============== Dependencies ============== Build and runtime dependencies: Libraries: - crypto++ Sometimes packaged as cryptopp. This library is used to generate MD5 hashes. http://www.cryptopp.com/ - expat Used to parse XML from the XMPP server. http://expat.sourceforge.net/ - libiconv Encoding from anything into UTF-8 http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/ Tools: - A C++11 compiler. - CMake ============== Configure ============== Configure the build system using cmake, there are many solutions to do that, the simplest is to just run % cmake . in the current directory You can also configure many parameters of the build (like personnalize CFLAGS, the install path, choose the compiler, or enabling some options like the POLLER to use), using: % ccmake . In ccmake, first use 'c' to configure the build system, edit the values you need and finaly use 'g' to generate the Makefiles to build the system and quit ccmake. or % cmake -i . and respond to the questions when you are prompted to. You can select the poller used by biboumi, at compile-time, using the POLLER cmake option. Available values are: POLL: use the standard poll(2). This is the default value because it works on all supported plateforms EPOLL: use the Linux-specific epoll(7) Example, configure the poller with cmake: % cmake . -DPOLLER=EPOLL ============== Build ============== - Build the project % make ============= Install ============= - Install the software system-wide # make install