#include <bridge/bridge.hpp> #include <utility> #include <xmpp/biboumi_component.hpp> #include <network/poller.hpp> #include <utils/empty_if_fixed_server.hpp> #include <utils/encoding.hpp> #include <utils/tolower.hpp> #include <logger/logger.hpp> #include <utils/revstr.hpp> #include <utils/split.hpp> #include <xmpp/jid.hpp> #include <database/database.hpp> #include "result_set_management.hpp" #include <algorithm> using namespace std::string_literals; static const char* action_prefix = "\01ACTION "; static std::string in_encoding_for(const Bridge& bridge, const Iid& iid) { #ifdef USE_DATABASE const auto jid = bridge.get_bare_jid(); return Database::get_encoding_in(jid, iid.get_server(), iid.get_local()); #else (void)bridge; (void)iid; return {"ISO-8859-1"}; #endif } Bridge::Bridge(std::string user_jid, BiboumiComponent& xmpp, std::shared_ptr<Poller>& poller): user_jid(std::move(user_jid)), xmpp(xmpp), poller(poller) { #ifdef USE_DATABASE const auto options = Database::get_global_options(this->user_jid); this->set_record_history(options.col<Database::RecordHistory>()); #endif } /** * Return the role and affiliation, corresponding to the given irc mode */ static std::tuple<std::string, std::string> get_role_affiliation_from_irc_mode(const char mode) { if (mode == 'a' || mode == 'q'){ return std::make_tuple("moderator", "owner");} else if (mode == 'o') return std::make_tuple("moderator", "admin"); else if (mode == 'h') return std::make_tuple("moderator", "member"); else if (mode == 'v') return std::make_tuple("participant", "member"); else return std::make_tuple("participant", "none"); } void Bridge::shutdown(const std::string& exit_message) { for (auto& pair: this->irc_clients) { pair.second->send_quit_command(exit_message); pair.second->leave_dummy_channel(exit_message, {}); } } void Bridge::remove_resource(const std::string& resource, const std::string& part_message) { const auto resources_in_chan_copy = this->resources_in_chan; for (const auto& chan_pair: resources_in_chan_copy) { const ChannelKey& channel_key = chan_pair.first; const std::set<Resource>& resources = chan_pair.second; if (resources.count(resource)) this->leave_irc_channel({std::get<0>(channel_key), std::get<1>(channel_key), {}}, part_message, resource); } } void Bridge::clean() { auto it = this->irc_clients.begin(); while (it != this->irc_clients.end()) { IrcClient* client = it->second.get(); if (!client->is_connected() && !client->is_connecting() && !client->get_resolver().is_resolving()) it = this->irc_clients.erase(it); else ++it; } } const std::string& Bridge::get_jid() const { return this->user_jid; } std::string Bridge::get_bare_jid() const { Jid jid(this->user_jid); return jid.local + "@" + jid.domain; } Xmpp::body Bridge::make_xmpp_body(const std::string& str, const std::string& encoding) { std::string res; if (utils::is_valid_utf8(str.c_str())) res = str; else res = utils::convert_to_utf8(str, encoding.data()); return irc_format_to_xhtmlim(res); } IrcClient* Bridge::make_irc_client(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& nickname) { try { return this->irc_clients.at(hostname).get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { auto username = nickname; auto realname = nickname; Jid jid(this->user_jid); if (Config::get("realname_from_jid", "false") == "true") { username = jid.local; realname = this->get_bare_jid(); } this->irc_clients.emplace(hostname, std::make_shared<IrcClient>(this->poller, hostname, nickname, username, realname, jid.domain, *this)); std::shared_ptr<IrcClient> irc = this->irc_clients.at(hostname); return irc.get(); } } IrcClient* Bridge::get_irc_client(const std::string& hostname) { try { return this->irc_clients.at(hostname).get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { throw IRCNotConnected(hostname); } } IrcClient* Bridge::find_irc_client(const std::string& hostname) const { try { return this->irc_clients.at(hostname).get(); } catch (const std::out_of_range& exception) { return nullptr; } } bool Bridge::join_irc_channel(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nickname, const std::string& password, const std::string& resource, HistoryLimit history_limit) { const auto& hostname = iid.get_server(); IrcClient* irc = this->make_irc_client(hostname, nickname); irc->history_limit = history_limit; this->add_resource_to_server(hostname, resource); auto res_in_chan = this->is_resource_in_chan(ChannelKey{iid.get_local(), hostname}, resource); if (!res_in_chan) this->add_resource_to_chan(ChannelKey{iid.get_local(), hostname}, resource); if (iid.get_local().empty()) { // Join the dummy channel if (irc->is_welcomed()) { if (res_in_chan) return false; // Immediately simulate a message coming from the IRC server saying that we // joined the channel if (irc->get_dummy_channel().joined) { this->generate_channel_join_for_resource(iid, resource); } else { const IrcMessage join_message(irc->get_nick(), "JOIN", {""}); irc->on_channel_join(join_message); const IrcMessage end_join_message(std::string(iid.get_server()), "366", {irc->get_nick(), "", "End of NAMES list"}); irc->on_channel_completely_joined(end_join_message); } } else { irc->get_dummy_channel().joining = true; irc->start(); } return true; } if (irc->is_channel_joined(iid.get_local()) == false) { irc->send_join_command(iid.get_local(), password); return true; } else if (!res_in_chan) { this->generate_channel_join_for_resource(iid, resource); } return false; } void Bridge::send_channel_message(const Iid& iid, const std::string& body) { if (iid.get_server().empty()) { for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]) this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("message", this->user_jid + "/" + resource, std::to_string(iid), "", "cancel", "remote-server-not-found", std::to_string(iid) + " is not a valid channel name. " "A correct room jid is of the form: #<chan>%<server>", false); return; } IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); // Because an IRC message cannot contain \n, we need to convert each line // of text into a separate IRC message. For conveniance, we also cut the // message into submessages on the XMPP side, this way the user of the // gateway sees what was actually sent over IRC. For example if an user // sends “hello\n/me waves”, two messages will be generated: “hello” and // “/me waves”. Note that the “command” handling (messages starting with // /me, /mode, etc) is done for each message generated this way. In the // above example, the /me will be interpreted. std::vector<std::string> lines = utils::split(body, '\n', true); if (lines.empty()) return ; for (const std::string& line: lines) { if (line.substr(0, 5) == "/mode") { std::vector<std::string> args = utils::split(line.substr(5), ' ', false); irc->send_mode_command(iid.get_local(), args); continue; // We do not want to send that back to the // XMPP user, that’s not a textual message. } else if (line.substr(0, 4) == "/me ") irc->send_channel_message(iid.get_local(), action_prefix + line.substr(4) + "\01"); else irc->send_channel_message(iid.get_local(), line); std::string uuid; #ifdef USE_DATABASE const auto xmpp_body = this->make_xmpp_body(line); if (this->record_history) uuid = Database::store_muc_message(this->get_bare_jid(), iid.get_local(), iid.get_server(), std::chrono::system_clock::now(), std::get<0>(xmpp_body), irc->get_own_nick()); #endif for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]) this->xmpp.send_muc_message(std::to_string(iid), irc->get_own_nick(), this->make_xmpp_body(line), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, uuid); } } void Bridge::forward_affiliation_role_change(const Iid& iid, const std::string& from, const std::string& nick, const std::string& affiliation, const std::string& role, const std::string& id) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); IrcChannel* chan = irc->get_channel(iid.get_local()); if (!chan || !chan->joined) return; IrcUser* user = chan->find_user(nick); if (!user) { this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", from, std::to_string(iid), id, "cancel", "item-not-found", "no such nick", false); return; } // For each affiliation or role, we have a “maximal” mode that we want to // set. We must remove any superior mode at the same time. For example if // the user already has +o mode, and we set its affiliation to member, we // remove the +o mode, and add +v. For each “superior” mode (for example, // for +v, the superior modes are 'h', 'a', 'o' and 'q') we check if that // user has it, and if yes we remove that mode std::size_t nb = 1; // the number of times the nick must be // repeated in the argument list std::string modes; // The string of modes to // add/remove. For example "+v-aoh" std::vector<char> modes_to_remove; // List of modes to check for removal if (affiliation == "none") { modes = ""; nb = 0; modes_to_remove = {'v', 'h', 'o', 'a', 'q'}; } else if (affiliation == "member") { modes = "+v"; modes_to_remove = {'h', 'o', 'a', 'q'}; } else if (role == "moderator") { modes = "+h"; modes_to_remove = {'o', 'a', 'q'}; } else if (affiliation == "admin") { modes = "+o"; modes_to_remove = {'a', 'q'}; } else if (affiliation == "owner") { modes = "+a"; modes_to_remove = {'q'}; } else return; for (const char mode: modes_to_remove) if (user->modes.find(mode) != user->modes.end()) { modes += "-"s + mode; nb++; } if (modes.empty()) return; std::vector<std::string> args(nb, nick); args.insert(args.begin(), modes); irc->send_mode_command(iid.get_local(), args); irc_responder_callback_t cb = [this, iid, irc, id, from, nick](const std::string& irc_hostname, const IrcMessage& message) -> bool { if (irc_hostname != iid.get_server()) return false; if (message.command == "MODE" && message.arguments.size() >= 2) { const std::string& chan_name = message.arguments[0]; if (chan_name != iid.get_local()) return false; const std::string actor_nick = IrcUser{message.prefix}.nick; if (!irc || irc->get_own_nick() != actor_nick) return false; this->xmpp.send_iq_result(id, from, std::to_string(iid)); } else if (message.command == "401" && message.arguments.size() >= 2) { const std::string target_later = message.arguments[1]; if (target_later != nick) return false; std::string error_message = "No such nick"; if (message.arguments.size() >= 3) error_message = message.arguments[2]; this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", from, std::to_string(iid), id, "cancel", "item-not-found", error_message, false); } else if (message.command == "482" && message.arguments.size() >= 