#include <irc/irc_message.hpp> #include <irc/irc_client.hpp> #include <bridge/bridge.hpp> #include <irc/irc_user.hpp> #include <utils/make_unique.hpp> #include <logger/logger.hpp> #include <utils/tolower.hpp> #include <utils/split.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> IrcClient::IrcClient(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& username, Bridge* bridge): hostname(hostname), username(username), current_nick(username), bridge(bridge), welcomed(false) { } IrcClient::~IrcClient() { } void IrcClient::start() { this->connect(this->hostname, "6667"); } void IrcClient::on_connected() { this->send_nick_command(this->username); this->send_user_command(this->username, this->username); } void IrcClient::on_connection_close() { log_warning("Connection closed by remote server."); } IrcChannel* IrcClient::get_channel(const std::string& name) { try { return this->channels.at(name).get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { this->channels.emplace(name, std::make_unique<IrcChannel>()); return this->channels.at(name).get(); } } bool IrcClient::is_channel_joined(const std::string& name) { IrcChannel* client = this->get_channel(name); return client->joined; } std::string IrcClient::get_own_nick() const { return this->current_nick; } void IrcClient::parse_in_buffer() { while (true) { auto pos = this->in_buf.find("\r\n"); if (pos == std::string::npos) break ; IrcMessage message(this->in_buf.substr(0, pos)); log_debug("IRC RECEIVING: " << message); this->in_buf = this->in_buf.substr(pos + 2, std::string::npos); auto cb = irc_callbacks.find(message.command); if (cb != irc_callbacks.end()) (this->*(cb->second))(message); else log_info("No handler for command " << message.command); } } void IrcClient::send_message(IrcMessage&& message) { log_debug("IRC SENDING: " << message); std::string res; if (!message.prefix.empty()) res += ":" + std::move(message.prefix) + " "; res += std::move(message.command); for (const std::string& arg: message.arguments) { if (arg.find(" ") != std::string::npos || (!arg.empty() && arg[0] == ':')) { res += " :" + arg; break; } res += " " + arg; } res += "\r\n"; this->send_data(std::move(res)); } void IrcClient::send_user_command(const std::string& username, const std::string& realname) { this->send_message(IrcMessage("USER", {username, "ignored", "ignored", realname})); } void IrcClient::send_nick_command(const std::string& nick) { this->send_message(IrcMessage("NICK", {nick})); } void IrcClient::send_kick_command(const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& target, const std::string& reason) { this->send_message(IrcMessage("KICK", {chan_name, target, reason})); } void IrcClient::send_join_command(const std::string& chan_name) { if (this->welcomed == false) this->channels_to_join.push_back(chan_name); else this->send_message(IrcMessage("JOIN", {chan_name})); } bool IrcClient::send_channel_message(const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& body) { IrcChannel* channel = this->get_channel(chan_name); if (channel->joined == false) { log_warning("Cannot send message to channel " << chan_name << ", it is not joined"); return false; } // Cut the message body into 400-bytes parts (because the whole command // must fit into 512 bytes, that's an easy way to make sure the chan name // + body fits. I’m lazy.) std::string::size_type pos = 0; while (pos < body.size()) { this->send_message(IrcMessage("PRIVMSG", {chan_name, body.substr(pos, 400)})); pos += 400; } return true; } void IrcClient::send_private_message(const std::string& username, const std::string& body) { std::string::size_type pos = 0; while (pos < body.size()) { this->send_message(IrcMessage("PRIVMSG", {username, body.substr(pos, 400)})); pos += 400; } } void IrcClient::send_part_command(const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& status_message) { IrcChannel* channel = this->get_channel(chan_name); if (channel->joined == true) this->send_message(IrcMessage("PART", {chan_name, status_message})); } void IrcClient::send_mode_command(const std::string& chan_name, const std::vector<std::string>& arguments) { std::vector<std::string> args(arguments); args.insert(args.begin(), chan_name); IrcMessage m("MODE", std::move(args)); this->send_message(std::move(m)); } void IrcClient::send_pong_command(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string id = message.arguments[0]; this->send_message(IrcMessage("PONG", {id})); } void IrcClient::forward_server_message(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string from = message.prefix; const std::string body = message.arguments[1]; this->bridge->send_xmpp_message(this->hostname, from, body); } void IrcClient::set_and_forward_user_list(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string chan_name = utils::tolower(message.arguments[2]); IrcChannel* channel = this->get_channel(chan_name); std::vector<std::string> nicks = utils::split(message.arguments[3], ' '); for (const std::string& nick: nicks) { const IrcUser* user = channel->add_user(nick); if (user->nick != channel->get_self()->nick) { log_debug("Adding user [" << nick << "] to chan " << chan_name); this->bridge->send_user_join(this->hostname, chan_name, user); } } } void IrcClient::on_channel_join(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string chan_name = utils::tolower(message.arguments[0]); IrcChannel* channel = this->get_channel(chan_name); const std::string nick = message.prefix; if (channel->joined == false) { channel->joined = true; channel->set_self(nick); } else { const IrcUser* user = channel->add_user(nick); this->bridge->send_user_join(this->hostname, chan_name, user); } } void IrcClient::on_channel_message(const IrcMessage& message) { const IrcUser user(message.prefix); const std::string nick = user.nick; Iid iid; iid.chan = utils::tolower(message.arguments[0]); iid.server = this->hostname; const std::string body = message.arguments[1]; bool muc = true; if (!this->get_channel(iid.chan)->joined) { iid.chan = nick; muc = false; } if (!body.empty() && body[0] == '\01') { if (body.substr(1, 6) == "ACTION") this->bridge->send_message(iid, nick, std::string("/me") + body.substr(7, body.size() - 8), muc); } else this->bridge->send_message(iid, nick, body, muc); } void IrcClient::empty_motd(const IrcMessage& message) { (void)message; this->motd.erase(); } void IrcClient::on_motd_line(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string body = message.arguments[1]; // We could send the MOTD without a line break between each IRC-message, // but sometimes it contains some ASCII art, we use line breaks to keep // them intact. this->motd += body+"\n"; } void IrcClient::send_motd(const IrcMessage& message) { (void)message; this->bridge->send_xmpp_message(this->hostname, "", this->motd); } void IrcClient::on_topic_received(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string chan_name = utils::tolower(message.arguments[1]); IrcChannel* channel = this->get_channel(chan_name); channel->topic = message.arguments[2]; } void IrcClient::on_channel_completely_joined(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string chan_name = utils::tolower(message.arguments[1]); IrcChannel* channel = this->get_channel(chan_name); this->bridge->send_self_join(this->hostname, chan_name, channel->get_self()->nick); this->bridge->send_topic(this->hostname, chan_name, channel->topic); } void IrcClient::on_welcome_message(const IrcMessage& message) { this->current_nick = message.arguments[0]; this->welcomed = true; for (const std::string& chan_name: this->channels_to_join) this->send_join_command(chan_name); this->channels_to_join.clear(); } void IrcClient::on_part(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string chan_name = utils::tolower(message.arguments[0]); IrcChannel* channel = this->get_channel(chan_name); std::string txt; if (message.arguments.size() >= 2) txt = message.arguments[1]; const IrcUser* user = channel->find_user(message.prefix); if (user) { std::string nick = user->nick; channel->remove_user(user); Iid iid; iid.chan = chan_name; iid.server = this->hostname; bool self = channel->get_self()->nick == nick; this->bridge->send_muc_leave(std::move(iid), std::move(nick), std::move(txt), self); if (self) channel->joined = false; } } void IrcClient::on_quit(const IrcMessage& message) { std::string txt; if (message.arguments.size() >= 1) txt = message.arguments[0]; for (auto it = this->channels.begin(); it != this->channels.end(); ++it) { const std::string chan_name = it->first; IrcChannel* channel = it->second.get(); const IrcUser* user = channel->find_user(message.prefix); if (user) { std::string nick = user->nick; channel->remove_user(user); Iid iid; iid.chan = chan_name; iid.server = this->hostname; this->bridge->send_muc_leave(std::move(iid), std::move(nick), txt, false); } } } void IrcClient::on_nick(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string new_nick = message.arguments[0]; for (auto it = this->channels.begin(); it != this->channels.end(); ++it) { const std::string chan_name = it->first; IrcChannel* channel = it->second.get(); IrcUser* user = channel->find_user(message.prefix); if (user) { std::string old_nick = user->nick; Iid iid; iid.chan = chan_name; iid.server = this->hostname; bool self = channel->get_self()->nick == old_nick; this->bridge->send_nick_change(std::move(iid), old_nick, new_nick, self); user->nick = new_nick; if (self) { channel->get_self()->nick = new_nick; this->current_nick = new_nick; } } } } void IrcClient::on_kick(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string target = message.arguments[1]; const std::string reason = message.arguments[2]; const std::string chan_name = utils::tolower(message.arguments[0]); IrcChannel* channel = this->get_channel(chan_name); if (channel->get_self()->nick == target) channel->joined = false; IrcUser author(message.prefix); Iid iid; iid.chan = chan_name; iid.server = this->hostname; this->bridge->kick_muc_user(std::move(iid), target, reason, author.nick); } void IrcClient::on_mode(const IrcMessage& message) { const std::string target = message.arguments[0]; if (target[0] == '&' || target[0] == '#' || target[0] == '!' || target[0] == '+') this->on_channel_mode(message); else this->on_user_mode(message); } void IrcClient::on_channel_mode(const IrcMessage& message) { // For now, just transmit the modes so the user can know what happens // TODO, actually interprete the mode. Iid iid; iid.chan = utils::tolower(message.arguments[0]); iid.server = this->hostname; IrcUser user(message.prefix); std::string mode_arguments; for (size_t i = 1; i < message.arguments.size(); ++i) { if (!message.arguments[i].empty()) { if (i != 1) mode_arguments += " "; mode_arguments += message.arguments[i]; } } this->bridge->send_message(iid, "", std::string("Mode ") + iid.chan + " [" + mode_arguments + "] by " + user.nick, true); } void IrcClient::on_user_mode(const IrcMessage& message) { this->bridge->send_xmpp_message(this->hostname, "", std::string("User mode for ") + message.arguments[0] + " is [" + message.arguments[1] + "]"); }