#include <bridge/bridge.hpp> #include <bridge/colors.hpp> #include <xmpp/xmpp_component.hpp> #include <irc/irc_message.hpp> #include <network/poller.hpp> #include <utils/encoding.hpp> #include <logger/logger.hpp> #include <utils/split.hpp> #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> #include <tuple> static const char* action_prefix = "\01ACTION "; Bridge::Bridge(const std::string& user_jid, XmppComponent* xmpp, Poller* poller): user_jid(user_jid), xmpp(xmpp), poller(poller) { } Bridge::~Bridge() { } /** * Return the role and affiliation, corresponding to the given irc mode */ static std::tuple<std::string, std::string> get_role_affiliation_from_irc_mode(const char mode) { if (mode == 'a' || mode == 'q') return std::make_tuple("moderator", "owner"); else if (mode == 'o') return std::make_tuple("moderator", "admin"); else if (mode == 'h') return std::make_tuple("moderator", "member"); else if (mode == 'v') return std::make_tuple("participant", "member"); else return std::make_tuple("participant", "none"); } void Bridge::shutdown() { for (auto it = this->irc_clients.begin(); it != this->irc_clients.end(); ++it) { const std::string exit_message("Gateway shutdown"); it->second->send_quit_command(exit_message); it->second->leave_dummy_channel(exit_message); } } void Bridge::clean() { auto it = this->irc_clients.begin(); while (it != this->irc_clients.end()) { IrcClient* client = it->second.get(); if (!client->is_connected() && !client->is_connecting()) it = this->irc_clients.erase(it); else ++it; } } Xmpp::body Bridge::make_xmpp_body(const std::string& str) { std::string res; if (utils::is_valid_utf8(str.c_str())) res = str; else res = utils::convert_to_utf8(str, "ISO-8859-1"); return irc_format_to_xhtmlim(res); } IrcClient* Bridge::get_irc_client(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& username) { try { return this->irc_clients.at(hostname).get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { this->irc_clients.emplace(hostname, std::make_shared<IrcClient>(hostname, username, this)); std::shared_ptr<IrcClient> irc = this->irc_clients.at(hostname); this->poller->add_socket_handler(irc); return irc.get(); } } IrcClient* Bridge::get_irc_client(const std::string& hostname) { try { return this->irc_clients.at(hostname).get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { return nullptr; } } bool Bridge::join_irc_channel(const Iid& iid, const std::string& username) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server, username); if (iid.chan.empty()) { // Join the dummy channel if (irc->is_welcomed()) { if (irc->get_dummy_channel().joined) return false; // Immediately simulate a message coming from the IRC server saying that we // joined the channel const IrcMessage join_message(irc->get_nick(), "JOIN", {""}); irc->on_channel_join(join_message); const IrcMessage end_join_message(std::string(iid.server), "366", {irc->get_nick(), "", "End of NAMES list"}); irc->on_channel_completely_joined(end_join_message); } else { irc->get_dummy_channel().joining = true; irc->start(); } return true; } if (irc->is_channel_joined(iid.chan) == false) { irc->send_join_command(iid.chan); return true; } return false; } void Bridge::send_channel_message(const Iid& iid, const std::string& body) { std::vector<std::string> lines = utils::split(body, '\n', true); if (lines.empty()) return ; const std::string first_line = lines[0]; if (iid.chan.empty() || iid.server.empty()) { log_warning("Cannot send message to channel: [" << iid.chan << "] on server [" << iid.server << "]"); return; } IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server); if (!irc) { log_warning("Cannot send message: no client exist for server " << iid.server); return; } if (first_line.substr(0, 6) == "/mode ") { std::vector<std::string> args = utils::split(first_line.substr(6), ' ', false); irc->send_mode_command(iid.chan, args); return; } if (first_line.substr(0, 4) == "/me ") irc->send_channel_message(iid.chan, action_prefix + first_line.substr(4) + "\01"); else irc->send_channel_message(iid.chan, first_line); // Send each of the other lines of the message as a separate IRC message for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = lines.begin() + 1; it != lines.end(); ++it) irc->send_channel_message(iid.chan, *it); // We do not need to convert body to utf-8: it comes