2) { const std::string chan_name_later = utils::tolower(message.arguments[1]); if (chan_name_later != iid.get_local()) return false; std::string error_message = "You're not channel operator"; if (message.arguments.size() >= 3) error_message = message.arguments[2]; this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", from, std::to_string(iid), id, "cancel", "not-allowed", error_message, false); } else if (message.command == "472" && message.arguments.size() >= 2) { std::string error_message = "Unknown mode: " + message.arguments[1]; if (message.arguments.size() >= 3) error_message = message.arguments[2]; this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", from, std::to_string(iid), id, "cancel", "not-allowed", error_message, false); } return true; }; this->add_waiting_irc(std::move(cb)); } void Bridge::send_private_message(const Iid& iid, const std::string& body, const std::string& type) { if (iid.get_local().empty() || iid.get_server().empty()) { this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("message", this->user_jid, std::to_string(iid), "", "cancel", "remote-server-not-found", std::to_string(iid) + " is not a valid channel name. " "A correct room jid is of the form: #<chan>%<server>", false); return; } IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); std::vector<std::string> lines = utils::split(body, '\n', true); if (lines.empty()) return ; for (const std::string& line: lines) { if (line.substr(0, 4) == "/me ") irc->send_private_message(iid.get_local(), action_prefix + line.substr(4) + "\01", type); else irc->send_private_message(iid.get_local(), line, type); } } void Bridge::send_raw_message(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& body) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(hostname); irc->send_raw(body); } void Bridge::leave_irc_channel(Iid&& iid, const std::string& status_message, const std::string& resource) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); const auto key = iid.to_tuple(); if (!this->is_resource_in_chan(key, resource)) return ; IrcChannel* channel = irc->get_channel(iid.get_local()); const auto resources = this->number_of_resources_in_chan(key); if (resources == 1) { // Do not send a PART message if we actually are not in that channel // or if we already sent a PART but we are just waiting for the // acknowledgment from the server bool persistent = false; #ifdef USE_DATABASE const auto goptions = Database::get_global_options(this->user_jid); if (goptions.col<Database::GlobalPersistent>()) persistent = true; else { const auto coptions = Database::get_irc_channel_options_with_server_default(this->user_jid, iid.get_server(), iid.get_local()); persistent = coptions.col<Database::Persistent>(); } #endif if (channel->joined && !channel->parting && !persistent) { const auto& chan_name = iid.get_local(); if (chan_name.empty()) irc->leave_dummy_channel(status_message, resource); else irc->send_part_command(iid.get_local(), status_message); } else if (channel->joined) { this->send_muc_leave(iid, channel->get_self()->nick, "", true, true, resource); } if (persistent) this->remove_resource_from_chan(key, resource); // Since there are no resources left in that channel, we don't // want to receive private messages using this room's JID this->remove_all_preferred_from_jid_of_room(iid.get_local()); } else { if (channel && channel->joined) this->send_muc_leave(iid, channel->get_self()->nick, "Biboumi note: " + std::to_string(resources - 1) + " resources are still in this channel.", true, true, resource); this->remove_resource_from_chan(key, resource); } if (this->number_of_channels_the_resource_is_in(iid.get_server(), resource) == 0) this->remove_resource_from_server(iid.get_server(), resource); } void Bridge::send_irc_nick_change(const Iid& iid, const std::string& new_nick, const std::string& requesting_resource) { // We don’t change the nick if the presence was sent to a channel the resource is not in. auto res_in_chan = this->is_resource_in_chan(ChannelKey{iid.get_local(), iid.get_server()}, requesting_resource); if (!res_in_chan) return; IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); irc->send_nick_command(new_nick); } void Bridge::send_irc_channel_list_request(const Iid& iid, const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid, ResultSetInfo rs_info) { auto& list = this->channel_list_cache[iid.get_server()]; // We fetch the list from the IRC server only if we have a complete // cached list that needs to be invalidated (that is, when the request // doesn’t have a after or before, or when the list is empty). // If the list is not complete, this means that a request is already // ongoing, so we just need to add the callback. // By default the list is complete and empty. if (list.complete && (list.channels.empty() || (rs_info.after.empty() && rs_info.before.empty()))) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); irc->send_list_command(); // Add a callback that will populate our list list.channels.clear(); list.complete = false; irc_responder_callback_t cb = [this, iid](const std::string& irc_hostname, const IrcMessage& message) -> bool { if (irc_hostname != iid.get_server()) return false; auto& list = this->channel_list_cache[iid.get_server()]; if (message.command == "263" || message.command == "RPL_TRYAGAIN" || message.command == "ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES" || message.command == "ERR_NOSUCHSERVER") { list.complete = true; return true; } else if (message.command == "322" || message.command == "RPL_LIST") { // Add element to list if (message.arguments.size() == 4) { list.channels.emplace_back(message.arguments[1] + utils::empty_if_fixed_server("%" + iid.get_server()), message.arguments[2], message.arguments[3]); } return false; } else if (message.command == "323" || message.command == "RPL_LISTEND") { // Send the iq response with the content of the list list.complete = true; return true; } return false; }; this->add_waiting_irc(std::move(cb)); } // If the list is complete, we immediately send the answer. // Otherwise, we install a callback, that will populate our list and send // the answer when we can. if (list.complete) { this->send_matching_channel_list(list, rs_info, iq_id, to_jid, std::to_string(iid)); } else { // Add a callback to answer the request as soon as we can irc_responder_callback_t cb = [this, iid, iq_id, to_jid, rs_info=std::move(rs_info)](const std::string& irc_hostname, const IrcMessage& message) -> bool { if (irc_hostname != iid.get_server()) return false; if (message.command == "263" || message.command == "RPL_TRYAGAIN" || message.command == "ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES" || message.command == "ERR_NOSUCHSERVER") { std::string text; if (message.arguments.size() >= 2) text = message.arguments[1]; this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, std::to_string(iid), iq_id, "wait", "service-unavailable", text, false); return true; } else if (message.command == "322" || message.command == "RPL_LIST") { auto& list = channel_list_cache[iid.get_server()]; const auto res = this->send_matching_channel_list(list, rs_info, iq_id, to_jid, std::to_string(iid)); return res; } else if (message.command == "323" || message.command == "RPL_LISTEND") { // Send the iq response with the content of the list auto& list = channel_list_cache[iid.get_server()]; this->send_matching_channel_list(list, rs_info, iq_id, to_jid, std::to_string(iid)); return true; } return false; }; this->add_waiting_irc(std::move(cb)); } } bool Bridge::send_matching_channel_list(const ChannelList& channel_list, const ResultSetInfo& rs_info, const std::string& id, const std::string& to_jid, const std::string& from) { auto begin = channel_list.channels.begin(); auto end = channel_list.channels.end(); if (channel_list.complete) { begin = std::find_if(channel_list.channels.begin(), channel_list.channels.end(), [this, &rs_info](const ListElement& element) { return rs_info.after == element.channel + "@" + this->xmpp.get_served_hostname(); }); if (begin == channel_list.channels.end()) begin = channel_list.channels.begin(); else begin = std::next(begin); end = std::find_if(channel_list.channels.begin(), channel_list.channels.end(), [this, &rs_info](const ListElement& element) { return rs_info.before == element.channel + "@" + this->xmpp.get_served_hostname(); }); if (rs_info.max >= 0) { if (std::distance(begin, end) >= rs_info.max) end = begin + rs_info.max; } } else { if (rs_info.after.empty() && rs_info.before.empty() && rs_info.max < 0) return false; if (!rs_info.after.empty()) { begin = std::find_if(channel_list.channels.begin(), channel_list.channels.end(), [this, &rs_info](const ListElement& element) { return rs_info.after == element.channel + "@" + this->xmpp.get_served_hostname(); }); if (begin == channel_list.channels.end()) return false; begin = std::next(begin); } if (!rs_info.before.empty()) { end = std::find_if(channel_list.channels.begin(), channel_list.channels.end(), [this, &rs_info](const ListElement& element) { return rs_info.before == element.channel + "@" + this->xmpp.get_served_hostname(); }); if (end == channel_list.channels.end()) return false; } if (rs_info.max >= 0) { if (std::distance(begin, end) < rs_info.max) return false; else end = begin + rs_info.max; } } this->xmpp.send_iq_room_list_result(id, to_jid, from, channel_list, begin, end, rs_info); return true; } void Bridge::send_irc_kick(const Iid& iid, const std::string& target, const std::string& reason, const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); irc->send_kick_command(iid.get_local(), target, reason); irc_responder_callback_t cb = [this, target, iq_id, to_jid, iid](const std::string& irc_hostname, const IrcMessage& message) -> bool { if (irc_hostname != iid.get_server()) return false; if (message.command == "KICK" && message.arguments.size() >= 2) { const std::string target_later = message.arguments[1]; const std::string chan_name_later = utils::tolower(message.arguments[0]); if (target_later != target || chan_name_later != iid.get_local()) return false; this->xmpp.send_iq_result(iq_id, to_jid, std::to_string(iid)); } else if (message.command == "401" && message.arguments.size() >= 2) { const std::string target_later = message.arguments[1]; if (target_later != target) return false; std::string error_message = "No such nick"; if (message.arguments.size() >= 3) error_message = message.arguments[2]; this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, std::to_string(iid), iq_id, "cancel", "item-not-found", error_message, false); } else