#include <network/socket_handler.hpp> #include <utils/scopeguard.hpp> #include <network/poller.hpp> #include <logger/logger.hpp> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdexcept> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <cstring> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #ifdef BOTAN_FOUND # include <botan/hex.h> #endif #ifndef UIO_FASTIOV # define UIO_FASTIOV 8 #endif using namespace std::string_literals; namespace ph = std::placeholders; SocketHandler::SocketHandler(std::shared_ptr<Poller> poller): socket(-1), poller(poller), use_tls(false), connected(false), connecting(false) #ifdef BOTAN_FOUND , rng(), credential_manager(), policy(), session_manager(rng) #endif {} void SocketHandler::init_socket(const struct addrinfo* rp) { if ((this->socket = ::socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol)) == -1) throw std::runtime_error("Could not create socket: "s + strerror(errno)); int optval = 1; if (::setsockopt(this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) log_warning("Failed to enable TCP keepalive on socket: " << strerror(errno)); // Set the socket on non-blocking mode. This is useful to receive a EAGAIN // error when connect() would block, to not block the whole process if a // remote is not responsive. const int existing_flags = ::fcntl(this->socket, F_GETFL, 0); if ((existing_flags == -1) || (::fcntl(this->socket, F_SETFL, existing_flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1)) throw std::runtime_error("Could not initialize socket: "s + strerror(errno)); } void SocketHandler::connect(const std::string& address, const std::string& port, const bool tls) { this->address = address; this->port = port; this->use_tls = tls; utils::ScopeGuard sg; struct addrinfo* addr_res; if (!this->connecting) { log_info("Trying to connect to " << address << ":" << port); // Get the addrinfo from getaddrinfo, only if this is the first call // of this function. struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_flags = 0; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = 0; const int res = ::getaddrinfo(address.c_str(), port.c_str(), &hints, &addr_res); if (res != 0) { log_warning("getaddrinfo failed: "s + gai_strerror(res)); this->close(); this->on_connection_failed(gai_strerror(res)); return ; } // Make sure the alloced structure is always freed at the end of the // function sg.add_callback([&addr_res](){ freeaddrinfo(addr_res); }); } else { // This function is called again, use the saved addrinfo structure, // instead of re-doing the whole getaddrinfo process. addr_res = &this->addrinfo; } for (struct addrinfo* rp = addr_res; rp; rp = rp->ai_next) { if (!this->connecting) { try { this->init_socket(rp); } catch (const std::runtime_error& error) { log_error("Failed to init socket: " << error.what()); break; } } if (::connect(this->socket, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) == 0 || errno == EISCONN) { log_info("Connection success."); this->poller->add_socket_handler(this); this->connected = true; this->connecting = false; #ifdef BOTAN_FOUND if (this->use_tls) this->start_tls(); #endif this->on_connected(); return ; } else if (errno == EINPROGRESS || errno == EALREADY) { // retry this process later, when the socket // is ready to be written on. this->connecting = true; this->poller->add_socket_handler(this); this->poller->watch_send_events(this); // Save the addrinfo structure, to use it on the next call this->ai_addrlen = rp->ai_addrlen; memcpy(&this->ai_addr, rp->ai_addr, this->ai_addrlen); memcpy(&this->addrinfo, rp, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); this->addrinfo.ai_addr = &this->ai_addr; this->addrinfo.ai_next = nullptr; return ; } log_info("Connection failed:" << strerror(errno)); } log_error("All connection attempts failed."); this->close(); this->on_connection_failed(strerror(errno)); return ; } void SocketHandler::connect() { this->connect(this->address, this->port, this->use_tls); } void SocketHandler::on_recv() { #ifdef BOTAN_FOUND if (this->use_tls) this->tls_recv(); else #endif this->plain_recv(); } void SocketHandler::plain_recv() { static constexpr size_t buf_size = 4096; char buf[buf_size]; void* recv_buf = this->get_receive_buffer(buf_size); if (recv_buf == nullptr) recv_buf = buf; const ssize_t size = this->do_recv(recv_buf, buf_size); if (size > 0) { if (buf == recv_buf) { // data needs to be placed in the in_buf string, because no buffer // was provided to receive that data directly. The in_buf buffer // will be handled in parse_in_buffer() this->in_buf += std::string(buf, size); } this->parse_in_buffer(size); } } ssize_t SocketHandler::do_recv(void* recv_buf, const size_t buf_size) { ssize_t size = ::recv(this->socket, recv_buf, buf_size, 0); if (0 == size) { this->on_connection_close(); this->close(); } else if (-1 == size) { log_warning("Error while reading from socket: " << strerror(errno)); if (this->connecting) { this->close(); this->on_connection_failed(strerror(errno)); } else { this->close(); this->on_connection_close(); } } return size; } void SocketHandler::on_send() { struct iovec msg_iov[UIO_FASTIOV] = {}; struct msghdr msg{nullptr, 0, msg_iov, 0, nullptr, 0, 0}; for (std::string& s: this->out_buf) { // unconsting the content of s is ok, sendmsg will never modify it msg_iov[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_base = const_cast<char*>(s.data()); msg_iov[msg.msg_iovlen].iov_len = s.size(); if (++msg.msg_iovlen == UIO_FASTIOV) break; } ssize_t res = ::sendmsg(this->socket, &msg, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (res < 0) { log_error("sendmsg failed: " << strerror(errno)); this->on_connection_close(); this->close(); } else { // remove all the strings that were successfully sent. for (auto it = this->out_buf.begin(); it != this->out_buf.end();) { if (static_cast<size_t>(res) >= (*it).size()) { res -= (*it).size(); it = this->out_buf.erase(it); } else { // If one string has partially been sent, we use substr to // crop it if (res > 0) (*it) = (*it).substr(res, std::string::npos); break; } } if (this->out_buf.empty()) this->poller->stop_watching_send_events(this); } } void SocketHandler::close() { if (this->connected || this->connecting) this->poller->remove_socket_handler(this->get_socket()); if (this->socket != -1) { ::close(this->socket); this->socket = -1; } this->connected = false; this->connecting = false; this->in_buf.clear(); this->out_buf.clear(); this->port.clear(); } socket_t SocketHandler::get_socket() const { return this->socket; } void SocketHandler::send_data(std::string&& data) { #ifdef BOTAN_FOUND if (this->use_tls) this->tls_send(std::move(data)); else #endif this->raw_send(std::move(data)); } void SocketHandler::raw_send(std::string&& data) { if (data.empty()) return ; this->out_buf.emplace_back(std::move(data)); if (this->connected) this->poller->watch_send_events(this); } void SocketHandler::send_pending_data() { if (this->connected && !this->out_buf.empty()) this->poller->watch_send_events(this); } bool SocketHandler::is_connected() const { return this->connected; } bool SocketHandler::is_connecting() const { return this->connecting; } void* SocketHandler::get_receive_buffer(const size_t) const { return nullptr; } #ifdef BOTAN_FOUND void SocketHandler::start_tls() { Botan::TLS::Server_Information server_info(this->address, "irc", std::stoul(this->port)); this->tls = std::make_unique<Botan::TLS::Client>( std::bind(&SocketHandler::tls_output_fn, this, ph::_1, ph::_2), std::bind(&SocketHandler::tls_data_cb, this, ph::_1, ph::_2), std::bind(&SocketHandler::tls_alert_cb, this, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3), std::bind(&SocketHandler::tls_handshake_cb, this, ph::_1), session_manager, credential_manager, policy, rng, server_info, Botan::TLS::Protocol_Version::latest_tls_version()); } void SocketHandler::tls_recv() { static constexpr size_t buf_size = 4096; char recv_buf[buf_size]; const ssize_t size = this->do_recv(recv_buf, buf_size); if (size > 0) { const bool was_active = this->tls->is_active(); this->tls->received_data(reinterpret_cast<const Botan::byte*>(recv_buf), static_cast<size_t>(size)); if (!was_active && this->tls->is_active()) this->on_tls_activated(); } } void SocketHandler::tls_send(std::string&& data) { if (this->tls->is_active()) { const bool was_active = this->tls->is_active(); if (!this->pre_buf.empty()) { this->tls->send(reinterpret_cast<const Botan::byte*>(this->pre_buf.data()), this->pre_buf.size()); this->pre_buf = ""; } if (!data.empty()) this->tls->send(reinterpret_cast<const Botan::byte*>(data.data()), data.size()); if (!was_active && this->tls->is_active()) this->on_tls_activated(); } else this->pre_buf += data; } void SocketHandler::tls_data_cb(const Botan::byte* data, size_t size) { this->in_buf += std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size); if (!this->in_buf.empty()) this->parse_in_buffer(size); } void SocketHandler::tls_output_fn(const Botan::byte* data, size_t size) { this->raw_send(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size)); } void SocketHandler::tls_alert_cb(Botan::TLS::Alert alert, const Botan::byte*, size_t) { log_debug("tls_alert: " << alert.type_string()); } bool SocketHandler::tls_handshake_cb(const Botan::TLS::Session& session) { log_debug("Handshake with " << session.server_info().hostname() << " complete." << " Version: " << session.version().to_string() << " using " << session.ciphersuite().to_string()); if (!session.session_id().empty()) log_debug("Session ID " << Botan::hex_encode(session.session_id())); if (!session.session_ticket().empty()) log_debug("Session ticket " << Botan::hex_encode(session.session_ticket())); return true; } void SocketHandler::on_tls_activated() { this->send_data(""); } #endif // BOTAN_FOUND