path: root/cmake/Modules/FindLibidn.cmake
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-11-13Improve dependencies checks in the build processFlorent Le Coz
- Rename all Find*.cmake files to uppercase, to make things more consistent, and fix some issues with them (notably the REQUIRED flag) - Rename SYSTEMDDAEMON to SYSTEMD and only use the libsystemd instead of libsystemd-daemon because it's deprecated for a long time now - Provide a WITH_* and WITHOUT_* switch for all optional dependencies - Document things in the INSTALL file
2014-05-30Use pkg-config first to find librariesFlorent Le Coz
2014-02-19Fix a typo in Find* commentsFlorent Le Coz
2013-12-08Provide a JID for IRC users, and add a stringprep dependency for thisFlorent Le Coz