from our XMPP server, // so it's ok to send it back this->xmpp->send_muc_message(iid.chan + "%" + iid.server, irc->get_own_nick(), this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid); } void Bridge::send_private_message(const Iid& iid, const std::string& body) { if (iid.chan.empty() || iid.server.empty()) return ; IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server); if (irc) irc->send_private_message(iid.chan, body); } void Bridge::leave_irc_channel(Iid&& iid, std::string&& status_message) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server); if (irc) irc->send_part_command(iid.chan, status_message); } void Bridge::send_irc_nick_change(const Iid& iid, const std::string& new_nick) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server); if (irc) irc->send_nick_command(new_nick); } void Bridge::send_irc_kick(const Iid& iid, const std::string& target, const std::string& reason) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server); if (irc) irc->send_kick_command(iid.chan, target, reason); } void Bridge::set_channel_topic(const Iid& iid, const std::string& subject) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server); if (irc) irc->send_topic_command(iid.chan, subject); } void Bridge::send_message(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nick, const std::string& body, const bool muc) { if (muc) this->xmpp->send_muc_message(iid.chan + "%" + iid.server, nick, this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid); else this->xmpp->send_message(iid.chan + "%" + iid.server, this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid, "chat"); } void Bridge::send_muc_leave(Iid&& iid, std::string&& nick, const std::string& message, const bool self) { this->xmpp->send_muc_leave(std::move(iid.chan) + "%" + std::move(iid.server), std::move(nick), this->make_xmpp_body(message), this->user_jid, self); IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server); if (irc && irc->number_of_joined_channels() == 0) irc->send_quit_command(""); } void Bridge::send_nick_change(Iid&& iid, const std::string& old_nick, const std::string& new_nick, const char user_mode, const bool self) { std::string affiliation; std::string role; std::tie(role, affiliation) = get_role_affiliation_from_irc_mode(user_mode); this->xmpp->send_nick_change(std::move(iid.chan) + "%" + std::move(iid.server), old_nick, new_nick, affiliation, role, this->user_jid, self); } void Bridge::send_xmpp_message(const std::string& from, const std::string& author, const std::string& msg) { std::string body; if (!author.empty()) body = std::string("[") + author + std::string("] ") + msg; else body = msg; this->xmpp->send_message(from, this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid, "chat"); } void Bridge::send_user_join(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& chan_name, const IrcUser* user, const char user_mode, const bool self) { std::string affiliation; std::string role; std::tie(role, affiliation) = get_role_affiliation_from_irc_mode(user_mode); this->xmpp->send_user_join(chan_name + "%" + hostname, user->nick, user->host, affiliation, role, this->user_jid, self); } void Bridge::send_topic(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string topic) { this->xmpp->send_topic(chan_name + "%" + hostname, this->make_xmpp_body(topic), this->user_jid); } std::string Bridge::get_own_nick(const Iid& iid) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.server); if (irc) return irc->get_own_nick(); return ""; } size_t Bridge::active_clients() const { return this->irc_clients.size(); } void Bridge::kick_muc_user(Iid&& iid, const std::string& target, const std::string& reason, const std::string& author) { this->xmpp->kick_user(iid.chan + "%" + iid.server, target, reason, author, this->user_jid); } void Bridge::send_nickname_conflict_error(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nickname) { this->xmpp->send_nickname_conflict_error(iid.chan + "%" + iid.server, nickname, this->user_jid); } void Bridge::send_affiliation_role_change(const Iid& iid, const std::string& target, const char mode) { std::string role; std::string affiliation; std::tie(role, affiliation) = get_role_affiliation_from_irc_mode(mode); this->xmpp->send_affiliation_role_change(iid.chan + "%" + iid.server, target, affiliation, role, this->user_jid); }