path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-02-11Send a item-not-found error when the “after” value is not in the archivelouiz’
2018-02-10Handle the “after” RSM value to page through resultslouiz’
2018-02-10e2e test that the last uuid is the same as the “last” value in the iq resultlouiz’
2018-02-10Always return the oldest matching messages from MAM, even if no date is setlouiz’
2018-01-30Add the complete='true' attribute only when appropriatelouiz’
2018-01-25Restore the is_one_of variable templatelouiz’
2018-01-25Merge tag '7.2'louiz’
2018-01-25Remove a variable template usagelouiz’
2018-01-18xep-0106 escape the JIDs listed in a disco#items server querylouiz’
2017-12-27Don’t answer to some requests towards MUC participantslouiz’
2017-12-26Include the <fin><set><first/><last/></></> nodes in the MAM iq resultlouiz’
2017-12-26Add a <x muc#user> node on outgoing private MUC messageslouiz’
2017-12-12Only run the unit tests with postgresql if TEST_POSTGRES_URI env var is setlouiz’
2017-12-03Run some of the ci tests against a postgresql docker containerlouiz’
2017-12-02Add postgresql supportlouiz’
2017-11-07Add an e2e test to demonstrate #3304louiz’
2017-11-07Change how we count the number of connected resources to a serverlouiz’
2017-09-09Add the persistent_by_default configuration optionlouiz’
2017-09-06When biboumi is logging into journald, use sd_journal_sendlouiz’
2017-08-30Mark messages from the IRC server as private and no-copylouiz’
2017-08-27Add support for the "history" node on MUC joinlouiz’
2017-08-27In fixed mode, server messages come from biboumi’s hostname directlylouiz’
2017-08-24Add an e2e test to demonstrate bug #3291louiz’
2017-07-21Do not ignore empty values when receiving a data formlouiz’
2017-07-20Add the possibility to invite any external JID to a roomlouiz’
2017-07-20Do not reply with an error when receiving a presence for a user JIDlouiz’
2017-07-20In fixed mode, fix the iid type of the component JIDlouiz’
2017-07-16Add a failing test demonstrating 3277louiz’
2017-07-16Add an e2e test for the IRC server roster presencelouiz’
2017-07-16Send an additional unsubscribed presence when receiving an unsubscribe onelouiz’
2017-07-16Add e2e tests for the (un)subscribe thinglouiz’
2017-07-08Send status code='332' on biboumi or IRC server’s shutdownlouiz’
2017-07-08Send a 110 status code on a QUIT received for ourselflouiz’
2017-07-06Add a global “persistent” optionlouiz’
2017-06-21Remove a useless debug print in the e2e testslouiz’
2017-06-21Disable charybdis’ connection throttlinglouiz’
2017-06-16Add a Record History option in the Channel configuration formlouiz’
2017-06-16Using OptionalBool, add RecordHistoryOptional col into IrcChannelOptions tablelouiz’
2017-06-14Add default values for the database columnslouiz’
2017-06-14Implement our own database ORM, and update the whole code to use itlouiz’
2017-05-23Add a e2e to check that timestamps in MAM requests are correctly handledlouiz’
2017-05-21Remove a few warnings occuring in some build configlouiz’
2017-05-17Redirect welcome NOTICE to their channel, instead of sending a global onelouiz’
2017-05-16Test the default channel list limitlouiz’
2017-05-11Make the IRC channel configuration form available from the MUC configlouiz’
2017-05-08Little fix and cleanup in the channels list codelouiz’
2017-05-05Add an execute_incomplete_hello_adhoc_command e2e testlouiz’
2017-04-30Wrong ifndef, keklouiz’
2017-04-30Add a missing ifnedf BOTAN_FOUNDlouiz’
2017-04-30Make botan’s policy configurable from a filelouiz’