path: root/docker
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-09-11Use alpine's botan package in the docker imagelouiz’
2018-06-25Use the botan2 package in the fedora docker imagelouiz’
2018-06-14Remove build packages from docker image by using multistage Dockerfile.Stefan Schwarz
2018-01-26Rename a few CI things to a useful nameslouiz’
2017-12-16Use a specific (0.4.2) pyasn1 version in the debian Dockerfilelouiz’
2017-12-16Update the docker images to enable postgresql, and document themlouiz’
2017-08-19Change docker documentation regarding the database permissionslouiz’
2017-08-01Debian now includes libasan3 instead of 1louiz’
2017-08-01Fix the conf in the alpine docker imagelouiz’
2017-08-01Docker: run the openssl commands as the tester user, for permission issueslouiz’
2017-07-26Aaaand move the biboumi.cfg file for dockerlouiz’
2017-07-25Also move the in that directorylouiz’
2017-07-25Move the Dockerfile inside an alpine subdirectorylouiz’
2017-06-14Remove c-ares from the alpine imagelouiz’
2017-06-14Update the docker images and the gitlab-ci script to use sqlite3louiz’
2017-05-24Add biboumi-test-archlinux and biboumi-debian-packaging Dockerfileslouiz’
2017-04-21Use alpine for the docker image, and simplify the config + run stufflouiz’
2017-04-20Add a e2e test on alpinelouiz’
2017-04-12docker: Run the process using “exec”, to be able to cleanly receive signalslouiz’
2017-04-12Always chown biboumi /var/lib/biboumi when the docker container startslouiz’
2017-03-21Re-add the c-ares lib in the docker test imageslouiz’
2017-03-06Add the gcrypt dependency to the biboumi-test docker imageslouiz’
2017-03-01Don’t wrap the lines in docker/README.mdlouiz’
2017-02-28Use markdown for the docker readmelouiz’
2017-02-28Revert "Split the biboumi dockerfile into two, to be able to disable the cache"louiz’
2017-02-28Split the biboumi dockerfile into two, to be able to disable the cachelouiz’
2017-02-17docker: fix the SECRET->PASSWORD in entrypoint.shlouiz’
2017-02-17docker: Add the XMPP_SERVER_IP option, and document the --network=host usagelouiz’
2017-02-17docker: Properly handle and document the /var/lib/biboumi directorylouiz’
2017-02-17Add a biboumi Dockerfilelouiz’
2017-01-17Refactor and split the Dockerfiles, to build a base without litesqllouiz’
2017-01-06Use udns instead of c-areslouiz’
2017-01-04Add libasan and libubsan in the test docker imageslouiz’
2016-12-24Update the DockerFiles to include openssllouiz’
2016-12-08Fix the locales in the docker test imageslouiz’
2016-12-04In the docker images, use port 1113 for charybdis’ identd connectionlouiz’
2016-11-01Fix the sonar-qube submissionlouiz’
2016-10-31Automate the sonar-qube scanner submission in the ci processlouiz’
2016-10-06Add a coverity job that runs cov-build and submit the archive to coverity.comlouiz’
2016-09-16In the debian docker, install aiodns from source instead of piplouiz’
2016-08-29Add zlib to the debian dockerfile, to build charybdis properlylouiz’
2016-08-28Respond to MAM requests on a channel JIDlouiz’
2016-07-23Refactor the CI file, build many configurationslouiz’
2016-07-03Use latest git of botan in the dockerfileslouiz’
2016-05-23Update the build process to take into account the rst fileslouiz’
2016-05-12ci: Have two builds: on fedora and on debianlouiz’
2016-05-12Add a Dockerfile for biboumi-test-debianlouiz’
2016-04-22Add a Dockerfile to build a biboumi-test imagelouiz’