#pragma once #include #include #include #include class PostgresqlStatement: public Statement { public: PostgresqlStatement(std::string body, PGconn*const conn): body(std::move(body)), conn(conn) {} virtual ~PostgresqlStatement() { PQclear(this->result); this->result = nullptr; } PostgresqlStatement(const PostgresqlStatement&) = delete; PostgresqlStatement& operator=(const PostgresqlStatement&) = delete; PostgresqlStatement(PostgresqlStatement&& other) = delete; PostgresqlStatement& operator=(PostgresqlStatement&& other) = delete; StepResult step() override final { if (!this->executed) { this->current_tuple = 0; this->executed = true; if (!this->execute()) return StepResult::Error; } else { this->current_tuple++; } if (this->current_tuple < PQntuples(this->result)) return StepResult::Row; return StepResult::Done; } int64_t get_column_int64(const int col) override { const char* result = PQgetvalue(this->result, this->current_tuple, col); std::istringstream iss; iss.str(result); int64_t res; iss >> res; return res; } std::string get_column_text(const int col) override { const char* result = PQgetvalue(this->result, this->current_tuple, col); return result; } int get_column_int(const int col) override { const char* result = PQgetvalue(this->result, this->current_tuple, col); std::istringstream iss; iss.str(result); int res; iss >> res; return res; } void bind(std::vector params) override { this->params = std::move(params); } bool bind_text(const int, const std::string& data) override { this->params.push_back(data); return true; } bool bind_int64(const int, const std::int64_t value) override { this->params.push_back(std::to_string(value)); return true; } bool bind_null(const int) override { this->params.push_back("NULL"); return true; } private: bool execute(const bool second_attempt=false) { std::vector params; params.reserve(this->params.size()); for (const auto& param: this->params) params.push_back(param.data()); const int param_size = static_cast(this->params.size()); this->result = PQexecParams(this->conn, this->body.data(), param_size, nullptr, params.data(), nullptr, nullptr, 0); const auto status = PQresultStatus(this->result); if (status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK && status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { const char* original = PQerrorMessage(this->conn); if (original && std::strlen(original) > 0) log_error("Failed to execute command: ", std::string{original, std::strlen(original) - 1}); if (PQstatus(this->conn) != CONNECTION_OK && !second_attempt) { log_info("Trying to reconnect to PostgreSQL server and execute the query again."); PQreset(this->conn); return this->execute(true); } else { log_error("Givin up."); return false; } } return true; } bool executed{false}; std::string body; PGconn*const conn; std::vector params; PGresult* result{nullptr}; int current_tuple{0}; };