AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-02-16Sort archive messages by date (and only then by id)louiz’
fix #3337 Because apparently the IDs are not always incrementing. We still use them to know the order of two messages that were received at the same second (in this case, the ID will always be incrementing).
2018-02-15Fix the actual_bind versions for integralslouiz’
2018-02-14Fix a memory leak when psql connection failslouiz’
2018-02-13Support the <before/> element in MAM requestslouiz’
2018-02-13Do not forget an early return, to return the correct item-not-found errorlouiz’
2018-02-13Use the same function for both history orderslouiz’
2018-02-11Fix a few warningslouiz’
2018-02-11Send a item-not-found error when the “after” value is not in the archivelouiz’
2018-02-10Handle the “after” RSM value to page through resultslouiz’
2018-02-10e2e test that the last uuid is the same as the “last” value in the iq resultlouiz’
2018-02-10Always return the oldest matching messages from MAM, even if no date is setlouiz’
2018-02-05Add a check for GCC’s and Clang’s minimal versionslouiz’
2018-02-04Fix conversion warnings on 32 bitslouiz’
2018-02-04Fix argument types in declaration of send_history_messagelouiz’
2018-01-30Remove the debug logs from previous commitlouiz’
2018-01-30Add a ifndef USE_DATABASE guard around send_history_messagelouiz’
2018-01-30Add the complete='true' attribute only when appropriatelouiz’
2018-01-29Do not forget the complete='true' attribute in MAM’s result iqlouiz’
2018-01-28Correctly include the database headerlouiz’
2018-01-28And an other conversion warninglouiz’
2018-01-28This should fix the int conversion warning on 32bits archlouiz’
2018-01-26ci: Add Werror and Wno-psabi compiler flagsci-archlouiz’
2018-01-26Add a archlinux-armv7l buildlouiz’
2018-01-26ci: remove some useless template, directly define the jobslouiz’
2018-01-26Rename a few CI things to a useful nameslouiz’
2018-01-25Only support gcc >= 5.0 from now onlouiz’
2018-01-25Restore the is_one_of variable templatelouiz’
2018-01-25Merge tag '7.2'louiz’
2018-01-25Release version 7.27.2louiz’
2018-01-25Merge branch ↵louiz’
'3332-version-7-x-should-work-with-gcc-4-9-as-stated-in-install-file' into 'v7' Compile with gcc 4.9 See merge request louiz/biboumi!22
2018-01-25Remove a variable template usagelouiz’
Because it’s only supported in gcc>=5.0
2018-01-22Merge tag '7.1'louiz’
2018-01-22Release version 7.17.1louiz’
2018-01-22Fix a crash happening when a user cancels a non-existing ad-hoc sessionlouiz’
2018-01-22By the way, start version 8.0louiz’
2018-01-18Remove the now useless .codecov.yml filelouiz’
2018-01-18xep-0106 escape the JIDs listed in a disco#items server querylouiz’
fix #3325
2018-01-17Release version 7.07.0louiz’
2018-01-17By the way, we were on version 7.0~devlouiz’
2018-01-17Use our botan gh#1276 workaround only for botan < 2.4louiz’
fix #3320
2018-01-17Clarify a few things about the dependencieslouiz’
2018-01-14Add a DEBUG_SQL_QUERIES to log info about the executed SQL querieslouiz’
fix #3324
2018-01-14Remove all the ugly database debuglouiz’
2018-01-12Follow log_level even when using journald outputlouiz’
fix #3328
2018-01-12Don’t use codecov anymorelouiz’
2018-01-12Only use sd_journal_* if we really are outputing to journaldlouiz’
We check that the device and inode numbers are actually the same as the JOURNAL_STREAM value, instead of just checking that the value exists. This fixes the logger unit tests
2018-01-10Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'louiz’
Change max line length to more conservative constants See merge request louiz/biboumi!21
2018-01-10Change max line length to more conservative constantsAilin Nemui
2018-01-02Also tabslouiz’
2018-01-02Little fix to the rst formatting in INSTALL and CHANGELOG fileslouiz’