path: root/src/xmpp/biboumi_adhoc_commands.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/xmpp/biboumi_adhoc_commands.cpp')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/xmpp/biboumi_adhoc_commands.cpp b/src/xmpp/biboumi_adhoc_commands.cpp
index 3dbee81..1be38d3 100644
--- a/src/xmpp/biboumi_adhoc_commands.cpp
+++ b/src/xmpp/biboumi_adhoc_commands.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
#include <xmpp/biboumi_adhoc_commands.hpp>
#include <xmpp/biboumi_component.hpp>
#include <bridge/bridge.hpp>
+#include <utils/string.hpp>
+#include <xmpp/jid.hpp>
+#include <biboumi.h>
+#include <database/database.hpp>
+using namespace std::string_literals;
void DisconnectUserStep1(XmppComponent* xmpp_component, AdhocSession&, XmlNode& command_node)
@@ -97,3 +107,90 @@ void DisconnectUserStep2(XmppComponent* xmpp_component, AdhocSession& session, X
+void ConfigureIrcServerStep1(XmppComponent* xmpp_component, AdhocSession& session, XmlNode& command_node)
+ auto biboumi_component = static_cast<BiboumiComponent*>(xmpp_component);
+ const Jid owner(session.get_owner_jid());
+ const Jid target(session.get_target_jid());
+ auto options = Database::get_irc_server_options(owner.local + "@" + owner.domain,
+ target.local);
+ XmlNode x("jabber:x:data:x");
+ x["type"] = "form";
+ XmlNode title("title");
+ title.set_inner("Configure the IRC server "s + target.local);
+ x.add_child(std::move(title));
+ XmlNode instructions("instructions");
+ instructions.set_inner("Edit the form, to configure the settings of the IRC server "s + target.local);
+ x.add_child(std::move(instructions));
+ XmlNode require_tls("field");
+ require_tls["var"] = "require_tls";
+ require_tls["type"] = "boolean";
+ require_tls["label"] = "Require TLS (refuse to connect insecurely)";
+ XmlNode require_tls_value("value");
+ require_tls_value.set_inner(options.requireTls ? "true": "false");
+ require_tls.add_child(std::move(require_tls_value));
+ XmlNode required("required");
+ require_tls.add_child(required);
+ x.add_child(std::move(require_tls));
+ XmlNode pass("field");
+ pass["var"] = "pass";
+ pass["type"] = "text-private";
+ pass["label"] = "Server password (to be used in a PASS command when connecting)";
+ if (!options.pass.value().empty())
+ {
+ XmlNode pass_value("value");
+ pass_value.set_inner(options.pass.value());
+ pass.add_child(std::move(pass_value));
+ }
+ pass.add_child(required);
+ x.add_child(std::move(pass));
+ command_node.add_child(std::move(x));
+void ConfigureIrcServerStep2(XmppComponent* xmpp_component, AdhocSession& session, XmlNode& command_node)
+ auto biboumi_component = static_cast<BiboumiComponent*>(xmpp_component);
+ const XmlNode* x = command_node.get_child("x", "jabber:x:data");
+ if (x)
+ {
+ const Jid owner(session.get_owner_jid());
+ const Jid target(session.get_target_jid());
+ auto options = Database::get_irc_server_options(owner.local + "@" + owner.domain,
+ target.local);
+ for (const XmlNode* field: x->get_children("field", "jabber:x:data"))
+ {
+ const XmlNode* value = field->get_child("value", "jabber:x:data");
+ if (field->get_tag("var") == "require_tls" &&
+ value && !value->get_inner().empty())
+ options.requireTls = to_bool(value->get_inner());
+ else if (field->get_tag("var") == "pass" &&
+ value && !value->get_inner().empty())
+ options.pass = value->get_inner();
+ }
+ options.update();
+ command_node.delete_all_children();
+ XmlNode note("note");
+ note["type"] = "info";
+ note.set_inner("Configuration successfully applied.");
+ command_node.add_child(std::move(note));
+ return;
+ }
+ XmlNode error(ADHOC_NS":error");
+ error["type"] = "modify";
+ XmlNode condition(STANZA_NS":bad-request");
+ error.add_child(std::move(condition));
+ command_node.add_child(std::move(error));
+ session.terminate();
+#endif // USE_DATABASE