if (message.command == "482" && message.arguments.size() >= 2) { const std::string chan_name_later = utils::tolower(message.arguments[1]); if (chan_name_later != iid.get_local()) return false; std::string error_message = "You're not channel operator"; if (message.arguments.size() >= 3) error_message = message.arguments[2]; this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, std::to_string(iid), iq_id, "cancel", "not-allowed", error_message, false); } return true; }; this->add_waiting_irc(std::move(cb)); } void Bridge::set_channel_topic(const Iid& iid, std::string subject) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); std::string::size_type pos{0}; while ((pos = subject.find('\n', pos)) != std::string::npos) subject[pos] = ' '; irc->send_topic_command(iid.get_local(), subject); } void Bridge::send_xmpp_version_to_irc(const Iid& iid, const std::string& name, const std::string& version, const std::string& os) { std::string result(name + " " + version + " " + os); this->send_private_message(iid, "\01VERSION " + result + "\01", "NOTICE"); } void Bridge::send_irc_ping_result(const Iid& iid, const std::string& id) { this->send_private_message(iid, "\01PING " + utils::revstr(id) + "\01", "NOTICE"); } void Bridge::send_irc_user_ping_request(const std::string& irc_hostname, const std::string& nick, const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid, const std::string& from_jid) { Iid iid(nick, irc_hostname, Iid::Type::User); this->send_private_message(iid, "\01PING " + iq_id + "\01"); irc_responder_callback_t cb = [this, nick=utils::tolower(nick), iq_id, to_jid, irc_hostname, from_jid] (const std::string& hostname, const IrcMessage& message) -> bool { if (irc_hostname != hostname || message.arguments.size() < 2) return false; IrcUser user(message.prefix); const std::string body = message.arguments[1]; if (message.command == "NOTICE" && utils::tolower(user.nick) == nick && body.substr(0, 6) == "\01PING ") { const std::string id = body.substr(6, body.size() - 7); if (id != iq_id) return false; this->xmpp.send_iq_result_full_jid(iq_id, to_jid, from_jid); return true; } if (message.command == "401" && message.arguments[1] == nick) { std::string error_message = "No such nick"; if (message.arguments.size() >= 3) error_message = message.arguments[2]; this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, from_jid, iq_id, "cancel", "service-unavailable", error_message, true); return true; } return false; }; this->add_waiting_irc(std::move(cb)); } void Bridge::send_irc_participant_ping_request(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nick, const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid, const std::string& from_jid) { Jid from(to_jid); IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); IrcChannel* chan = irc->get_channel(iid.get_local()); if (!chan->joined || !this->is_resource_in_chan(iid.to_tuple(), from.resource)) { this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, from_jid, iq_id, "cancel", "not-allowed", "", true); return; } if (chan->get_self()->nick != nick && !chan->find_user(nick)) { this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, from_jid, iq_id, "cancel", "item-not-found", "Recipient not in room", true); return; } // The user is in the room, send it a direct PING this->send_irc_user_ping_request(iid.get_server(), nick, iq_id, to_jid, from_jid); } void Bridge::on_gateway_ping(const std::string& irc_hostname, const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid, const std::string& from_jid) { Jid jid(from_jid); if (irc_hostname.empty() || this->find_irc_client(irc_hostname)) this->xmpp.send_iq_result(iq_id, to_jid, jid.local); else this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, from_jid, iq_id, "cancel", "service-unavailable", "", true); } void Bridge::send_irc_invitation(const Iid& iid, const std::string& to) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); Jid to_jid(to); std::string target_nick; // Many ways to address a nick: // A jid (ANY jid…) with a resource if (!to_jid.resource.empty()) target_nick = to_jid.resource; else if (!to_jid.local.empty()) // A jid with a iid with a local part target_nick = Iid(to_jid.local, {}).get_local(); else target_nick = to; // Not a jid, just the nick irc->send_invitation(iid.get_local(), target_nick); } void Bridge::send_irc_version_request(const std::string& irc_hostname, const std::string& target, const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid, const std::string& from_jid) { Iid iid(target, irc_hostname, Iid::Type::User); this->send_private_message(iid, "\01VERSION\01"); // TODO, add a timer to remove that waiting iq if the server does not // respond with a matching command before n seconds irc_responder_callback_t cb = [this, target, iq_id, to_jid, irc_hostname, from_jid] (const std::string& hostname, const IrcMessage& message) -> bool { if (irc_hostname != hostname) return false; IrcUser user(message.prefix); if (message.command == "NOTICE" && utils::tolower(user.nick) == utils::tolower(target) && message.arguments.size() >= 2 && message.arguments[1].substr(0, 9) == "\01VERSION ") { // remove the "\01VERSION " and the "\01" parts from the string const std::string version = message.arguments[1].substr(9, message.arguments[1].size() - 10); this->xmpp.send_version(iq_id, to_jid, from_jid, version); return true; } if (message.command == "401" && message.arguments.size() >= 2 && message.arguments[1] == target) { std::string error_message = "No such nick"; if (message.arguments.size() >= 3) error_message = message.arguments[2]; this->xmpp.send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, from_jid, iq_id, "cancel", "item-not-found", error_message, true); return true; } return false; }; this->add_waiting_irc(std::move(cb)); } void Bridge::send_message(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nick, const std::string& body, const bool muc) { const auto encoding = in_encoding_for(*this, iid); if (muc) { #ifdef USE_DATABASE const auto xmpp_body = this->make_xmpp_body(body, encoding); if (!nick.empty() && this->record_history) Database::store_muc_message(this->get_bare_jid(), iid.get_local(), iid.get_server(), std::chrono::system_clock::now(), std::get<0>(xmpp_body), nick); #endif for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]) { this->xmpp.send_muc_message(std::to_string(iid), nick, this->make_xmpp_body(body, encoding), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, {}); } } else { const auto it = this->preferred_user_from.find(iid.get_local()); if (it != this->preferred_user_from.end()) { const auto chan_name = Iid(Jid(it->second).local, {}).get_local(); for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[ChannelKey{chan_name, iid.get_server()}]) this->xmpp.send_message(it->second, this->make_xmpp_body(body, encoding), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, "chat", true, true); } else { for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_server[iid.get_server()]) this->xmpp.send_message(std::to_string(iid), this->make_xmpp_body(body, encoding), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, "chat", false, true); } } } void Bridge::send_presence_error(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nick, const std::string& type, const std::string& condition, const std::string& error_code, const std::string& text) { this->xmpp.send_presence_error(std::to_string(iid), nick, this->user_jid, type, condition, error_code, text); } void Bridge::send_muc_leave(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nick, const std::string& message, const bool self, const bool user_requested, const std::string& resource) { if (!resource.empty()) this->xmpp.send_muc_leave(std::to_string(iid), nick, this->make_xmpp_body(message), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, self, user_requested); else { for (const auto &res: this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]) this->xmpp.send_muc_leave(std::to_string(iid), nick, this->make_xmpp_body(message), this->user_jid + "/" + res, self, user_requested); if (self) { // Copy the resources currently in that channel const auto resources_in_chan = this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]; this->remove_all_resources_from_chan(iid.to_tuple()); // Now, for each resource that was in that channel, remove it from the server if it’s // not in any other channel for (const auto& r: resources_in_chan) if (this->number_of_channels_the_resource_is_in(iid.get_server(), r) == 0) this->remove_resource_from_server(iid.get_server(), r); } } IrcClient* irc = this->find_irc_client(iid.get_server()); if (self && irc && irc->number_of_joined_channels() == 0) irc->send_quit_command(""); } void Bridge::send_nick_change(Iid&& iid, const std::string& old_nick, const std::string& new_nick, const char user_mode, const bool self) { std::string affiliation; std::string role; std::tie(role, affiliation) = get_role_affiliation_from_irc_mode(user_mode); for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]) this->xmpp.send_nick_change(std::to_string(iid), old_nick, new_nick, affiliation, role, this->user_jid + "/" + resource, self); } void Bridge::send_xmpp_message(const std::string& from, const std::string& author, const std::string& msg) { std::string body; if (!author.empty()) { IrcUser user(author); body = "\u000303" + user.nick + (user.host.empty()? "\u0003: ": (" (\u000310" + user.host + "\u000303)\u0003: ")) + msg; } else body = msg; const auto encoding = in_encoding_for(*this, {from, this}); for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_server[from]) { if (Config::get("fixed_irc_server", "").empty()) this->xmpp.send_message(from, this->make_xmpp_body(body, encoding), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, "chat", false, true); else this->xmpp.send_message("", this->make_xmpp_body(body, encoding), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, "chat", false, true); } } void Bridge::send_user_join(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& chan_name, const IrcUser* user, const char user_mode, const bool self) { const auto resources = this->resources_in_chan[ChannelKey{chan_name, hostname}]; if (self && resources.empty()) { // This was a forced join: no client ever asked to join this room, // but the server tells us we are in that room anyway. XMPP can’t // do that, so we invite all the resources to join that channel. const Iid iid(chan_name, hostname, Iid::Type::Channel); this->send_xmpp_invitation(iid, ""); } else { for (const auto& resource: resources) this->send_user_join(hostname, chan_name, user, user_mode, self, resource); } } void Bridge::send_user_join(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& chan_name, const IrcUser* user, const char user_mode, const bool self, const std::string& resource) { std::string affiliation; std::string role; std::tie(role, affiliation) = get_role_affiliation_from_irc_mode(user_mode); std::string encoded_chan_name(chan_name); xep0106::encode(encoded_chan_name); this->xmpp.send_user_join(encoded_chan_name + utils::empty_if_fixed_server("%" + hostname), user->nick, user->host, affiliation, role, this->user_jid + "/" + resource, self); } void Bridge::send_topic(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& topic, const std::string& who) { for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[ChannelKey{chan_name, hostname}]) { this->send_topic(hostname, chan_name, topic, who, resource); } } void Bridge::send_topic(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& topic, const std::string& who, const std::string& resource) { std::string encoded_chan_name(chan_name); xep0106::encode(encoded_chan_name); const auto encoding = in_encoding_for(*this, {encoded_chan_name, hostname, Iid::Type::Channel}); this->xmpp.send_topic(encoded_chan_name + utils::empty_if_fixed_server( "%" + hostname), this->make_xmpp_body(topic, encoding), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, who); } void Bridge::send_room_history(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& chan_name, const HistoryLimit& history_limit) { for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[ChannelKey{chan_name, hostname}]) this->send_room_history(hostname, chan_name, resource, history_limit); } void Bridge::send_room_history(const std::string& hostname, std::string chan_name, const std::string& resource, const HistoryLimit& history_limit) { #ifdef USE_DATABASE const auto coptions = Database::get_irc_channel_options_with_server_and_global_default(this->user_jid, hostname, chan_name); auto limit = coptions.col<Database::MaxHistoryLength>(); if (history_limit.stanzas >= 0 && history_limit.stanzas < limit) limit = history_limit.stanzas; const auto lines = Database::get_muc_logs(this->user_jid, chan_name, hostname, limit, history_limit.since); chan_name.append(utils::empty_if_fixed_server("%" + hostname)); for (const auto& line: lines) { const auto seconds = line.col<Database::Date>(); this->xmpp.send_history_message(chan_name, line.col<Database::Nick>(), line.col<Database::Body>(), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, seconds); } #else (void)hostname; (void)chan_name; (void)resource; #endif } std::string Bridge::get_own_nick(const Iid& iid) { IrcClient* irc = this->find_irc_client(iid.get_server()); if (irc) return irc->get_own_nick(); return {}; } size_t Bridge::active_clients() const { return this->irc_clients.size(); } void Bridge::kick_muc_user(Iid&& iid, const std::string& target, const std::string& reason, const std::string& author, const bool self) { for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]) this->xmpp.kick_user(std::to_string(iid), target, reason, author, this->user_jid + "/" + resource, self); } void Bridge::send_nickname_conflict_error(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nickname) { for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]) this->xmpp.send_presence_error(std::to_string(iid), nickname, this->user_jid + "/" + resource, "cancel", "conflict", "409", ""); } void Bridge::send_affiliation_role_change(const Iid& iid, const std::string& target, const char mode) { std::string role; std::string affiliation; std::tie(role, affiliation) = get_role_affiliation_from_irc_mode(mode); for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_chan[iid.to_tuple()]) this->xmpp.send_affiliation_role_change(std::to_string(iid), target, affiliation, role, this->user_jid + "/" + resource); } void Bridge::send_iq_version_request(const std::string& nick, const std::string& hostname) { const auto resources = this->resources_in_server[hostname]; if (resources.begin() != resources.end()) this->xmpp.send_iq_version_request(utils::tolower(nick) + utils::empty_if_fixed_server("%" + hostname), this->user_jid + "/" + *resources.begin()); } void Bridge::send_xmpp_ping_request(const std::string& nick, const std::string& hostname, const std::string& id) { // Use revstr because the forwarded ping to target XMPP user must not be // the same as the request iq, but we also need to get it back easily // (revstr again) // Forward to the first resource (arbitrary, based on the “order” of the std::set) only const auto resources = this->resources_in_server[hostname]; if (resources.begin() != resources.end()) this->xmpp.send_ping_request(utils::tolower(nick) + utils::empty_if_fixed_server("%" + hostname), this->user_jid + "/" + *resources.begin(), utils::revstr(id)); } void Bridge::send_xmpp_invitation(const Iid& iid, const std::string& author) { for (const auto& resource: this->resources_in_server[iid.get_server()]) this->xmpp.send_invitation(std::to_string(iid), this->user_jid + "/" + resource, author); } void Bridge::on_irc_client_connected(const