path: root/src/utils/encoding.cpp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-01-13Add missing stdexcept includesFlorent Le Coz
2013-12-15Functions to provide xml-valid stringsFlorent Le Coz
By removing invalid chars, see
2013-11-10Fix the include of the config.hFlorent Le Coz
2013-11-10And actually use the values found by cmakeFlorent Le Coz
2013-11-10Properly detect iconv features to compileFlorent Le Coz
2013-11-09Check UTF-8 encoding, and convert strings to UTF-8Florent Le Coz
Handle conversion errors properly by inserting � instead. Add a binary header to provide portable way to write binary literals (I like them) Also add a test file. ref #2404