#include <louloulibs.h> #ifdef CARES_FOUND #include <network/dns_socket_handler.hpp> #include <network/dns_handler.hpp> #include <network/poller.hpp> #include <utils/timed_events.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <stdexcept> DNSHandler DNSHandler::instance; using namespace std::string_literals; DNSHandler::DNSHandler(): socket_handlers{}, channel{nullptr} { int ares_error; if ((ares_error = ::ares_library_init(ARES_LIB_INIT_ALL)) != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to initialize c-ares lib: "s + ares_strerror(ares_error)); struct ares_options options = {}; // The default timeout values are way too high options.timeout = 1000; options.tries = 3; if ((ares_error = ::ares_init_options(&this->channel, &options, ARES_OPT_TIMEOUTMS|ARES_OPT_TRIES)) != ARES_SUCCESS) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to initialize c-ares channel: "s + ares_strerror(ares_error)); } ares_channel& DNSHandler::get_channel() { return this->channel; } void DNSHandler::destroy() { this->socket_handlers.clear(); ::ares_destroy(this->channel); ::ares_library_cleanup(); } void DNSHandler::gethostbyname(const std::string& name, ares_host_callback callback, void* data, int family) { if (family == AF_INET) ::ares_gethostbyname(this->channel, name.data(), family, callback, data); else ::ares_gethostbyname(this->channel, name.data(), family, callback, data); } void DNSHandler::watch_dns_sockets(std::shared_ptr<Poller>& poller) { fd_set readers; fd_set writers; FD_ZERO(&readers); FD_ZERO(&writers); int ndfs = ::ares_fds(this->channel, &readers, &writers); // For each existing DNS socket, see if we are still supposed to watch it, // if not then erase it this->socket_handlers.erase( std::remove_if(this->socket_handlers.begin(), this->socket_handlers.end(), [&readers](const auto& dns_socket) { return !FD_ISSET(dns_socket.get_socket(), &readers); }), this->socket_handlers.end()); for (auto i = 0; i < ndfs; ++i) { bool read = FD_ISSET(i, &readers); bool write = FD_ISSET(i, &writers); // Look for the DNSSocketHandler with this fd auto it = std::find_if(this->socket_handlers.begin(), this->socket_handlers.end(), [i](const auto& socket_handler) { return i == socket_handler.get_socket(); }); if (!read && !write) // No need to read or write to it { // If found, erase it and stop watching it because it is not // needed anymore if (it != this->socket_handlers.end()) // The socket destructor removes it from the poller this->socket_handlers.erase(it); } else // We need to write and/or read to it { // If not found, create it because we need to watch it if (it == this->socket_handlers.end()) { this->socket_handlers.emplace(this->socket_handlers.begin(), poller, i); it = this->socket_handlers.begin(); } poller->add_socket_handler(&*it); if (write) poller->watch_send_events(&*it); } } // Cancel previous timer, if any. TimedEventsManager::instance().cancel("DNS timeout"); struct timeval tv; struct timeval* tvp; tvp = ::ares_timeout(this->channel, NULL, &tv); if (tvp) { auto future_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(tvp->tv_sec) + \ std::chrono::microseconds(tvp->tv_usec); TimedEventsManager::instance().add_event(TimedEvent(std::move(future_time), [this]() { for (auto& dns_socket_handler: this->socket_handlers) dns_socket_handler.on_recv(); }, "DNS timeout")); } } #endif /* CARES_FOUND */