std::string& hostname) { this->xmpp.on_irc_client_connected(hostname, this->user_jid); } void Bridge::on_irc_client_disconnected(const std::string& hostname) { this->xmpp.on_irc_client_disconnected(hostname, this->user_jid); } void Bridge::set_preferred_from_jid(const std::string& nick, const std::string& full_jid) { auto it = this->preferred_user_from.find(nick); if (it == this->preferred_user_from.end()) this->preferred_user_from.emplace(nick, full_jid); else this->preferred_user_from[nick] = full_jid; } void Bridge::remove_preferred_from_jid(const std::string& nick) { auto it = this->preferred_user_from.find(nick); if (it != this->preferred_user_from.end()) this->preferred_user_from.erase(it); } void Bridge::remove_all_preferred_from_jid_of_room(const std::string& channel_name) { for (auto it = this->preferred_user_from.begin(); it != this->preferred_user_from.end();) { Iid iid(Jid(it->second).local, {}); if (iid.get_local() == channel_name) it = this->preferred_user_from.erase(it); else ++it; } } void Bridge::add_waiting_irc(irc_responder_callback_t&& callback) { this->waiting_irc.emplace_back(std::move(callback)); } void Bridge::trigger_on_irc_message(const std::string& irc_hostname, const IrcMessage& message) { auto it = this->waiting_irc.begin(); while (it != this->waiting_irc.end()) { if ((*it)(irc_hostname, message) == true) it = this->waiting_irc.erase(it); else ++it; } } std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<IrcClient>>& Bridge::get_irc_clients() { return this->irc_clients; } const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<IrcClient>>& Bridge::get_irc_clients() const { return this->irc_clients; } std::set<char> Bridge::get_chantypes(const std::string& hostname) const { IrcClient* irc = this->find_irc_client(hostname); if (!irc) return {'#', '&'}; return irc->get_chantypes(); } void Bridge::add_resource_to_chan(const Bridge::ChannelKey& channel, const std::string& resource) { auto it = this->resources_in_chan.find(channel); if (it == this->resources_in_chan.end()) this->resources_in_chan[channel] = {resource}; else it->second.insert(resource); } void Bridge::remove_resource_from_chan(const Bridge::ChannelKey& channel, const std::string& resource) { auto it = this->resources_in_chan.find(channel); if (it != this->resources_in_chan.end()) { it->second.erase(resource); if (it->second.empty()) this->resources_in_chan.erase(it); } } bool Bridge::is_resource_in_chan(const Bridge::ChannelKey& channel, const std::string& resource) const { auto it = this->resources_in_chan.find(channel); if (it != this->resources_in_chan.end()) if (it->second.count(resource) == 1) return true; return false; } void Bridge::remove_all_resources_from_chan(const Bridge::ChannelKey& channel) { this->resources_in_chan.erase(channel); } void Bridge::add_resource_to_server(const Bridge::IrcHostname& irc_hostname, const std::string& resource) { auto it = this->resources_in_server.find(irc_hostname); if (it == this->resources_in_server.end()) this->resources_in_server[irc_hostname] = {resource}; else it->second.insert(resource); } void Bridge::remove_resource_from_server(const Bridge::IrcHostname& irc_hostname, const std::string& resource) { auto it = this->resources_in_server.find(irc_hostname); if (it != this->resources_in_server.end()) { it->second.erase(resource); if (it->second.empty()) this->resources_in_server.erase(it); } } bool Bridge::is_resource_in_server(const Bridge::IrcHostname& irc_hostname, const std::string& resource) const { auto it = this->resources_in_server.find(irc_hostname); if (it != this->resources_in_server.end()) if (it->second.count(resource) == 1) return true; return false; } std::size_t Bridge::number_of_resources_in_chan(const Bridge::ChannelKey& channel) const { auto it = this->resources_in_chan.find(channel); if (it == this->resources_in_chan.end()) return 0; return it->second.size(); } std::size_t Bridge::number_of_channels_the_resource_is_in(const std::string& irc_hostname, const std::string& resource) const { std::size_t res = 0; for (auto pair: this->resources_in_chan) { if (std::get<1>(pair.first) == irc_hostname && pair.second.count(resource) != 0) res++; } IrcClient* irc = this->find_irc_client(irc_hostname); if (irc && (irc->get_dummy_channel().joined || irc->get_dummy_channel().joining)) res++; return res; } void Bridge::generate_channel_join_for_resource(const Iid& iid, const std::string& resource) { IrcClient* irc = this->get_irc_client(iid.get_server()); IrcChannel* channel = irc->get_channel(iid.get_local()); const auto self = channel->get_self(); // Send the occupant list for (const auto& user: channel->get_users()) { if (user->nick != self->nick) { this->send_user_join(iid.get_server(), iid.get_encoded_local(), user.get(), user->get_most_significant_mode(irc->get_sorted_user_modes()), false, resource); } } this->send_user_join(iid.get_server(), iid.get_encoded_local(), self, self->get_most_significant_mode(irc->get_sorted_user_modes()), true, resource); this->send_room_history(iid.get_server(), iid.get_local(), resource, irc->history_limit); this->send_topic(iid.get_server(), iid.get_encoded_local(), channel->topic, channel->topic_author, resource); } #ifdef USE_DATABASE void Bridge::set_record_history(const bool val) { this->record_history = val; } #endif