else response["type"] = "result"; response.add_child(std::move(inner_node)); response.close(); this->send_stanza(response); stanza_error.disable(); } } else if (type == "get") { XmlNode* query; if ((query = stanza.get_child("query", DISCO_INFO_NS))) { // Disco info if (to_str == this->served_hostname) { const std::string node = query->get_tag("node"); if (node.empty()) { // On the gateway itself this->send_self_disco_info(id, from); stanza_error.disable(); } } } else if ((query = stanza.get_child("query", VERSION_NS))) { Iid iid(to.local); if (iid.is_user || (iid.is_channel && !to.resource.empty())) { // Get the IRC user version std::string target; if (iid.is_user) target = iid.get_local(); else target = to.resource; bridge->send_irc_version_request(iid.get_server(), target, id, from, to_str); } else { // On the gateway itself or on a channel this->send_version(id, from, to_str); } stanza_error.disable(); } else if ((query = stanza.get_child("query", DISCO_ITEMS_NS))) { Iid iid(to.local); const std::string node = query->get_tag("node"); if (node == ADHOC_NS) { this->send_adhoc_commands_list(id, from); stanza_error.disable(); } else if (node.empty() && !iid.is_user && !iid.is_channel) { // Disco on an IRC server: get the list of channels bridge->send_irc_channel_list_request(iid, id, from); stanza_error.disable(); } } else if ((query = stanza.get_child("ping", PING_NS))) { Iid iid(to.local); if (iid.is_user) { // Ping any user (no check on the nick done ourself) bridge->send_irc_user_ping_request(iid.get_server(), iid.get_local(), id, from, to_str); } else if (iid.is_channel && !to.resource.empty()) { // Ping a room participant (we check if the nick is in the room) bridge->send_irc_participant_ping_request(iid, to.resource, id, from, to_str); } else { // Ping a channel, a server or the gateway itself bridge->on_gateway_ping(iid.get_server(), id, from, to_str); } stanza_error.disable(); } } else if (type == "result") { stanza_error.disable(); XmlNode* query; if ((query = stanza.get_child("query", VERSION_NS))) { XmlNode* name_node = query->get_child("name", VERSION_NS); XmlNode* version_node = query->get_child("version", VERSION_NS); XmlNode* os_node = query->get_child("os", VERSION_NS); std::string name; std::string version; std::string os; if (name_node) name = name_node->get_inner() + " (through the biboumi gateway)"; if (version_node) version = version_node->get_inner(); if (os_node) os = os_node->get_inner(); const Iid iid(to.local); bridge->send_xmpp_version_to_irc(iid, name, version, os); } else { const auto it = this->waiting_iq.find(id); if (it != this->waiting_iq.end()) { it->second(bridge, stanza); this->waiting_iq.erase(it); } } } } catch (const IRCNotConnected& ex) { this->send_stanza_error("iq", from, to_str, id, "cancel", "remote-server-not-found", "Not connected to IRC server "s + ex.hostname, true); stanza_error.disable(); return; } error_type = "cancel"; error_name = "feature-not-implemented"; } Bridge* BiboumiComponent::get_user_bridge(const std::string& user_jid) { try { return this->bridges.at(user_jid).get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { this->bridges.emplace(user_jid, std::make_unique<Bridge>(user_jid, this, this->poller)); return this->bridges.at(user_jid).get(); } } Bridge* BiboumiComponent::find_user_bridge(const std::string& user_jid) { try { return this->bridges.at(user_jid).get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { return nullptr; } } std::list<Bridge*> BiboumiComponent::get_bridges() const { std::list<Bridge*> res; for (auto it = this->bridges.begin(); it != this->bridges.end(); ++it) res.push_back(it->second.get()); return res; } void BiboumiComponent::send_self_disco_info(const std::string& id, const std::string& jid_to) { Stanza iq("iq"); iq["type"] = "result"; iq["id"] = id; iq["to"] = jid_to; iq["from"] = this->served_hostname; XmlNode query("query"); query["xmlns"] = DISCO_INFO_NS; XmlNode identity("identity"); identity["category"] = "conference"; identity["type"] = "irc"; identity["name"] = "Biboumi XMPP-IRC gateway"; identity.close(); query.add_child(std::move(identity)); for (const std::string& ns: {DISCO_INFO_NS, MUC_NS, ADHOC_NS}) { XmlNode feature("feature"); feature["var"] = ns; feature.close(); query.add_child(std::move(feature)); } query.close(); iq.add_child(std::move(query)); iq.close(); this->send_stanza(iq); } void BiboumiComponent::send_adhoc_commands_list(const std::string& id, const std::string& requester_jid) { Stanza iq("iq"); iq["type"] = "result"; iq["id"] = id; iq["to"] = requester_jid; iq["from"] = this->served_hostname; XmlNode query("query"); query["xmlns"] = DISCO_ITEMS_NS; query["node"] = ADHOC_NS; for (const auto& kv: this->adhoc_commands_handler.get_commands()) { XmlNode item("item"); item["jid"] = this->served_hostname; item["node"] = kv.first; item["name"] = kv.second.name; item.close(); query.add_child(std::move(item)); } query.close(); iq.add_child(std::move(query)); iq.close(); this->send_stanza(iq); } void BiboumiComponent::send_iq_version_request(const std::string& from, const std::string& jid_to) { Stanza iq("iq"); iq["type"] = "get"; iq["id"] = "version_"s + this->next_id(); iq["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname; iq["to"] = jid_to; XmlNode query("query"); query["xmlns"] = VERSION_NS; query.close(); iq.add_child(std::move(query)); iq.close(); this->send_stanza(iq); } void BiboumiComponent::send_ping_request(const std::string& from, const std::string& jid_to, const std::string& id) { Stanza iq("iq"); iq["type"] = "get"; iq["id"] = id; iq["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname; iq["to"] = jid_to; XmlNode ping("ping"); ping["xmlns"] = PING_NS; ping.close(); iq.add_child(std::move(ping)); iq.close(); this->send_stanza(iq); auto result_cb = [from, id](Bridge* bridge, const Stanza& stanza) { Jid to(stanza.get_tag("to")); if (to.local != from) { log_error("Received a corresponding ping result, but the 'to' from " "the response mismatches the 'from' of the request"); } else bridge->send_irc_ping_result(from, id); }; this->waiting_iq[id] = result_cb; } void BiboumiComponent::send_iq_room_list_result(const std::string& id, const std::string to_jid, const std::string& from, const std::vector<ListElement>& rooms_list) { Stanza iq("iq"); iq["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname; iq["to"] = to_jid; iq["id"] = id; iq["type"] = "result"; XmlNode query("query"); query["xmlns"] = DISCO_ITEMS_NS; for (const auto& room: rooms_list) { XmlNode item("item"); item["jid"] = room.channel + "%" + from + "@" + this->served_hostname; item.close(); query.add_child(std::move(item)); } query.close(); iq.add_child(std::move(query)); iq.close(); this->send_stanza(iq); }