path: root/docker/biboumi/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-04-21Use alpine for the docker image, and simplify the config + run stufflouiz’
Using env variable directly used by the process, it’s easier than calling sed on the configuration file before we start the process. Also we don’t need to start as root anymore, and it’s a lot cleaner.
2017-04-12docker: Run the process using “exec”, to be able to cleanly receive signalslouiz’
2017-04-12Always chown biboumi /var/lib/biboumi when the docker container startslouiz’
This fixes permission problems when we bind a volume that is not owned by the biboumi user.
2017-02-17docker: fix the SECRET->PASSWORD in entrypoint.shlouiz’
2017-02-17docker: Add the XMPP_SERVER_IP option, and document the --network=host usagelouiz’
2017-02-17Add a biboumi Dockerfilelouiz’